Guide to Ivan Cheese Build
First Steps
- Hire Ivan.
- AUTO-5 shotgun (Sector H9, Flea town market, Buy it form trader).
- Level up Ivan.
- Take perk Breach And Clear (Strength, Tier 1. Gain Free Move after making grenade or shotgun attacks).
Now Ivan can shoot to the head with shotgun (cost 3 AP and ~90% kill). After shotgun shot he gains free move (4 tiles) and can run to another enemy. Also if Ivan killed enemy he gains back 3 AP.
Mid Levels
- Take perk Fast Runner (Agility, Tier 1, Free Move range increased when unarmored or lightly armored).
- Equip light armor.
Now Ivan can free move for 7 tiles shot and gain another 7 free moves.
High Level
Best perks for high level:
- Shock Assault (Strength, Tier 2, 30% extra crit chance for point-blank attacks).
- Total Concentration (Agility, Tier 3, Attacks deal 30% more damage after a kill until you miss).
- Anatomical Precision (Agility, Tier 3, Deal 50% more crit damage).
At this point Ivan will be 9 level. You still have one level.
On 10 Level you can take what ever you want.
I prefer:
- Frogleaping (Agility, Tier 2, Increased Free Move range when starting a turn behind cover.)
- or
- Line Breaker (Strength, Tier 3, Become Inspired after a point-blank range kill.)
- or
- Lucky Streak (Agility, Tier 3, Become Inspired (free lump sum AP) when hitting two crit shots in one turn.)
Ivan have ~14 AP with AUTO-5 rifle 3 AP shot cost and after shoot gains 7 AP free move and after killing enemy Ivan gains 3 AP. Move, Shoot, Kill, Move, Shoot, Kill…
- Ivan run close to enemy (free move) makes point-blank attack to head 3 AP (90% kill) gains free move and (if killed enemy) 3 AP.
- Repeat step 1.
Best second weapon
Confidante unique rifle (You can get it at starting isle. After rescue Herman. Remain silent)
If you are low on 12. Ga ammo, you can craft it.
My practice:
- I have finished lone-wolf with this tactics and killed Major with all enemies in few turns.
- First turn, use combat stim, hide and take cover with 9 AP left.
- Second turn you have 14(base) + 5(from cover) + 3(combat stim) + 4(inspire) AP total 26 AP.
- With 26 AP you can reload 8 times and shoot 24 times (if each shoot is a kill you can kill 24 enemies in one turn).
You probably forgot, but tier 2-3 skills have requirements, it is not pssible to get all skills which you suggest.