In this Jagged Alliance 3 game guide, you will find a table with the perks / traits / talents of legendary mercenaries.
Talents | Merc | Description |
Anything You Can Do | Buns | Gain accuracy bonus against targets hit by an ally this turn. |
Boutique Explosives | Barry | Produces 2 shaped charges every 168 hours. Can craft shaped charges with the explosives operation in sat view. |
Dance for Me | Tex | Ranged attack against each enemy in a cone, targeting their legs. Applies overwatch in the are afterwards. |
Double Toss | Fidel | Throw two grenades at the same time. |
Eagle Eye | Scope | Pin down applies exposed to the target. Pin down minimum AP cost is reduced to 1 AP. Scope also makes biscuits. |
Elbow Grease | Vicki | Repairs equipped weapons, armor, and items automatically over time. Deals +7 damage and has +15% crit chance with fully modified firearms. |
Exploding Palm | Dr. Q | An unarmed attack that inflicts unconscious. |
Eyes on the Back | Omryn | Set an overwatch in a circular area. Can’t be used with machine guns. |
Find My Feet | MD | Can become inspired and increase the teams morale during combat. |
Fleeting Shadow | Shadow | Can sneak while standing. Gains 10 grit on successful stealth kills. |
Flying Daggers | Blood | Move to another position, throwing knives at nearby enemies while moving. |
Glory Hog | Pierre | Machete charge that doesn’t require a straight line path and grants 15 grit. |
Grim Fate | Reaper | Ranged attack that automatically causes a crit. When the attack kills an enemy, other nearby enemies will panic. |
Hard Feelings | Meltdown | Last enemy to attack Meltdown is marked by vengeance. |
Have at Ye | Red | When activated, Red retaliates with grenades when hit during the enemy turn. |
Heavy Duty | Fauda | Gains 8 grit per enemy when hitting multiple enemies at once. Improves the effect of the ironclad perk to full free move with cumbersome gear and after packing up a machine gun. |
Ice Storm | Ice | Fire several targeted shots at the legs, groin, torso, hands, and head of the target. |
Inevitable Strike | Kalyna | Ranged attack that bypasses damage reduction from armor. |
Inside Dope | Livewire | Reveals all enemies if you have sector intel. |
Jack of All Trades | Wolf | All operations that Wolf undertakes are completed approximately 33% faster. |
Light Footed | Mouse | Ignore enemy overwatch areas when moving. |
Nailed It | Nails | Gains bloodthirst after first kill in combat. |
Natures Bounty | Thor | Produce 1 herbal medicine every 48 hours. |
Off the Hip | Grizzly | Machine gun attack that does not suffer increased accuracy penalties if firing without setup. |
On My Lead | Len | All teammates attack the selected target if they are in the range and have clear line of fire. |
Reckless Rush | Smiley | Make a longer run and gun firing more shots. Smiley loses energy after each use. Requires an SMG equipped. |
Second Story Man | Magic | Gains 50% crit chance with attacks from high ground. |
Shoulder to Shoulder | Scully | Ending a turn adjacent to an ally grants 15 grit to both Scully and the ally. |
Smarter not Harder | Hitman | Gains focused each turn. |
Smug Operator | Sidney | Gains smug at the start of combat. |
Steroid Smash | Steroid | Unarmed attack sending target flying and inflicting collateral damage to the nearby objects. Accuracy based on strength instead of dexterity. |
Striking Looks | Fox | When Fox opens combat enemies become surprised instead of aware. Retains AP from the opening attack. |
Tag Team | Raider | Bonus accuracy against enemies within overwatch area of an ally. |
Tango Down | Gus | Once per turn. Grants 10 grit to everyone in the squad after Gus kills an enemy. |
Top Spotter | Raven | Setting up Overwatch applies marked to enemies in the overwatch area. |
Uberraschung | Grunty | Attacks the closest enemy with a firearm when combat starts, if possible. Can’t be used with heavy weapons. |
Vashe Zdorovye! | Igor | Take a swig to gain 25 grit and significant bonus to melee damage at the cost of decreased accuracy with the ranged attacks. |
Traits | Description |
Ambidextrous | Reduced accuracy penalty when dual-wielding firarms. |
Auto Weapons | Reduced accuracy penalty when using burst fire or full auto. |
Claustrophobic | Morale decrease when starting combat in underground sectors. |
CQC Training | Accuracy bonus when attacking at short range (degrades with distance). |
Hand to Hand | Make interrupt melee attack when enemy in melee range attacks or tries to move away during the enemy turn. |
Heavy Weapons | Attacks and setup with heavy weapons and machine guns have reduced AP cost. |
Loner | Become inspired when there are no teamates in your vicinity at turn start. |
Martial Arts | Improved accuracy with melee attacks. Improved defense against melee attacks. |
Mr. Fixit | Major bonus to disarm traps, hack devices, and pick locks checks. Unjamming weapons costs 1 AP. |
Negotiator | Reduced prices for sector operations and boat travel. Additional conversation options. |
Night Ops | Reduced penalties to accuracy when at night and in underground sectors. |
Old Dog | Cannot increase stats naturally or from the training operation. Reading magazines still increases stats. Grant 10% extra XP for the squad (Does not stack). |
Optimist | Small chance to prevent a team morale loss. |
Pessimist | Small chance to prevent team morale gain. |
Psycho | Can decide to use a more vicious attack than the one selected. Additional converstation options. |
Scoundrel | First weapon swap for the turn is free. Additional conversation options. |
Spiritual | Guaranteed minimal accuracy with hopeless attacks. |
Stealthy | Harder to spot by enemies while sneaking. Slightly increased chance for stealth kills. |
Teaching | Faster completion of train militia and training operations. Grant 10% extra XP to the squad (does not stack). |
Throwing | Extended range of all thrown weapons. Dramatically reduced AP cost for first knife or grenade throw each turn. |
Zoophobic | Loses morale when attacked by an animal. |
Perks | Description | Requirements |
Ambusher | Gain slightly increased chance for extra stealth kills while sneaking. Enemies surving from stealth kills are suppressed. | 80 DEX |
Anatomical Precision | Deal 50% more crit damage. | 90 AGI |
Arterial Shot | No damage penalty for arms and legs shots. | 70 WIS |
Assassination | Increased chance for stealth kills for attacks with 3+ aim levels made while sneaking. | 90 DEX |
Battle Focus | Gain 2 AP when hit by an enemy for the first time. Ends at the end of combat. | 90 HP |
Beefed Up | Max HP increased by 20%. | 70 HP |
Breach and Clear | Gain free move after throwing grenades or making shotgun attacks. | 70 STR |
Calm under Fire | At the end of your turn, transfer up to 3 unused AP to the next turn. Gain 5 Grit per AP transfered. | 90 HP |
Collateral Damage | Deal 15% extra damage against enemies behind cover with heavy weapons and machine guns. Deal 30% damage to objects with heavy weapons and machine guns. | 90 STR |
Deadeye | Gain 5% extra crit chance per aim. | 70 DEX |
Dire Warning | When Morale is high or very high, gain 15% chance to cause panic with each attack that deals damage. | 80 WIS |
Distracting Shot | Removes overwatch and pin down. Doesn’t provoke interrupt attacks. | 70 WIS |
Fast Runner | Increased free move range when wearing light or not wearing any armor. | 70 AGI |
Fire Routine | Become inspired after you land 2 hits while in overwatch. | 80 DEX |
Flanker | Deal 15% more damage against flanked enemies. | 70 AGI |
Frogleaping | Increased free move range when starting your turn in cover | 80 AGI |
Full Body Contact | Gain 15 grit on a successful melee attack. | 70 HP |
Hit and Run | Gain a free move after making a melee attack. | 70 AGI |
Hit the Deck | Switching to Prone is free. Additional 20% damage reduction from explosives when prone. | 70 HP |
Hold Position | 41% Damage reduction while using Overwatch or Pin Down (Based on Health). | 90 HP |
Inspiring Strike | Increases morale when you deal more than 50 damage with a single attack. Once per turn. | 80 WIS |
Ironclad | Retain half of your free move range while wearing cumbersome armor. | 80 STR |
Killzone | Make a bonus attack when making an interrupt attack. | 90 DEX |
Killing Spree | Subsequent melee attacks against different targets during the same turn deal 40% extra damage (Based on strength). | 70 STR |
Lightning Reactions | Dodge the first successful enemy attack by falling prone. Once per combat. | 80 AGi |
Line Breaker | Become inspired after a kill in point-blank range. | 90 STR |
Lucky Streak | Become inspired when you make 2 crits in the same turn. | 90 AGI |
Opportunistic Killer | Enables crits with interrupt attacks. Automatic reload if overwatch was used last turn. | 70 DEX |
Painkiller | Grant 12 amount of grit to ally when using bandage on them (Based on medical). | 90 WIS |
Rage | Deal 10% damage per wound. Capped at 50% health. | 80 HP |
Reactive Fire | Make an interrupt attack with firearms when an enemy attack misses you during the enmy turn (chance is based on an opposed dexterity check). Will not trigger while taking cover. | 80 DEX |
Revenge | Make an interrrupt attack with firearms when taking significant damage during the enemy turn (chance is based on health). Will not trigger while taking cover. | 80 HP |
Recoil Management | Subsequent attacks against target get an even higher accuracy bonus. | 70 STR |
Savior | Restore 20% more HP when using bandage. Gain free move when using bandage on an ally. | 70 WIS |
Sharpshooter | Gain 2 possible aims with your first attack each turn. Deal 30% extra damage with your first attack each turn (based on marksmanship). | 90 DEX |
Shock and Awe | High morale when starting combat. Deal 10% extra damage when morale is high or very high. | 90 WIS |
Shock Assault | Gain 30% extra Crit chance with melee weapons and firearms in point-blank range. | 80 STR |
Squad Leadership | Increase Morale when you deal more than 50 damage with single attack. Once per turn. | 80 WIS |
Stress Management | Become inspired after suffering a negative effect for the first time in combat. | 80 WIS |
Sudden Strike | Does not trigger interrupt attacks while making melee attacks. Cancel overwatch and pin down with successful melee attacks. | 80 STR |
Trick Shot | Leg shot apply knocked down. Arm shots apply numbness. Groin shots apply exposed. | 90 WIS |
Total Concentration | Attacks deal 30% more Damage after a kill. Ends when you miss or at the end of combat. | 90 AGI |
True Strike | Successful melee attacks are crits and apply marked to the target. | 90 STR |
Untraceable | Slower enemy detection while sneaking. Failed stealth kills deal 20% more damage. | 70 DEX |
Vanguard | Gain 15 grit when you end your turn out of cover. Gain 15 grit when you end your turn adjacent to an enemy. | 80 HP |
Vantage Point | Better accuracty when shooting from high ground. Cheaper AP cost when climbing up and down ladders. | 80 AGI |
Warning Fire | When morale is high or very high, gain 15% chance to cause panic with each attack. | 80 WIS |
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