Jagged Alliance 3 – Talents / Traits / Perks of Legendary Mercenaries

In this Jagged Alliance 3 game guide, you will find a table with the perks / traits / talents of legendary mercenaries.


Anything You Can DoBunsGain accuracy bonus against targets hit by an ally this turn.
Boutique ExplosivesBarryProduces 2 shaped charges every 168 hours. Can craft shaped charges with the explosives operation in sat view.
Dance for MeTexRanged attack against each enemy in a cone, targeting their legs. Applies overwatch in the are afterwards.
Double TossFidelThrow two grenades at the same time.
Eagle EyeScopePin down applies exposed to the target. Pin down minimum AP cost is reduced to 1 AP. Scope also makes biscuits.
Elbow GreaseVickiRepairs equipped weapons, armor, and items automatically over time. Deals +7 damage and has +15% crit chance with fully modified firearms.
Exploding PalmDr. QAn unarmed attack that inflicts unconscious.
Eyes on the BackOmrynSet an overwatch in a circular area. Can’t be used with machine guns.
Find My FeetMDCan become inspired and increase the teams morale during combat.
Fleeting ShadowShadowCan sneak while standing. Gains 10 grit on successful stealth kills.
Flying DaggersBloodMove to another position, throwing knives at nearby enemies while moving.
Glory HogPierreMachete charge that doesn’t require a straight line path and grants 15 grit.
Grim FateReaperRanged attack that automatically causes a crit. When the attack kills an enemy, other nearby enemies will panic.
Hard FeelingsMeltdownLast enemy to attack Meltdown is marked by vengeance.
Have at YeRedWhen activated, Red retaliates with grenades when hit during the enemy turn.
Heavy DutyFaudaGains 8 grit per enemy when hitting multiple enemies at once. Improves the effect of the ironclad perk to full free move with cumbersome gear and after packing up a machine gun.
Ice StormIceFire several targeted shots at the legs, groin, torso, hands, and head of the target.
Inevitable StrikeKalynaRanged attack that bypasses damage reduction from armor.
Inside DopeLivewireReveals all enemies if you have sector intel.
Jack of All TradesWolfAll operations that Wolf undertakes are completed approximately 33% faster.
Light FootedMouseIgnore enemy overwatch areas when moving.
Nailed ItNailsGains bloodthirst after first kill in combat.
Natures BountyThorProduce 1 herbal medicine every 48 hours.
Off the HipGrizzlyMachine gun attack that does not suffer increased accuracy penalties if firing without setup.
On My LeadLenAll teammates attack the selected target if they are in the range and have clear line of fire.
Reckless RushSmileyMake a longer run and gun firing more shots. Smiley loses energy after each use. Requires an SMG equipped.
Second Story ManMagicGains 50% crit chance with attacks from high ground.
Shoulder to ShoulderScullyEnding a turn adjacent to an ally grants 15 grit to both Scully and the ally.
Smarter not HarderHitmanGains focused each turn.
Smug OperatorSidneyGains smug at the start of combat.
Steroid SmashSteroidUnarmed attack sending target flying and inflicting collateral damage to the nearby objects. Accuracy based on strength instead of dexterity.
Striking LooksFoxWhen Fox opens combat enemies become surprised instead of aware. Retains AP from the opening attack.
Tag TeamRaiderBonus accuracy against enemies within overwatch area of an ally.
Tango DownGusOnce per turn. Grants 10 grit to everyone in the squad after Gus kills an enemy.
Top SpotterRavenSetting up Overwatch applies marked to enemies in the overwatch area.
UberraschungGruntyAttacks the closest enemy with a firearm when combat starts, if possible. Can’t be used with heavy weapons.
Vashe Zdorovye!IgorTake a swig to gain 25 grit and significant bonus to melee damage at the cost of decreased accuracy with the ranged attacks.


AmbidextrousReduced accuracy penalty when dual-wielding firarms.
Auto WeaponsReduced accuracy penalty when using burst fire or full auto.
ClaustrophobicMorale decrease when starting combat in underground sectors.
CQC TrainingAccuracy bonus when attacking at short range (degrades with distance).
Hand to HandMake interrupt melee attack when enemy in melee range attacks or tries to move away during the enemy turn.
Heavy WeaponsAttacks and setup with heavy weapons and machine guns have reduced AP cost.
LonerBecome inspired when there are no teamates in your vicinity at turn start.
Martial ArtsImproved accuracy with melee attacks. Improved defense against melee attacks.
Mr. FixitMajor bonus to disarm traps, hack devices, and pick locks checks. Unjamming weapons costs 1 AP.
NegotiatorReduced prices for sector operations and boat travel. Additional conversation options.
Night OpsReduced penalties to accuracy when at night and in underground sectors.
Old DogCannot increase stats naturally or from the training operation. Reading magazines still increases stats. Grant 10% extra XP for the squad (Does not stack).
OptimistSmall chance to prevent a team morale loss.
PessimistSmall chance to prevent team morale gain.
PsychoCan decide to use a more vicious attack than the one selected. Additional converstation options.
ScoundrelFirst weapon swap for the turn is free. Additional conversation options.
SpiritualGuaranteed minimal accuracy with hopeless attacks.
StealthyHarder to spot by enemies while sneaking. Slightly increased chance for stealth kills.
TeachingFaster completion of train militia and training operations. Grant 10% extra XP to the squad (does not stack).
ThrowingExtended range of all thrown weapons. Dramatically reduced AP cost for first knife or grenade throw each turn.
ZoophobicLoses morale when attacked by an animal.


AmbusherGain slightly increased chance for extra stealth kills while sneaking. Enemies surving from stealth kills are suppressed.80 DEX
Anatomical PrecisionDeal 50% more crit damage.90 AGI
Arterial ShotNo damage penalty for arms and legs shots.70 WIS
AssassinationIncreased chance for stealth kills for attacks with 3+ aim levels made while sneaking.90 DEX
Battle FocusGain 2 AP when hit by an enemy for the first time. Ends at the end of combat.90 HP
Beefed UpMax HP increased by 20%.70 HP
Breach and ClearGain free move after throwing grenades or making shotgun attacks.70 STR
Calm under FireAt the end of your turn, transfer up to 3 unused AP to the next turn. Gain 5 Grit per AP transfered.90 HP
Collateral DamageDeal 15% extra damage against enemies behind cover with heavy weapons and machine guns. Deal 30% damage to objects with heavy weapons and machine guns.90 STR
DeadeyeGain 5% extra crit chance per aim.70 DEX
Dire WarningWhen Morale is high or very high, gain 15% chance to cause panic with each attack that deals damage.80 WIS
Distracting ShotRemoves overwatch and pin down. Doesn’t provoke interrupt attacks.70 WIS
Fast RunnerIncreased free move range when wearing light or not wearing any armor.70 AGI
Fire RoutineBecome inspired after you land 2 hits while in overwatch.80 DEX
FlankerDeal 15% more damage against flanked enemies.70 AGI
FrogleapingIncreased free move range when starting your turn in cover80 AGI
Full Body ContactGain 15 grit on a successful melee attack.70 HP
Hit and RunGain a free move after making a melee attack.70 AGI
Hit the DeckSwitching to Prone is free. Additional 20% damage reduction from explosives when prone.70 HP
Hold Position41% Damage reduction while using Overwatch or Pin Down (Based on Health).90 HP
Inspiring StrikeIncreases morale when you deal more than 50 damage with a single attack. Once per turn.80 WIS
IroncladRetain half of your free move range while wearing cumbersome armor.80 STR
KillzoneMake a bonus attack when making an interrupt attack.90 DEX
Killing SpreeSubsequent melee attacks against different targets during the same turn deal 40% extra damage (Based on strength).70 STR
Lightning ReactionsDodge the first successful enemy attack by falling prone. Once per combat.80 AGi
Line BreakerBecome inspired after a kill in point-blank range.90 STR
Lucky StreakBecome inspired when you make 2 crits in the same turn.90 AGI
Opportunistic KillerEnables crits with interrupt attacks. Automatic reload if overwatch was used last turn.70 DEX
PainkillerGrant 12 amount of grit to ally when using bandage on them (Based on medical).90 WIS
RageDeal 10% damage per wound. Capped at 50% health.80 HP
Reactive FireMake an interrupt attack with firearms when an enemy attack misses you during the enmy turn (chance is based on an opposed dexterity check). Will not trigger while taking cover.80 DEX
RevengeMake an interrrupt attack with firearms when taking significant damage during the enemy turn (chance is based on health). Will not trigger while taking cover.80 HP
Recoil ManagementSubsequent attacks against target get an even higher accuracy bonus.70 STR
SaviorRestore 20% more HP when using bandage. Gain free move when using bandage on an ally.70 WIS
SharpshooterGain 2 possible aims with your first attack each turn. Deal 30% extra damage with your first attack each turn (based on marksmanship).90 DEX
Shock and AweHigh morale when starting combat. Deal 10% extra damage when morale is high or very high.90 WIS
Shock AssaultGain 30% extra Crit chance with melee weapons and firearms in point-blank range.80 STR
Squad LeadershipIncrease Morale when you deal more than 50 damage with single attack. Once per turn.80 WIS
Stress ManagementBecome inspired after suffering a negative effect for the first time in combat.80 WIS
Sudden StrikeDoes not trigger interrupt attacks while making melee attacks. Cancel overwatch and pin down with successful melee attacks.80 STR
Trick ShotLeg shot apply knocked down. Arm shots apply numbness. Groin shots apply exposed.90 WIS
Total ConcentrationAttacks deal 30% more Damage after a kill. Ends when you miss or at the end of combat.90 AGI
True StrikeSuccessful melee attacks are crits and apply marked to the target.90 STR
UntraceableSlower enemy detection while sneaking. Failed stealth kills deal 20% more damage.70 DEX
VanguardGain 15 grit when you end your turn out of cover. Gain 15 grit when you end your turn adjacent to an enemy.80 HP
Vantage PointBetter accuracty when shooting from high ground. Cheaper AP cost when climbing up and down ladders.80 AGI
Warning FireWhen morale is high or very high, gain 15% chance to cause panic with each attack.80 WIS
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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