GPU usage capped at 100%? Fear no more.
Guide to Fix GPU Usage
If you’re like me, noticed a weird smell in the room, opened your Task Manager and saw this: 100% GPU…
…then hopefully this guide should be able to help you get rid of that situation.
The GPU I’m using is NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB.
How to Fix
What I did was:
- Go to the NVIDIA Control Panel.
- Go to 3D settings, select Program Settings.
- Select the game.
Scroll down to Max Frame Rate, set it to 58 FPS (60 Hz monitor, so I’m going for 2 FPS below the cap, set your own FPS based on your own monitor’s refresh rate / preference).
Now my GPU usage is mainly around 40-60%, it sometimes jumps to about 80-95%, but not that often.
Compared to the previous constant 100%, this is not that bad.
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