Leaf Blower Revolution – Idle Game – Full Walkthrough + Achievements

A Easy 100% Achievement Guide + Step By Step Walkthrough (in progress writing as I do it).

Stage 1: Walkthrough

Tip – to save your game go to the cog top left of the screen click it then press save and exit.

1) Start the game collect some leaves with your hands then buy a rake from the tool shop for 500 leaves Don’t buy anything else. (Bottom left of screen image 1 below circled). Rake the leaves (it’s quicker than your hands). You will see pink / red gems top right of your screen DO NOT SPEND THEM. You get 1 as a reward on the cup circled above for every challenge there. You want to wait till you have 150 then go to the gems shop and purchase prestige x 3.

2) Start by purchasing more trees from the leaf shop (green leaf to the right of the tool shop bottom left of screen). Then purchase Fertilizer and well everything on there (image 1 below).

3) You may have noticed that after purchasing GOLD LEAVES in the leaf shop you can collect them and this then opens up something else (PLATINUM LEAVES – But you won’t be able to collect any). This is how the game works open 1 to open another. All this bit is is the tutorial basically. Purchase everything in the gold shop to. Leave portal is important (it is coins / prestige) as is the leaf combo + multiplier.

4) Once you have purchased everything in the leaf shop and the gold shop (all bottom left of your screen). You need use the leaf portal / prestige (circled image 1 below) I suggest waiting till you have over 3K. When you do use the prestige it will give you coins top right of your screen and a coin shop bottom left of your screen. Now the game actually begins. I suggest purchasing (with coins) the following items (Image 2 below).

Stage 2: Walkthrough

Note you will now get 10 gems a day for going on the game remember to save these till you have 150 then go to the gems shop (top left of the screen) and purchase 3x prestige.

1) Purchase every thing in the leaf shop (when you have 500 gold leaves go to the tool shop and purchase the leaf blower it has a question mark it won’t tell you it’s a leaf blower).

2) Purchase every thing in the gold shop (Max combo + Max multipliers can still get upgraded while doing the list below)

3) Use the areas button (circled image 1 below) and transport to neighbours yard. Here you can collect platinum leaves.

4) Purchase every thing in the platinum shop. This unlocks bismuth leaves but we can’t get any here.

5) Now we start the converters bottom left of your screen image 1 below. Press start on all the shops you’ve all ready purchased everything in image 2 below. This will convert everything into bismuth leaves of which you will then purchase everything in the bismuth shop. Once everything in the bismuth shop is bought start the converter for the cosmic leaves. Continue on until you unlock flasks. Do the same with flasks but when you have 25k of orange flasks go to the area button (looks like a sign post) bottom left of your screen and open that area up.

6) Leave the game for a few days just go on once a day to collect your free gems and blow a few leaves, We want to accumulate a large amount of prestige / coins about 100k (while doing this step you will have 150 gems to purchase 3x prestige so it will go up fast) for the next stage. We will also want to get gems to purchase the items circled in image 1 below at some later point.

Stage 3: Walkthrough

Now you have a 100k of prestige / coins we need to build BLC. So do a prestige again bottom left of screen click confirm.

1) When the game starts go to areas and purchase the 3 for coins 1 is 10 coins and 1 500 coins and 1 is 2.3k image 1 below). Also click on the coin shop bottom left of screen and purchase the following items image 2 below. Then go to the tool shop and purchase an airplane turbine for 500 platinum leaves it’s all you need for now.

2) Now we farm. Go to area’s and teleport to the void here we can collect all leaves. Purchase everything in all the leaf shops as before. Your leaf count will go up a lot faster again. When you have purchased everything in all the leaf shops we are going to use the converter to convert all leaves to red flasks image 1 below.

3) Here we purchase everything in red flasks (red science image 1 below) then we do the same with green flasks (green science) then blue flasks (blue science) then magenta flasks (magenta science) until ALL FLASKS + BLC science + BLC+++ is unlocked and your BLC Coins gets to 1 million. To help speed this along you can leave the game running while at work or in bed asleep.

4) When you open black flasks (black science) you will see you can buy the big leaf crunch + BLC science (image 1 below). This BLC science now also needs to be purchased in the other flask shops too which then opens up BLC+++ your BLC Coins needs to be 1 million minimum before we do the Big Leaf Crunch. To help speed this along you can leave the game running while at work or in bed asleep.

5) You will notice in area (sign post bottom left of screen) that one is available for 25k strange flasks (opened after black flasks) so when you can open that and teleport there. Here it opens up the exotic shop where you can buy Celestial leaves + more BLC (image 1 below). You will also get a farming shop when you purchase the licence from the exotic shop it produces more leaves.

Go to converters switch off all flasks apart from the red ones upgrade the BLC to 10 out of 10 then start the converter for the next flask repeat till it’s open in all flask shops. Then repeat for BLC+++

Also don’t forget when you have 250 gems go to the gem shop and purchase BLC x3 then 150 gems buy converters output +300%. You can also buy a shovel from the tool shop to dig for hidden treasure just go to tool shop and click shovels at the bottom of the screen equip the shovel and do some digging.

By now you should have 15 out of 24 achievements. We will do the Big Leaf Crunch when we have 1 million BLC as we need to open an area for 1 million BLC coins.

Stage 4: Walkthrough

1) The Big Leaf Crunch. When we have 1 million BLC (I had 2 million) and yes that will take a while to get we press the button (image 1 below) and you get an achievement (that’s 16 out of 24).

2) Now we have to start all over again but this time with Prestige and BLC coins. The prestige do as soon as the game starts as you need to unlock areas again this time also buy auto upgrade tress , fertilizer, albs etc as this does everything for you (switch the sign from off to on) you can buy printers for coins (prestige). Then purchase the new area for 1 million BLC coins and go there keep farming so you can get all leaves and keep upgrading everything as we did in stages 1 to 3. DON’T do the leave crunch again till we have at least 60 million (open next area + pets + buy at least 2 pets) or 80 million if you want to unlock unique leaves too. The Upgrades below I would say are a must especially the top 4 of image 1 below. At some point we are going to want to buy the items in image 2 below especially the pets. The exotic leave shop will continue to open new leaves (image 3 below) to buy and the game will be faster yet again. You will also unlock challenges image 4 below circled to get extra rewards.

Stage 5: Walkthrough + Unique Leaves

1) As you’ve guessed repeat stages 1 to 4 doing stage 4 at 600 million 500 million to open the next area plus extras to purchase more upgrades. You will be doing this constantly through the game but your leaves + upgrades will make the game go quicker each time.

2) Continuously do the leaf crunch + upgrades every time you need to open a new area. Purchase everything in ALL shops and that includes the Farming shop and crafting. You NEED to complete the challenges too. Then that’s 24 out of 24 achievements and game 100%.

Unique Leaves

Alchemy Leaf

  • Reduces alchemy brew time by 2.50% and increases brew crit chance by 0.25%.
  • Use the Shovel on The Moon while having 10e30 Moonstone leaves (1e31).

Bone Leaf

  • 400% enemy rewards.
  • Use the Ace of Spades in the Volcano while having 100m Lava leaves (1e8).

Borb Leaf

  • +500% Borbs/Borb.
  • Use the Leaf Blower in the Neighbor’s Yard while having 10k Borbs (1e4).

Crystal Leaf

  • Adds +5 to your daily reward gems.
  • Use your hands at your neighbor’s garden while having 1c Platinum leaves (1e21).

Electrical Energy Leaf

  • Electrical Energy charge/s% +50%, Max energy storage: +100.
  • Use the Nuclear Trout in the Spark Range while having 1k Electrical Energy (1e3).

Equipment Leaf

  • Claw Equipment count: +10, Equipment collect count: +2.
  • Use the Airplane Turbine in the Leaf Tower floor 321.

Fire Leaf

  • ALB enemy damage increased by 800%.
  • Use the Lazer in THE VOID while having 1C Void Leaves (1e24).

Ghost Leaf

  • BLC value increased by 500%
  • Use the Blowfish in Space while having 1d Cosmic Leaves (1e27).

Glitter Leaf

  • Increases combo rewards by 300%.
  • Use any Rake at the Mountain while having 1D Bismuth Leaves (1e30).

Heart Leaf

  • Increases all fruit rewards by 1000%.
  • Use the Leaf Blower at the Garden while having 100e Gold leaves (1e35).

The Holy Leaf

  • Unlocks The Holy Grail. Increases Silver/Gold Token rewards by 250%.
  • Use the Carpenter’s Cup in The Leaf Tower Floor 42 while having 1k Silver Tokens and 42 Gold Tokens.

Leafscension Leaf

  • Leafscender input cost%: -3%, Leafscender duration: -5%.
  • Use the Hightech Ace of Spades in the Exalted Bridge while Snekko is active.

Material Leaf

  • Get random materials: +0.02/s, Material spawn chance: +1%.
  • Use the Nuclear Shovel in Kokkaupunki while Ducko is active.

Nuclear Leaf

  • Increases blow power by 500% and enemy damage by 50%.
  • Use the Nuclear Leaf Blower in Leafsink Harbor while having 100k Benitoite leaves (1e5).

Pet Leaf

  • Upgrade multiplier pets: +20%.
  • Use the Large Trout in the Abandoned Research Station while having 10k Sacred Leaves (1e4).

Rainbow Leaf

  • Increases seed rewards by 50%.
  • Use the Rocket Engine at the Celestial Plane while having 100k Celestial leaves (1e5).

Relic Leaf

  • Relics enemy drop chance: +1%, Relics damage multiplier: +200%.
  • Use your Hands in the Ancient Sanctum while having 100k Sacred Leaves (1e5) while Deero is active.

Robot Leaf

  • Increases printer output by 5000%.
  • Use the Graphics Card in the Abyss while having 1m Exotic leaves (1e6).

Shard Leaf

  • Enemy shards multiplier: +25%.
  • Use Hightech Trout in the Biotite Forest while having 5k Shards.

Tool Leaf

  • Additional merge range: +5, Additional merged leaves: +1, Increased blow range: +20%.
  • Use the Large Leaf Rake in the Volcano while Flocko is active.

Unique Unique Leaf

  • Upgrade multiplier Unique: +25%.
  • Use the Large Trout in the Infernal Desert while having 1b Sand Leaves (1e9).

Water Leaf

  • Increases global trade multiplier by 100%, decreases trade refresh cooldown by 15% and trade delivery time by 10%.
  • Use the Fan in The Hidden Sea while having 1m Obsidian leaves (1e6).

Wood Leaf

  • Increases material base spawn rate by 1%.
  • Use The Hightech Shovel in The Dark Glade while having 10k Beer.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3754 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. Amazing guide thanks just 3 leaves left to get the ghost leaf increases blc 500% so to open new areas quicker I equipted that

  2. Note – Once you have done the big leaf crunch before doing any prestige turn off ALL auto buyers in coin shop+ BLC shop or the game doesn’t give you any coins.

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