This is a quick tutorial on how to get the Challenge: Unskilled achievement in the game Magic Research 2!
Useful Tips for Challenge: Unskilled Achievement
While the Unskilled challenge is active, finish the game. There was no need for your Rank spell power enhancements!

For the Unskilled Challenge:
- Gear: Life orb (heals), holy orb (damage/primary), 11 divine spear, 8 rainbow mail.
- Pouch: 2+ stun (1 the immunity near the end so you can also stun wide big bang a few times) pouch auto disabled. revitalizers not used.
- Rituals: Necro, wizarding, infinite spellcasting.
- Synchro: 7 holy/death (+96% necro ritual). 2 earth/death (+21% familiar regen).
- Lamp Boosts: (Probably not the greatest choice) 30 air, 40 mind, 32 life.
- Familiar: 78 bun (holy).
- Spellcrafting: None, but would probably boost holy damage, life heal.
- Total Stats: 14k hp, 13k attack, 0.12s-0.40s attack delay, 7800 defense, 660 accuracy, 290 dodge, 21 crit.
- Primary: Death/holy.
- Class: Cultist.
- Study: Death 72 first (bountiful), then holy 72 (crystal, rainbow armor, spear 65).
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