Quick Guide to Brood Abs Deck Build
By ArcadR.
Former meta powerhouse BroodAbs took me to 500M bubs pretty easily.
Wasp, Forge, Sinister, Patriot, Brood, Cage, Shang, AbsMan, Iron Lad, Blue Marvel, Legion, Mockingbird.
Model Line:
- T2: Forge
- T3: Brood
- T4: Abs Man
- T5, T6: Do whatever. You’ll win.
Gameplay Tips:
Legion is just a good card. Helps you get sneaky wins. I almost exclusively used Legion for his ability, not the stats. If there are no locations that help you, other cards will be more impactful to play (BM/Patriot + Sinister).
Mockingbird is still amazing even after the nerf. Brood + Abs Man combo gets Mockingbird down to 2 cost so you can play Forge + Sinister + Mockingbird on the last turn if you have all of those cards. Even if you don’t play that combo, you can still sneak in Mockingbird on the final two turns while playing another card.
Could be replaced with a decent stat-stick like.
Luke Cage could be cut. Could probably be another tech card or good value-stick like Nocturne or maybe even Kang(?). This deck was made during the high-highs of High Evo which was why Cage was needed. Doesn’t seem necessary now to include with very little affliction happening and location variance being accounted for with Legion.
Shang surprisingly had very little value in my case. Used him once and that was because of Monster Island and not anything the opponent actually did. I did not find value in Shang but felt like it was unnecessary risk to remove him out incase something big like Shuri happened.
Iron Lad helps with the highrolls. I usually play Lad in the last turn when you only have a couple of cards left in the deck just to narrow the chances of it being a good card. Also helps filling the curve when you draw Brood but not Abs
Gwenpool seems tempting but will probably perform worse because you want to play cards on tempo most of the time. Delaying Brood until turn 5 isn’t worth it because you have so much more pieces to put out on curve.
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Hopefully this guide helped you!
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