How to Get the Green Relic
A quick guide for Unlimited Space 2, and how to get the green relic from it.
Floor 1
Collect everything. Be sure to wake Lilith. The code for the wardrobe box is 1499. With the wrench equipped, investigate the car outside. Use the water pipe, then bottle for a Molotov. Investigate the goddess statue multiple times for a prompt to put in the gold ring.
Take the train, take the train back, then take the train again, and go to the fire escape. Floor 2 is locked down, but feel free to grab the rubber gloves.
Floor 3
Loot as you need. Follow the plot. When dealing with the lasers, lie down 3 times and step back once. Retreat from G-D and Raven, and on the way back to the guard room, go the long way. Madonna statue in the north room: turn north.
Angel statue in the west room: turn west, then south. Demon statue in the south room: turn south, then east. The statue turning will unlock the safe in this south room. Also grab the darts; we’ll need them. Go to the guard room, then back to the elevator.
Floor 2 (Unlocked)
4 fights in a row with zombie dogs. Explore this floor for an ATK up and a DEF up device. Order is green, insert virus sample, blue, yellow.
Floor 1 (Again)
Forced Licker fight; it will dodge the first 4 attacks. Heal with the red herb after it dies. If you did the train shuffle at the start, you can now pull the lever and go right. Follow the path for the Avenger fight. Attack 3 times, dodge, then spam attack till dead. Put the Molotov you made into his rocket launcher to take it. Also take the stone.
Take the train back to the elevator, then push the lever to take the train back to the mansion. Follow the path down to the car, give Minsko the motherboard, then attack him. Use the rocket launcher, dart him 3 times, attack once for his death. Take the 2nd stone. Go all the way north, then all the way east. Insert both stones to open the vault and get the green relic. Return to the main deity room to win.
The Map
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