Useful Tips and Tricks for Noobs
General Tips
Make Sure You Have 3 Debuff Weapon at All Times
Everyone starts the game in story mode with the same weapon, a green grade heavy machine. Once you acquire a your weapon, it will be permanently registered to your account as you progress the game via gacha drops
Weapon comes in six tiers:
- Green (Trash Tier)
- Blue (Trash Tier)
- Purple (Excellent Tier)
- Orange (Rare Tier)
- Semi Gold (Epic Tier)
- Gold (Legendary Tier)
- Crystal (Mythical Tier)
Your selection of weapons are standard from the game lore but they all have certain debuff to help you decide which works best with what characters, so it’s best to match a character that compliments what gun you are getting in the future, not the other way around.
You have four types of debuff in the game which are:
- Heavy Machine Gun
- Gatling Gun
- Saw Launcher
- Flameshot
- Shotgun
- Rocket Launcher
- Sniper
- Boxing Gun
- Freeze Gun
Getting your gun will still require you to level them up and also inserting cores to increase their damage/effectiveness in the game. Getting the same weapon in the gacha will promote the gun to 2 star (maxed at 5 star) so you wont be getting duplicates.
How to Play with Your Friend
Metal Slug: Awakening has only one game mode where you can play with your friend which is the Joint Operation.
- You have to unlock the game story to unlock Joint Operation.
- Which you could then access and play with other players.
- If you have unlock it, it will be shown in your game mode.

- Nothing else in this game offer a coop playthrough.
- You need to add your friend via world chat.
- Add them here manually and then you can invite your friend to play.

Note: Steam features will abolutely not work with this game.
What Weapons to Use with Which Characters
When you have a weapon, you need to take 2 things into consideration:
- Debuff Attribute
There is only 4 debuff in this game which is weak, ignore, wound and freeze. So it’s easy to tell which character is best to wield this gun. Shotgun in this game is fire debuff weapon in this example
So this weapon should be used by characters that can is either ignite debuff expert like Trevor or gru.
- Additional Attribute
Once you inspect the additional attribute, you can see flaming shotgun has critical rate as additional attribute.
At the same time, having characters with critical rate attribute such as Trevo and Gru is also good for a shotgun.

Legendary Weapons
Right now legendary weapon that is available are:
- Skyripper (Weak Debuff, Gatling Category) – Great for Lyla. Other possible character to use is Marco and Nadia.
- Howler (Ignite Debuff, Shotgun Category) – Great for Trevor. Other possible character to use is Gru and Eri.
- Eclipse (Wound Debuff, Sniper Category) – Great for Scarlett. Other possible character to use is Eva and Tarma.
- Kepri Glory (Weak Debuff, Saw Launcher Category) – Great for Nadia. Other possible character to use is Marco.
- Moltor (Ignite Debuff, Flamethrower Category) – Good for Nadia and Marco as the flameshot have debuff bonus.
- Terra Shrill (Wound Debuff, Rocket Launcher Category) – Good for Scarlett if she has RPG accessory to go with, other possible character to use is Tarma and Fio.
- Icebound Deity (Freeze Debuff, Freezegun Category) – Good for Haran as he is the only freeze character in game so far.
- Peace Slammer (Wound Debuff, Punching Category) – Good for Gru and tarma, other possible character to use is Trevor.
- Ragewing (Weak Debuff, Hmg Categoru) – Good for Lyla if she has HMG accessory to go with, other possible character to use is Marco and Nadia.
Oh yes character digs only come after the first legendary weapon that’s usable by a firepower character (that means gatling/sniper/bazooka)
And even then, it’s better to save the sapphires for sapphire pickaxes for an event with your desired character (lyla for gatling, Scarlett for sniper/bazooka, Trevor for shotgun).
Remember that weapons diggs are the one giving points, not the character diggs. I made a huge mistake in the beginning