Metal Slug: Awakening – Weapon License Guide

Hello there, everyone is always asking which character and weapin combination is the best.

Guide to Weapon License

By Marco Rossi

While there is no definite answer for this as we are free to experiment with different combinations, player should be reminded that basic character (blue) will have two licensed weapon type that needs to be unlocked/equipped in their talent tree whereas excellent (purple) and rare (orange) tier characters will have 3 weapon license to unlock and equip. Here are summarized weapon license for each character:

Basic (blue tier) characters:

  • Marco – HMG & gatling.
  • Eri – Flame shot & shotgun.
  • Fio – Sniper & rocket launcher.

Excellent (purple tier) characters:

  • Nadia – Freeze, flameshot & HMG.
  • Tarma – Sniper, Boxing gun & Bazooka.
  • Haran – Freeze gun, saw launcher & HMG.
  • Gru – Shotgun, Flameshot & Boxing Gun.
  • Eva – Sniper, Shotgun & Saw Launcher.

Rare (orange tier) characters:

  • Trevor – Shotgun, Boxing Gun & Saw Launcher.
  • Scarlett – Sniper, Bazooka & Flameshot.
  • Lyla – Gatling, HMG and Freeze gun.

While you can pair with any 3 characters as you like, it is inadvisable to use characters that require the same type of weapon that their skills are needed in talent tree. This also does not mean that your characters MUST equip these two/three weapons in their license to be fully effective in battle but rather they are just the condition to activate their additional passive skills.

However, once you place the selected weapon for your passive, other characters are unable to activate the passive that require the same gun (but you can still activate their passives with different tier weapon of the same category). For example, Eri and Gru are not good partners as both their passive require shotgun and flame shot to activate. So plan your 3 mains with the least weapon clash to increase your odds of winning.

Good luck on the battlefield commanders!

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2153 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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