The Right Weapon and Right Team to Pair with Marco Rossi
By Marco Rossi.
I will give an example for the right weapon and right team mates to pair with Marco. A lot of players has been asking me on the perfect character weapons and cores to be the most effective in this game. While the combination is limitless there are a few things I can share my battle knowledge on this topic.
Please be advised that these are just my own personal take on the subject and it does not mean everyone must follow this meta on the battlefield.
Character Selection
It is recommended that your top 3 mains are not using the same weapon license tier to avoid clashing in skills debuff and weapon usage. For example Gru and Eri will not be compatible as they both requires the use of Shotgun and Flameshots in their weapon license.
Other factors that needed to be put into consideration are their character attributes because attributes decides what guns and cores needs to be paired for maximum efficiency.
Weapon Selection
While there are no rules on who gets to use what gun, it is always best to pair the right guns to the right characters to have the best damage output. Here’s a list of weapon license each character needs:
- Marco: HMG & Gattling (only 2 weapon license)
- Eri: Flameshot & Shotgun (only 2 weapon license)
- Fio: Sniper & Bazooka (only 2 weapon license)
- Tarma: Sniper, Boxing Glove & Bazooka
- Gru: Flameshot, Shotgun & Boxing gun
- Haran: Freeze gun, Saw Launcher & HMG
- Eva: Sniper, Shotgun & Saw Launcher
- Violet: Bazooka, Flameshot
- Nadia: Freeze gun, Flameshot & HMG
- Scarlett: Sniper, Bazooka & Flameshot
- Trevor: Shotgun, Boxing Gun & Saw Launcher
- Lyla: Gatling Gun, HMG & Freeze Gun
It is best to assemble a team that will not clash with their weapon licenses to ensure your mains get to use their best debuff weapon choices in the battlefield.
Core Selection
With so many cores to choose from, where do we start? The first rule of thumb when choosing core is to find the ones that benefit your main character while boosting your weapon selection at the same time.
For example a shotgun will be best used on Gru/Trevor due to their weapon license requirement & attributes while choosing the following cores:
- Big Shiee – increase 24% critical damage (2 piece) and increase rate of fire to 50% once enchanced weapon is used (4 piece)
- Space Tank – Increase 12% close range weapon bonus (2 piece) and increase 5% attack on every enemy or 25% attack on boss (4 pieces)
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