Mighty Party – Farming Guide

The most important choices affecting your long-term game are unlocking, leveling up, and reborning cards, and these actions are all irreversible. So before you jump in, you need to learn what the effects of these choices are.

Explanatory Guide to Farming


  • Each card is “locked” until you unlock it during its event or by climbing leagues.
  • Every time you get souls, which unlocked card they are is determined by “drop rate”.
  • The lower level and reborn a card is, the higher its drop rate is.
  • If you “farm” a card at low levels until it has a lot of souls, it will be strong faster.
  • The more cards you unlock, the slower your farming will be.

Basics: Unlocking

Let’s start with how we gain access to different cards, which is not obvious just from playing the game.  When we first start, almost all of the cards are “locked”, which means that no summon or chest we open will give us that card.

Most sources of cards can only give us what we already have. However, many cards “unlock” as we reach certain leagues, and once a card is unlocked it can appear in any source for that rarity. These league unlocks make it simple to expand our collection — but only to a point. The majority of cards can only be unlocked in very specific ways, namely during a Global Event (GE) or Mysterious Call (MC) featuring them; in the wish shop; in special “festive” summons that are usually available for two or three days a few times a year; or by purchasing them with real money.

Basics: Drop Rates

There are many sources of cards, or “souls”, in the game. There are chests from regular fights and quests, there are summons, there are shops (Black Market, Mystery Store, and now the Animus Shop during that event), and there are rewards from different game modes like the Pit and Dark Tower (Pit/DT). All of these sources, and any besides those listed in the previous section, will only give souls of unlocked cards. Which card they are souls of is determined randomly, but not in a simple way.

In the case of summons, first the rarity is determined; in chests, chestless chests (or whatever you call it, the rewards from Pit/DT or the summon bonuses), and shop offers the rarity is set. Then, from within that rarity, all of the cards you have unlocked have a specific probability of appearing, which we call the “drop rate”. The details are messy, but the essence of the drop rate is simple. Basically, the level and number of reborns that you have for that card is compared to the average level and number of reborns for all of your collection of that rarity. The more below average that card is, the higher the drop rate; that is, the more likely a given chest will contain that card, etc. Generally, everything average or higher will have a low drop rate.

That means that you have some control over how much you get of different cards over time, but only if you’re careful about what cards you level and reborn, and how much.

So then, how do you decide what to level, when, and how much? There are several different aspects of the game that factor into these decisions.

First, you need to know that the amount of souls you get from almost all sources depends on your “max league”, the highest league you’ve ever hit. The difference is massive, which means that raising your max league should always be the main goal shaping your strategy.

When: Event Center

The Event Center follows a two-week cycle of events that are all about leveling up your cards. The first is Ascension of Legends (AoL), which has a cumulative series of quests to level up legendary cards a certain number of times, from 5 to 75.

The event lasts three days, and the quests award mystery coins only.  Next is Unity of Factions (UoF), which has six concurrent quests to level up rares, epics, legendaries, order cards, nature cards, and chaos cards. The event lasts four days, and these quests award gems as well as mystery coins. The last is Gold Vein, which gives coins plus gold rewards for spending gold.

Since gold is only used to level up cards, this amounts to just doing more level ups. The wiki has more information on these events, and since this is not really the subject at hand, suffice it to say here that there are rewards for leveling up your cards at certain times.


The key to advancing in leagues is having the best team you can, which boils down to having eight well chosen legendaries (or as i like to call them, “legos”) at the highest level you can get them (Some overleveled epics and rares are playable, but that’s very nearly just a novelty). Experienced players might tell you about a magic trick that lets you take advantage of an extra strong team for 24 hours if you’re properly prepared, but that’s outside the scope of this guide. For now, let’s just focus on how to get to the point of having a strong team.

There is fundamental tension between making a card strong now and making it strong later. This is because once you level a card up, it will be significantly less likely to appear anywhere. So one of the keys to long term success is planning, and choosing the right moment for things.

The strategy I recommend in response to this tension (sometimes called the “leapfrog” technique) is to plan for your team to go through a series of waves. Let’s say that your team is mostly around level 11 and reborn twice (rb 2 lvl 11). What you need to advance the next couple leagues is probably a few cards more like rb 2 lvl 16 or rb 3 lvl 11, which will replace the weakest cards from your team. Then to make it another couple leagues, you’ll need to replace the new weakest cards with a few that are more like rb 3 lvl 16. But which cards will you be able to level to rb 3 lvl 16? In fact, the cards that look like they’re the closest to that are actually the farthest away. This is because your highest level cards will hardly ever show up anymore; those cards will be the hardest to take to the next tier.

Note: As we will discuss shortly, the main source for your high level legos will be evolving the rares and epics. They don’t become stuck forever, it’s just that progress is dramatically slower for any card at the high end for that rarity.

The cycle will repeat itself every time you take a few cards higher than the rest. So where those new strongest cards come from every time is actually (ideally) from your lvl 1 legos. These are generally the cards that are closest (measured in weeks) to being your new strongest cards. That means that as a general rule, you want to level up your current team and your worst cards as high as you can (which will improve drop rates for the rest), and leave your best unleveled cards as low as you can, until you decide it’s the right time to bring that card into your team.

So, to go along with the language of farming, what I recommend is to keep all of your new good cards planted at lv1 rb 0 (or whatever level they already are, or if they’re low rb then rb them back to lvl 1) and let them grow. Then, when the time is right, you harvest a few of them to be part of a new team that you will use to raise your max league as high as possible. But! Leave the rest of them planted, because the next time you harvest you will need even stronger cards to raise your max league again.

Epics, Rares, and Commons

Each rarity operates completely separately in determining the drop frequency, how often cards within that rarity appear. This works very simply because chests have a specific rarity, and for summons, first the rarity is determined by rng, and then the card is determined based on drop frequency.

That means that leveling up commons, rares, and epics has the same effects, each to their own. However, these cards can also be evolved to give more of the higher rarity cards in their line. This is by far the most valuable use of rares and epics, so your rare and epic farms should be built around which legos you’re farming. This can be an even more important factor than the legos you get directly (especially in the late game), because you collect so many more rares (especially), epics, and commons.

Keep in mind, though, that just because you’re not farming something now, that doesn’t mean you won’t desperately want to later! I’m sure that every single veteran player has high level rares and epics they wish they could take back to lvl 1 rb 0 — but there’s no going back!

With non-legos, there’s the additional consideration of the Pit, Dark Tower, and Animus to be factored in. Having good, strong cards of lower rarity can help earn you some nice rewards every week. In particular, it’s best to have some rares overleveled, so that they are power moves in those game modes. I’d say having something like 1/4 or 1/3 of your collection leveled very high is a game changer. You also want a small fraction at lvl 1 rb 0 (or close), to concentrate your farming in order to ripen your crops quickly. As for the rest, I think it’s best to slowly raise their levels over time, taking advantage of UoF and steadily improving your overall farm.

When it comes to choosing which rares to level how much, the simplest cases are great rares (and epics, but I’ll just say rares) of crappy legos, and crappy rares of great legos. To increase the drop rate on the rares you want to evolve, you want to level the rest up high. If a crappy lego has a rare that is great in Pit/DT/Animus, then that rare is the perfect candidate for leveling very high. If a great lego has a crappy rare, then it’s a no-brainer to keep that rare at lvl 1.

There are conflicting interests when it comes to good rares of good legos and bad rares of bad legos.  In my opinion, farming should always take priority. For the rares of legos you’re farming most intensely, it’s no contest. For the rest, it’s all tradeoffs, and I lean toward always shooting for the strongest “next” team I can put together. However, we’re all free to play the game however we like, pursue different goals, and take enjoyment from different aspects of the game. There are too many good legos to farm all of them anyway, so if you’re having trouble picking what to farm at lower intensity, this could be one consideration to factor in. My personal preference is usually to keep these rares at mid levels, which doesn’t sink a lot of gold into them, and still leaves flexibility for doing something different later.

Unlocking: Width of Collection and Width of Farm

One of the central pillars of this game, clearly, is growing the collection of cards we have. It gives us more options to choose from, more combinations to try, new skills to bring to the team, etc. There are also direct benefits, like being able to do more soulbinds, which helps us progress in GEs.

However, the lure of collecting everything works directly against climbing leagues!

How so, you ask? Every new card we unlock (that we’re not farming) hurts our farming twice over. First, and most simply, it’s one more card that all of the souls we collect will be spread between. Second, and at least as important, if we want to level the new card up out of farm range, then we have to sink gold into it. Gold is the limiting resource in the overall level of our collection, not souls. So that means that the more cards we have, the lower our collection’s average level will be.  In turn, that means that our lvl 1 rb 0 cards won’t have as high of a drop rate benefit, because they won’t be as far below average. Basically, the drop rate for a card has two dimensions:  number of that rarity, and (loosely) number of levels below average. Unlocking more cards hurts our drop rate on both of those dimensions, so it’s a double whammy against farming success.

As I mentioned above, a lot of cards unlock when we reach a certain league. That means that we can’t avoid unlocking them. There is basically a minimum width of our collection, which gets wider the higher we climb leagues. Bear this in mind any time you’re considering unlocking a new card.

Again, different parts of the game will be fun for different people. If you love the collection aspect and just “gotta catch em all”, then by all means don’t worry about this section. I can’t advise on what’s fun, only on what’s strategic for the goal of climbing leagues. And for that, I recommend limiting unlocks very, very tightly. I’m in League 1 (so I’m done climbing), and for most wish shops I choose cards I already have, and I still “skip” global events that don’t have at least two cards I’m going to farm (By “skip”, I mean I stop at the second step in chapter three, and only use my runes to open rare chests, just to avoid the chance of unlocking any new cards).

Now, if you’re a new player, you still need to get some new cards in order to put together good teams for climbing. I simply recommend that you do that very judiciously. The only thing that matters for climbing is how strong your 8 strongest cards are, and they’ll be stronger the fewer cards your souls are divided between.

So the width of your collection matters a whole lot for your farming success; but so does the width of your farm itself. Remember that the amount of souls you collect goes up steeply as you climb leagues, so the sooner you can raise your max league by a few, the sooner you will increase your farming rates for the next crop. If you’re trying to farm too many cards at once, you will only slow yourself down.

For example, if you’re already farming five cards for your next push team, and you use the wish shop to get a head start on the push team after that, it can backfire on you. If you wait until your current crop is nearly ready before unlocking the new ones, then you’ll (a) get your first crop ready sooner; (b) get much better shop deals and summons sooner; and (c) get the first team out of your farm sooner so that drops are concentrated on the second team.

So that’s what we mean when we talk about “farming”. I hope this helps you cultivate your own successful farm!


  1. Achieving higher leagues increases your loot from all sources.
  2. The way to reach higher leagues is by having a few very strong cards.
  3. The key to getting strong cards is “farming” by controlling drop rates.
  4. Drop rates will be better the fewer cards you have.
  5. Drop rates will be better the higher your average levels are.
  6. Farming the rares and epics of the legos you want is just as important as the legos.
  7. With strategy, you can get rewards for doing your level ups, and do well in Pit/DT/Animus.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2158 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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