Mighty Party – Tips to Better Gold Mine Deck

What is the best squad for Gold Mine? Read below few useful tips with some strats.

Gold Mine Squad

One of the best options are Cheer Trixy (or Geisha/Jimmy if you don’t have Cheer) and then something like:

  • Grace, Fury, Legion + whatever AoE heroes you have (Ball’zt, Strik, …)

Ideally you can drop Grace in the third row turn 1 along with the Witches. Witches generate 3 kills, Grace 1, 3 Witch deaths = bonus attacks start of turn 2 for Grace.

  • If you don’t have it, Fury above Grace should get the necessary kills.
  • If you do have it, you can follow up with Legion for maximized results as Legion below Grace means he’ll get a ton of attacks.

The rest is up to rng with how many statues spawn and also how much gold they yield. If you can get Grace to her bonus attacks start of your turn 2 (after Witch deaths) this way, you’re looking at 7k gold pretty much guaranteed, with possibility up to 7.5k.

But you don’t have to own Cheer Trixy. You can play Geisha with Grace + Fury + Legion + Axe + Ball’zt + Prince + Mjolnir (always play warlord’s Vlad on turn 1).

Depending on openings, the plans are:

  • Grace then Ball’zt. This has a chance to get 8 attacks from Grace on turn 2, even if your Ball’zt is severely underleveled.
  • Fury then Legion or Mjolnir.
  • Legion then Prince.
  • Axe then Ball’zt (I rarely do that, both are underleveled).

At this lvl, Mjolnir does this. Played with 3 or less statues, he is lame. Played with 4, he kills ~70% of statues. Played with 5, 98%. Played with 6+, 100%.


Yes, Coro have good example of gold mine deck.

Cheer Trixy was nerfed and unfortunately, this nerfed gold mine income by, let say, ~5%.

My prior to the nerf record is 7551. post nerf, my best result is 7392.

Luck pretty much plays role for the result, as we don’t control what will be the values of the spawned statuettes. They can bring from ~850 to ~1050 gold per turn, so, luck is needed for top score.

Just a little note: my deck is cheer Trixy and have 6 of the heroes that are in Coro’s deck.

I do have Necro and Disсordia instead of Mjolnir and Prince.

As for the play strategy:

If i see grace in hand, i do immediately summon the 3 witches and i play grace (bottom line if i don’t see Legion, second to bottom line if i see Legion).

Then, depends on what is drawn in hand, next move is either Legion (if i have it in hand and if Grace received 7 attacks) OR Ball’zt/Dominus to ensure that Grace will get 7 attacks.

  • If i don’t see Grace but i see axe, i play axe, top row, middle column. And in round 2 i summon witches and add another chaos unit. Best would be Ball’zt (infront of axe) or Necro (behind axe).
  • If i don’t see Grace and i don’t see axe, then i go for furry-legion combo (furry in the same spot as axe).

Legion is better played bottom line, middle column, so another melee can block his unnecessary attacks.

Well, ultimately, if i don’t see the above 3, i play what i see – Dominus (top row, first column) or Legion (bottom row, middle column), holding the witches and seeing what will be drawn for round 2.

This is rather unlucky scenario but i usually end with 6200+ gold even then.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2153 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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