How to Play Against Thorgrim
1st Method
The advice I’m going to tell you works perfectly with every Warlord, the requirements are:
- The warlord can summon something.
- The card of Ymsalah, the ancient god (not sure about the name is chaos faction/legendary).
- Other monsters which can summon massively.
The tactic is as follows:
You have to be sure to have the ancient god in your hand, if not pray for having it within the following three turns.
The Thorgrim player will cast his silence spell in the 3rd or 4th turn in that moment you should have in combat the monster which can summon, warlord’s summon spells usable and the ancient god on game, just summon things and see how Thorgrim is absorbed all his life and your ancient god rises his life.
2nd Method
I mostly use Giesha as warlord. You can use Dragun as pet with her. In turn 1 summon Vamp and Use heroes like Arthur that can give even more health to her vamp and makes almost impossible to kill till third round. Or Appolo that can provide mental shield or Kai that deals damage when alive and deals damage even when dies and become tomb or use ballz etc etc etc.
Basically in turn 3 everything will disappear and you can try to own the field. Try to keep heroes like alexa or villono to heal what’s lost. I prefer alexa cos she can heal even on those silence rounds. Blair seems good with dragun and geieha vamp too.
Flos ultimate is very useful against thor buildings. Having an immune is also helpful. Cookie warlord seems to be good too. I found him good against thor as well. Or use your own Thor and Aphro.
I sincerely hope this was helpful. Good luck to you!
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