Definitive Guide to Traits
In addition to Archetypes, events will pop up in the game that may give any of your Characters a trait. There are lots of these and they’re all listed below. Some traits are good (Strengths) and others are bad (Weaknesses). Any given character can have a maximum of three Strengths and three Weaknesses, though in practice, most of your characters will have fewer than that.
Trait management can be something of a minigame with the goal being to minimize the impact of your bad traits and maximize the impact of your good ones.
Note, however, that sometimes, traits just happen. Your uncle goes insane. Your sister becomes a drunk. There’s not much you can do about that, but often, event choices will give you option to adopt this trait or that, and where you do get a choice, you should consider the matter carefully, as some Traits will turn an otherwise relatively unremarkable character into an exceptional (or exceptionally bad) Governor, General, etc.
Here are the Traits themselves, and what they do:
- As Governor: +2 Growth per year, per culture level
- As Leader: All Cities +1 Growth per year, per culture level
- Strength (Max: 3)
- -20 Opinion of Cruel Characters
- +20 Opinion of Affable Characters
- Included in: Charming, Seven Virtues
- Excluded from: Not Charming, Not Seven Virtues
- As General: +25% Attack into Urban
- As Leader: All Units: +10% Attack into Urban
- Strength (Max: 3)
- +20 Opinion of Besieger Characters
- Included in: Urbanite
- Excluded from: Not Urbanite
- -1 Charisma
- Weakness (Max: 3)
- -40 Opinion of Romantic Characters
- +40 Opinion of Bitter Characters
- No ability modifiers but being Blessed may cause certain favorable events to trigger for the character.
- As General: +10% Attack and Defense vs. A Damaged Unit
- As Leader: All Units +5% Attack and Defense vs. A Damaged Unit
- Strength (Max: 3)
- +20 Opinion of Bloodthirsty Characters
- Included in Villainous, Terrifying
- Excluded from: Not Villainous, Not Terrifying
- +2 Courage
- Strength (Max: 3)
- -20 Opinion of Timid Characters
- +20 Opinion of Bold Characters
- Included in: Strong
- Excluded from: Not Strong
- As General: +10% Attack and Defense vs. Melee Units
- As Leader: All Units +5% Attack and Defense vs. Melee Units
- Strength (Max: 3)
- +20 Opinion of Brave Characters
- Included in: Strong
- Excluded from: Not Strong
- As Governor: New Siege Units and Ships +100 XP
- As Leader: All Cities, New Siege Units and Ships +50 XP
- Strength (Max: 3)
- +20 Opinion of Carpenter Characters
- Included in: Urbanite, Diligent
- Excluded from: Not Urbanite, Not Diligent
- +1 Charisma, +1 Discipline
- Strength (Max: 3)
- -20 Opinion of Ruthless Characters
- +20 Opinion of Compassionate Characters
- Included in: Honorable
- Excluded from: Not Honorable
- As Governor +50% Maintenance
- As Leader, All Cities +20% Maintenance
- Weakness (Max: 3)
- -40 Opinion of Frugal Characters
- +40 Opinion of Corrupt Characters
- Included in: Villainous, Vain
- Excluded from: Not Villainous, Not Vain
- As Governor: -20% Growth
- As Leader, All Cities -10% Growth
- Weakness (Max: 3)
- – 40 Opinion of Affable Characters
- +40 Opinion of Cruel Characters
- Included in: Terrifying, Seven Sins
- Excluded from: Not Terrifying, Not Seven Sins
- As Governor: Farms and Pastures +50% Output
- As Leader, All cities Farms and Pastures +20% Output
- Strength (Max: 3)
- +20 Opinion of cultivator Characters
- Included in: Productive
- Excluded from: Not Productive
- As Governor: Unlocks Caravan
- As Leader: +20 Foreign and Tribal Leader Opinions
- Strength (Max: 3)
- +20 Opinion of Dealmaker Characters
- Included in: Charming, Conspiratorial
- Excluded from: Not Charming, Not Conspiratorial
- As Governor: +2 Discontent per year
- As Leader, All Cities +1 Discontent per year
- Weakness (Max: 3)
- -40 Opinion of Righteous Characters
- +40 Opinion of Debauched Characters
- Included in: Carnal, Seven Sins
- Excluded from: Not Carnal, Not Seven Sins
- -2 Discipline
- Weakness (Max: 3)
- -40 Opinion of Loyal Characters
- +40 Opinion of Deceitful Characters
- Included in: Villainous, Conspiratorial
- Excluded from: Not Villainous, Not Conspiratorial
- As Governor: Mines and Quarries +50% Output
- As Leader, All Cities, Mines and Quarries +20% Output
- Strength (Max: 3)
- +20 Opinion of Delver Characters
- Included in: Productive
- Excluded from: Not Productive
- +2 Charisma
- Included in: Vain
- Excluded from: Not Vain
- As Leader: -40 Foreign and Tribal Leader Opinions
- -1 Discipline
- Weakness (Max: 3)
- Included in: Carnal
- Excluded from: Not Carnal
- +2 Wisdom
- Strength (Max: 3)
- -20 Opinion of Superstitious Characters
- +20 Opinion of Educated Characters
- Included in: Inquisitive
- Excluded from: Not Inquisitive
- As Governor: +2 Civics per year per Culture Level
- As Leader, All Cities, +1 Civic per year per Culture Level
- Strength (Max: 3)
- -20 Opinion of Intolerant Characters
- +20 Opinion of Eloquent Characters
- Included in: Charming, Seven Virtues
- Excluded from: Not Charming, Not Seven Virtues
- As General: +25% to Attack and Defense vs. Siege Units and Ships
- As Leader, All Units +10% Attack and Defense vs. Siege Units and Ships
- Strength (Max: 3)
- +20 Opinion of Engineer Characters
- Included in: Urbanite
- Excluded from: Not Urbanite
- As Governor: New Mounted Units +100 XP
- As Leader, All Cities, New Mounted Units +50 XP
- Strength (Max: 3)
- +20 Opinion of Equestrian Characters
- Included in: Diligent
- Excluded from: Not Diligent
- As Governor: -20% Money
- As Leader, All Cities -10% Money
- Weakness (Max: 3)
- -40 Opinion of Prosperous Characters
- +40 Opinion of Extravagant Characters
- Included in: Vain, Seven Sins
- Excluded from: Not Vain, Not Seven Sins
- As General, +10% Attack and Defense vs. Infantry Units
- As Leader, All Units, +5% Attack and Defense vs. Infantry Units
- Strength (Max: 3)
- +20 Opinion of Fierce Characters
- Included in: Strong, Terrifying
- Excluded from: Not Strong, Not Terrifying
- As Governor, -20% Research
- As Leader, All Cities, -10% Research
- Weakness (Max: 3)
- -40 Opinion of Intelligent Characters
- +40 Opinion of Foolish Characters
- Included in: Weak, Seven Sins
- Excluded from: Not Weak, Not Seven Sins
- As Governor, -50% Improvement Costs
- As Leader, All Cities, -20% Improvement Costs
- Strength (Max: 3)
- -20 Opinion of Corrupt Characters
- +20 Opinion of Frugal Characters
- Included in: Traditional
- Excluded from: Not Traditional
- +2 Charisma
- Strength (Max: 3)
- -20 Opinion of Greedy Characters
- +20 Opinion of Gracious Characters
- Included in: Honorable
- Excluded from: Not Honorable
- -2 Charisma
- Weakness (Max: 3)
- -40 Opinion of Gracious Characters
- +40 Opinion of Greedy Characters
- Included in: Villainous
- Excluded from: Not Villainous
- As General: +25% Attack and Defense vs. General
- As Leader, All Units +10% Attack and Defense vs. General
- Strength (Max: 3)
- +20 Opinion of Heckler Characters
- As General: +4HP from Heal Action
- As Leader, All Units +2HP from Heal Action
- Strength (Max: +3)
- +20 Opinion of Herbalist Characters
- Included in: Sylvan
- Excluded from: Not Sylvan
- As General +25% Attack and Defense from Hill
- As Leader, All Units +10% Attack and Defense from Hill
- Strength (Max: 3)
- +20 Opinion of Highlander Characters
- Included in: Sylvan
- Excluded from: Not Sylvan
- As General: +25% Attack and Defense vs. Mounted Units
- As Leader, All Units +10% Attack and Defense vs. Mounted Units
- Strength (Max: 3)
- +20 Opinion of Horsebane Characters
- +1 Wisdom, +1 Discipline
- Strength (Max: 3)
- -40 Opinion of Proud Characters
- +20 Opinion of Humble Characters
- -2 Wisdom, +2 Courage, -2 Discipline
- Weakness (Max: 3)
- Included in: Weak, Terrifying
- Excluded from: Not Weak, Not Terrifying
- As Governor: +2 Culture per year, per Culture Level
- As Leader, All Cities +1 Culture per year, per Culture Level
- Strength (Max: 3)
- -20 Opinion of Uncouth Characters
- +20 Opinion of Inspiring Characters
- Included in: Seven Virtues
- Excluded from: Not Seven Virtues
- As Governor: +2 Science per year, per Culture Level
- As Leader, All Cities +1 Science per year, per Culture Level
- Strength (Max: 3)
- -20 Opinion of Foolish Characters
- +20 Opinion of Intelligent Characters
- Included in: Inquisitive, Seven Virtues
- Excluded from: Not Inquisitive, Not Seven Virtues
- As Governor: -20% Civics
- As Leader, All Cities, -10% Civics
- Weakness (Max: 3)
- -40 Opinion of Eloquent Characters
- +40 Opinion of Intolerant Characters
- Included in: Traditional, Seven Sins
- Excluded from: Not Traditional, Not Seven Sins
- +2 Discipline
- Strength (Max: 3)
- -40 Opinion of Deceitful Characters
- +20 Opinion of Loyal Characters
- Included: in Honorable
- Excluded from: Not Honorable
- As Governor: Lumbermills and Groves +50% output
- As Leader, All Cities, Lumbermills and Groves +20% output
- Strength (Max: 3)
- +20 Opinion of Naturalist Characters
- Included in: Productive
- Excluded from: Not Productive
- As Governor: Camps and nets +100% Output
- As Leader, All Cities, Camps and Nets +50% Output
- Strength (Max: 3)
- +20 Opinion of Pathfinder Characters
- Included in: Productive
- Excluded from: Not Productive
- +1 Charisma, +1 Courage
- Strength (Max: 3)
- -20 Opinion of Wanton Characters
- +20 Opinion of Pious Characters
- Included in: Religious
- Excluded from: Not Religious
- As Governor: +5 Money per year, per Culture Level
- As Leader, All Cities +2 Money per year, per Culture Level
- Strength (Max: 3)
- -20 Opinion of Extravagant Characters
- +20 Opinion of Prosperous Characters
- Included in: Urbanite, Seven Virtues
- Excluded from: Not Urbanite, Not Seven Virtues
- -1 Wisdom, +2 Courage
- Weakness (Max: 3)
- -40 Opinion of Humble Characters
- -40 Opinion of Leader
- As General: +25% Attack and Defense from Trees
- As Leader, All Units +10% Attack and Defense from Trees
- Strength (Max: 3)
- +20 Opinion of Ranger Characters
- Included in: Sylvan
- Excluded from: Not Sylvan
- As Governor: -2 Discontent per year
- As Leader: All Cities, -1 Discontent per year
- Strength (Max: 3)
- -20 Opinion of Debauched Characters
- +20 Opinion of Righteous Characters
- Included in: Honorable, Seven Virtues
- Excluded from: Not Honorable, Not Seven Virtues
- As Governor: +2 Orders per year
- As Leader, All Cities, +1 Order per year
- Strength (Max: 3)
- +20 Opinion of Robust Characters
- Included in: Traditional
- Excluded from: Not Traditional
- +2 Charisma
- Strength (Max: 3)
- +25% chance per year to have children
- -20 Opinion of Bitter Characters
- +20 Opinion of Romantic Characters
- Included in: Carnal
- Excluded from: Not Carnal
- +2 Courage, -1 Discipline
- Weakness (Max: 3)
- -40 Opinion of Compassionate Characters
- +40 Opinion of Ruthless Characters
- Included in: Villainous, Conspiratorial, Terrifying
- Excluded from: Not Villainous, Not Conspiratorial, Not Terrifying
- As General: +10% Attack and Defense vs. Ranged Units
- As Leader, All Units, +5% Attack and Defense vs. Ranged Units
- Strength (Max: 3)
- +20 Opinion of Shieldbearer Characters
- As Governor: -20% Training
- As Leader, All Cities -10% Training
- Weakness (Max: 3)
- -40 Opinion of Warlike Characters
- +40 Opinion of Warlike Characters
- Included in: Seven Sins
- Excluded from: Not Seven Sins
- -1 Discipline
- Weakness (Max: 3)
- +40 Opinion of Spoiled Characters
- Included in: Weak
- Excluded from: Not Weak
- As General: +25% Attack and Defense vs. Tribal Units
- As Leader, All Units, +10% Attack and Defense vs. Tribal Units
- Strength (Max: 3)
- +20 Opinion of Steadfast Characters
- Included in: Strong
- Excluded from: Not Strong
- As Governor: New Infantry Units: +100 XP
- As Leader, All Cities, New Infantry Units +50 XP
- Strength (Max: 3)
- +20 Opinion of Strict Characters
- Included in: Traditional, Diligent
- Excluded from: Not Traditional, Not Diligent
- -2 Wisdom
- Weakness (Max: 3)
- -40 Opinion of Educated Characters
- +40 Opinion of Superstitious Characters
- Included in: Religious
- Excluded from: Not Religious
- As General: +1 Move per Order
- As Leader, All Units +1 Fatigue Limit
- Strength (Max: 3)
- +20 Opinion of Swift Characters
- Included in: Sylvan
- Excluded from: Not Sylvan
- -2 Courage
- Weakness (Max: 3)
- -40 Opinion of Bold Characters
- +40 Opinion of Timid Characters
- Included in: Weak, Conspiratorial
- Excluded from: Not Weak, Not Conspiratorial
- A General, +10 Attack and Defense if Damaged
- As Leader, All Units +5% Attack and Defense if Damaged
- Strength (Max: 3)
- +20 Opinion of Tough Characters
- Included in: Strong
- Excluded from: Not Strong
- As General: +3 Vision
- As Leader, All Units +2 Vision
- Strength (Max: 3)
- +20 Opinion of Tracker Characters
- Included in: Sylvan
- Excluded from: Not Sylvan
- As Governor, -20% Culture
- As Leader, All Cities, -10% Culture
- Weakness (Max: 3)
- -40 Opinion of Inspiring Characters
- +40 Opinion of Uncouth Characters
- Included in: Seven Sins
- Excluded from: Not Seven Sins
- As Governor: +50% City Defense
- As Leader, All Cities +20% City Defense
- Strength (Max: 3)
- +20 Opinion of Vigilant Characters
- Included in: Diligent
- Excluded from: Not Diligent
- +2 Charisma, -1 Discipline
- Weakness (Max: 3)
- +25% Chance per year to have children
- -40 Opinion of Pious Characters
- +40 Opinion of Wanton Characters
- Included in: Carnal
- Excluded from: Not Carnal
- As Governor, +2 Training per year, per Culture Level
- As General, All Cities +1 Training per year, per Culture Level
- Strength (Max: 3)
- -20 Opinion of Slothful Characters
- +20 Opinion of Warlike Characters
- Included in Seven Virtues
- Excluded from: Not Seven Virtues
- +1 Wisdom, +1 Charisma
- Strength (Max: 3)
- +20 Opinion of Witty Characters
- Included in: Charming
- Excluded from: Not Charming
Trait Clusters
In addition to the Traits themselves, sometimes, you’ll see events referring to things like “Seven Sins,” or “Seven Virtues,” or “Is Diligent.” If you’re wondering what those things are, exactly, they’re what I call ‘Trait Clusters.’
Primarily, they’re used in event triggering so instead of an event being triggered off of just one trait (Affable, for example), events can be triggered off of any Trait in a given cluster, which makes the event system a lot more robust.
Since you’ll absolutely be seeing those in the game, here are the various Clusters and which Traits are included in each:
- Wanton
- Debauched
- Drunk
- Romantic
- Diplomat (Archetype)
- Dealmaker
- Affable
- Eloquent
- Witty
- Schemer (Archetype)
- Timid
- Deceitful
- Cunning
- Ruthless
- Commander (Archetype)
- Strict
- Equestrian
- Carpenter
- Vigilant
- Righteous
- Gracious
- Loyal
- Compassionate
- Scholar (Archetype)
- Educated
- Intelligent
- Pathfinder
- Cultivator
- Naturalist
- Delver
- Zealot (Archetype)
- Superstitious
- Pious
- Prophet
- Ascetic
Seven Sins
- Cruel
- Intolerant
- Slothful
- Uncouth
- Foolish
- Extravagant
- Debauched
Seven Virtues
- Affable
- Eloquent
- Warlike
- Inspiring
- Intelligent
- Prosperous
- Righteous
- Tactician (Archetype)
- Herbalist
- Ranger
- Tracker
- Highlander
- Swift
- Bold
- Brave
- Fierce
- Steadfast
- Tough
- Hero (Archetype)
- Cruel
- Bloodthirsty
- Fierce
- Ruthless
- Insane
- Judge (Archetype)
- Strict
- Frugal
- Intolerant
- Robust
- Builder (Archetype)
- Engineer
- Carpenter
- Besieger
- Prosperous
- Orator (Archetype)
- Extravagant
- Exotic
- Divine
- Corrupt
- Divine
- Corrupt
- Greedy
- Bloodthirsty
- Ruthless
- Deceitful
- Timid
- Spoiled
- Insane
- Foolish
You’ll note that all of the Archetypes are included in a Cluster, and that some traits appear in multiple clusters, while others don’t appear in any clusters at all.
What this means, precisely, depends on your style of play, but as you get an increasing number of games under your belt, you can come to predict (at least to a degree) what kinds of events you’re likely to see, based on what your Leader’s archetype is, and what Traits he or she has.
For example, one of my personal favorite events is one where you lock up a member of each of your Vassal families to send them a message and your relations with all families shoot up. You have to be Terrifying to see that event, and armed with the information presented in this section, you can make that happen, or at the very least, be watchful for opportunities to steer things in that direction.
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