Ice – Vortex – Ice – Frost
Maintains Crits and Status DMG
Frosty Blessing (Gold, Good with icy clain, since you will practically do incredible dps but every time you shoot the weapon it charges itself) OR Vortex Multiplier (Gold).
- Head: Fatal Blow (Gold).
- Mask: Cryo Blast (Gold).
- Chest: Front Conflict (Gold).
- Pants: Bullet Siphon (Gold) or Elemental Amplifier (Gold).
- Gloves: Critical Rate (Gold) OR Elemental Overload (Gold).
- Shoes: Slow and Steady (Gold).
- Calibration: State O Critical rate.
- Good Armor: Falcon (4 pieces), loneWolf (2 pieces) OR Savior Set (4 pieces).
Essential Piece:
Frost FRAG Tactical Vest OR Stealth Walker Wrap (PvE) / Doyen Cloak FRAG (PvP).
Crit DMG-RATE (Main), Status DMG (2°Main), Weapon DMG (3* Main), Frost DMG Bonus, Life%.
Frost is probably the hardest build to build. Its a good payoff because its giving around 18-21k damage so far with virtually 0 reload and its more asthetically pleasing than the shrapnel build.
Some mods you mentioned do not exist in the game.