Build for MG4 Predator
MG4 Predator [Precision Rush] + Wildfire [Vulnerability Amplifier or Targeted Takedown (if you are going to stack Crit Rate/Crit Damage)].
4 piece Shelterer or 4 piece Renegade or 4 piece Agent + Oasis Mask/Precise Shot Mask + 6th piece Agent or Renegade.
- Head [Precise Strike]
- Mask [Targeted Strike]
- Chest [Healing Fortification, or anything you like, they are all equally bad IMO]
- Gloves [Weakspot DMG Boost or Crit Amplifier or Crit DMG Boost (some explanation below!)]
- Legs [Bullet Siphon]
- Boots [Covered Advance or Slow and Steady (if you can maintain good health for a relatively long amount of time)].
Mod Attributes
Stack Weapon DMG and as secondary focus go for Weakspot DMG or Crit Rate or Crit Damage, whichever you choose, make sure you invest your gloves mod into the same thing aswell as your weapon calibrations 7 and 10.
Aka stack the same thing.
In addition, if you can get Bull’s Eye trigger chance attribute ontop of the above for the Mod of Wildfire (whichever you are going with), that could greatly increase the frequency of your shots properly applying Bull’s Eye effect and swap back to MG4 Predator earlier.
Should be obvious, but try to upgrade the attributes to purple or orange quality for all the ones above you will use for the build!
Pistol Strengthen + LMG Reload Boost + Tactical Combo (the one in 3rd row, not the one that supports elements) + Deadly Combo + Row 4 Ability 4 (idk what it’s called, can’t inspect it) + Steady Hand + Last 2 slots feel free to choose anything, as nothing else benefits this build.
Whimsical Drink + Shattered Bread or Stargazy Pie (if you decided to boost Crit Rate and/or Crit Damage as per the above) or Mixed Fried Hot Dog or Assorted Canned Fruit (if you went with Weakspot DMG stacking as per above).
That’s all! I really appreciate it if you’ve made it this far. See you in the game!
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