(Almost) No Reload Jaws Build for Cool Guys
By HarryTasker.
Please note this guide is NOT beginner friendly as it requires some very specific mod rolls to work. If you don’t have these mods toss on whichever Reckless Bomber or Supercharged mod has better stats (Reckless Bomber is probably going to be better anyways so long as you have over 60% crit rate after procs/buffs) and stack crit/crit dmg.
This build is focused on not reloading and maintaining high buff uptime that will outsustain other Jaws builds due to not needing to reload nearly as often and certain buffs not falling off, like Deadshot. This build will outsustain Reckless Bomber builds because we do not lose valuable time reloading and restacking buffs. Reckless Bomber will achieve a higher damage per hit, but will quickly lose to Souvenir once targets are surviving past one magazine.
Jaws is a very unique gun because it (and Corrosion) both scale with crit and elemental/status harder than every other gun in the game, due to Jaws allowing Unstable Bomber to crit and you should have no issue with hitting 100% crit chance (60% from Jaws and Shaman Vulture Top alone) for Unstable Bomber (NOT your weapon damage crit chance, that’ll max out at either 74% or 79% without Recurve, depending on your Gloves mod).
Because UB can now crit, you can double dip its damage because it will scale with crit chance, crit damage, status damage and elemental damage, something only 3 other weapons can do (and 2 of them aren’t the best). With that being said, welcome to near infinite Jaws!
Mandatory for The Build to Work
Before you can even begin to play this build, the following things are mandatory:
- Jaws: Duh
- 4pc Lonewolf: Stacking crit dmg and magazine size that are essential, the crit rating buff is worthless for us since we are not reloading very often.
- Shaman Vulture Top: INSANE amount of crit rating that is always active and enables the fuckery of this build.
- Extended Pistol Mag: Needed in order to get to 20 mag size. Not available until phase 2, get it asap once its available.
- Rapid Crit Rating/Crit Rating Calibration: No contest on this spot. The 40% magazine size is build enabling, not playable without it. Crit rating over dmg because we get so much crit dmg from Lonewolf and gear mods.
- Bombardier Souvenir: Enables Jaws to restore 10% of your magazine everytime UB procs. With high crit you should expect to proc Jaws every 2 shots on average, which means with a magazine size of 20 you’ll restore 2 bullets every proc.
- 16.8% Magazine Capacity: You need this on two mods. I have a gold roll of 12% and a blue of 4.8%. This is what allows you to hit 20 magazine capacity, which is the minimum for this build to work.
If you do NOT have a magazine size of 20 at the bare minimum scroll back to the top of this document where I said to use a Reckless Bomber or Supercharged build because this build will not work for you.
Highly Suggested
1pc Bastille/Savior/Renegade: This slot is honestly pretty flexible. Weapon Damage does not increase UB damage so this only affects our bullet damage (while not insignificant, buffing UB is the priority). Select your 1pc option based on if you want -CD to activators, reload speed, or weapon damage. Stormweaver and Shelterer are worthless here.
Bingo/Recurve Bow/Wildfire: Again, this slot is pretty flexible, with Recurve being the weakest but most affordable option as you don’t spend SC. Bingo and Wildfie both proc Bullseye (8% damage vuln), with Bingo being guaranteed on hit if you swap to it from Jaws. Wildfire is better for AoE marking as it has a 48% chance to target enemies in an AoE. Recurve will buff up your auto reloads and UB damage along with Bullseye, however, Recurve has, at best, a 66% uptime (effectively 9.9% Crit Chance and 5.28% vuln damage) along with being reliant on your aim not being shit (if you miss a weakspot you’re just delaying using Jaws and tanking your damage uptime). For pure, worthless 6 second DPS video flexing and speedkilling treant, Recurve is BIS, otherwise the time spent reloading bolts and hoping you don’t miss the weakspot takes a dump on your dps overall. For normal gameplay its Bullseye for non-treant bossing, Wildfire for AoE/sustain (it kills fast and is great for health regen with Recover Mark, infinitely valuable for solo LEA).
Jaws Mods
For Jaws itself you want the following loadout:
- Small Compensator: Accuracy and stability.
- Compact Reflex Sight: More stability
- Integrated Laser Sight: Tons of accuracy.
- Extended Pistol Mag: Mandatory to hit 20 rounds.
This loadout brings us up to 94 accuracy for near pinpoint shots and 58 stability for less recoil. Some people like Camouflage Suppressor for the increased range but you lose too much accuracy and stability imo.
Gear Mods
Helm – Deviation Expert: Fateful Strike is a trap. On bodyshots Deviation Expert and Fateful are roughly the same DPS (slight favor towards Fateful), on weakspot hits Deviation soars ahead, because, well, its free damage and your weakspot hits benefit from crit. Fire Rate is also one of the best increases to your DPS and is extremely rare to get outside of weapon calibration. Status Damage beefs up Unstable Bomber and thus gets multiplied by crit dmg as well.
Mask – Targeted Strike: Unfortunately, Point Detonation is broken and does not work at all. Targeted is the only real option here, giving you 10% crit chance and 25% crit damage against marked enemies, making Bingo/Wildfire/Recurve mandatory to use if you don’t want a dead mod slot.
Top – Crit DMG Enhancement: Blue mod, BIS for damage since it has an innate 12% crit damage and 2% crit chance along with being able to roll more crit damage as a substat.
Pants – Deadshot: 45% crit damage is yolked and because we go extended amounts of time without reloading we get more uptime of the buff since it has no duration, only lost on reload. Requires 9 crits, which for other jaws build is over half your magazine and then you lose it, for ours its just the beginning. This slot can double roll Resonance (a special substat unique to prime wars that gives you more crit dmg than normal mods) and Resonance is your #1 priority substat for this slot.
Gloves – Crit Boost/Amplifier: Unfortunately I do not have a good rolled Amplifier to test against my Boost, but this slot will probably vary based on your own stat weights and substats. This slot can double roll Resonance (a special substat unique to prime wars that gives you more crit dmg than normal mods) and Resonance is your #1 priority substat for this slot.
Boots – Covered Advance: Most of the shoe mods give the same buff just different conditions. Covered Advance is the easiest one to maintain.
For substats your absolute #1 priority is 16.8% Magazine Capacity, after that crit dmg/elemental damage/status damage.
Handgun Enhancement: 20% handgun damage and reloads 1 ammo when defeating an enemy (stacks with UB procs, allowing you to have infinite magazine on trash as you’ll reload 3 bullets if UB is procced on the killing blow)
Deviation Master: 25% damage against bosses and elites while your Deviation is active.
Tactical Combo: 25% weapon damage for 4s after reloading or swapping weapons. Not terribly valuable since we don’t reload very often and swap weapons every ~12s to reapply Bullseye on stuff that doesn’t die fast.
Status Enhancement: 25% status dmg for 3s after hitting a weakspot. No brainer.
First Round Blast: 25% UB damage for 4s after reload. Again, not terribly valuable, but most cradle options suck.
Series Detonation: When you proc UB you increase the damage of the next UB by 25% for 3s.
Master Tactician: 25% dmg against bosses for 15s after using a tac item. To get the most value out of this go to Settings -> Quick Use Items -> On and put throwing knives on your hotbar.
Bounty Hunter: This is kinda a flex spot. 25% weapon damage and 35% weakspot damage for 15s after killing an enemy you marked. Useless on pure single target fights, useful on boss fights with trash/adds if you’re using Wildfire/Bingo/Recurve to mark non boss targets. Zero value if not using Bingo/Wildfire/Recurve.
Shattered Maiden: Increases Explosion damage received by the target by 40-80%, depending on rank).
Food Buffs
Whimsical Drink: Status DMG, lasts forever if you have Brain Freeze Memetic Spec.
For you meal based food buff, there’s lots of options. Mixed Fried Hot Dog, Stargazy Pie, Bone-in Deviated Sausage, Stardust Pumpkin Salad. Stargazy Pie takes 3 deviated corringredients to make and requires you to actively keep your energy at 100.
See you in the game!
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