Hopefully you find this guide useful if you are new to the game and somehow choose to start playing with priest.
Definitive Guide to Priests
By WoW
Class Positioning
Just as in-game description, priest is good at protecting/healing the team and get back to the fight faster than a team without a priest.
You don’t do a lot of damages and you are fragile as one of the caster class. Making priest a support in role of the game.
Resurrection (75 Faith)
Instantly revive 1 or 2 teammates after casting Q
- Most powerful perk on priest but require huge amount of “faith” investment.
- High faith gives you more heal and shield amount as well.
- The best perk to get for when you have enough money to roll/bid for gears with faith.
Benediction (48 Intelligence)
Store up to 2 charges on your E skill
- You should always aim for this perk when you do not have enough resources for Resurrection.
- This perk simply doubles your functionality as a priest, works well on both E skills.
- Greatly enhance the ability to protect your teammates.
Faithful (30 Stamina)
Recover 5 mana when crits
- Very nice mana-recovery perk, with max-HP and all resistances increased by stamina.
- You gain 5 mana wheneveryou crits, works very well with Fire staff:
- Each segment of the fire staff attack could be a crit and recovers your mana.
- You could easily gain 100-200 mana after using all 5 attacks on fire staff. For example:
- 6
- 7!
- 7!
- 7!
- 7!
- 6
- 7!
- 83!
- Gives you 30 mana, and you could easily achieve full crits by aiming the mobs in the head.
- Your ice element attacks after charging attack with mace could also crits, gives you 10 mana per hit (Physical & Ice element damage both crit).
- Your healing could also crits.
- Overall this perk allows you to spam your Q for 2-3 times more in a short fight also gives you an reasonable amount of stats on HP and resistance.
Recompense (36 Will)
Gives 100 movement speed to E skill affected targets
- Worthy to invest only when Benediction is activated OR you took Guard (AOE Shield) as your E skill.
- This perk act as an enlargement for Benediction and doesn’t work very well alone.
- With Guard you can have a team movement boost and the cool down is lower, but still you should try to activate both Benediction and this one at the same time.
Cleansing Rites (38 Faith)
Cleanse debuffs for E skill affected targets and immune to debuffs for 2s
- Buy one get one free product of Resurrection, you NEVER activate this perk alone.
- I don’t know why they put the cleanse effect on E skills which originally was on Q skills. Damage blocking of E skills (Immunity or AOE shield) is for sure more important than the cleansing debuffs.
- You never want to trade your immunity with Rogue’s poison. Only use case will be cleansing the Cryo’s new Frostbite Curse. I didn’t even try if that works because I think blocking a charged attack from 2H sword fighter is more important.
Skills (Situational)
- Single target healing, chargeable.
- Heals a small amount when uncharged, 3 times of amount when charged.
- More flexible casting and longer casting range than Divine Guidance .
- No cool-down.
- Super powerful when charged and with high in faith.
- Spamable and works better in urgent scenario.
- Lower total healing amount when not charged compared with Divine Guidance.
- Cannot heal when obstacles between you and your target.
- Only tricky part here is about whether you should charge the heal or not. It depends on the real-time situation so just play and get some experience!
- Works best together with Divine Protection where the immunity grants you time to charge up the heal.
- Charge up before engaging.
Divine Guidance
- AOE healing and small damages
- Cast a circle that heal allies and damages enemies within
- Healing has decent amount and is stable
- Potentially higher total healing amount over Cleanse as it could heal multiples at one cast.
- God Tier PVE skill.
- Can heals over obstacles(Over Stone Shaping Flash/Door) by casting circle properly.
- 3s cool-down.
- Your allies may run out of your healing area.
- Have casting range.
- Works well when both your team and enemies are melees.
- Look for fight in corners/doors.(You can’t outheal 2 pyros though)
- Resurrection could revive 2 teammates at same time if their dead bodies fit in the cast circle.
- AOE Shield for allies surrounding
- Instant cast time.
- Shield utilizing time is longer (10s).
- Benefits multiple targets.
- Need to be close to target.
- Shield amount isn’t much regarding long cool-down (40s)
- As this skill only gives shield to your surroundings, you should communicate with your teammates to stay close before using it/walk towards them.
- Works very good with perks Recompense which you could use for team engaging/retreating.
Divine Protection
- Gives 3s immunity to a single target
- Super powerful when casted in proper timing (Pyroblast, Whirlwind, Psionic Blades blocking).
- Long casting range
- Small casting animation
- Extremely rely on Benediction because of long cool down (60s)
- As Pyro and SM is very strong currently, you should look for timing to block Pyroblast & Psionic Blades.
- If possible try to communicate with your front line and bait those skills, once they used the skills your team could push and suppress their position.
Maths About Healing
Let’s talk about only the healing amount here.
Your healing (Shielding) amount is
- Weapon Damage Holding * Weapon Damage in Stat * Healing Bonus(Sheilding Bonus) in Stat * Q Skill Coefficient
- Say you are holding a mace with 123 Physical Damage
- Your Weapon Damage in Stat is 10%
- Your Healing Bonus in Stat is 21%
- Your are using Divine Guidance as Q skill,the coefficient is 50%.
- So you will be healing 1231.11.21*0.5=81.85 per cast, usually the amount will be even higher as they round up numbers in their code,lol.
Therefore you won’t be healing more if you bring 2 staff, the healing calculation only base on weapon you hold when casting and two mentioned stat.
So remember try to switch to the one with higher weapon Damage when you cast, and look for gear stats including Weapon Damage and Faith.
General Playstyle & Positioning
- As a priest, you SUCK at dealing damages. Your strength is as low as the dungeon and your only damage spell(Circle Q) deals only 50 damage per cast.
- Unless your team is telling you there is an 1 HP enemy and you quite sure you are able finish him in quick, engaging is never your first choice.
- Instead, what you should be doing is find a spot where you can overlook the battlefield, and able to heal without worrying getting caught.
BTW, you should always look for team with FRONT LINE when playing priest.
The positioning is also very situational, you need to consider both your team’s class and enemies class.
For example in this gameplay clip, you could see me stay as between my DK and Pyro, where I could heal my Pyro when his doing Fireball vs Fireball, also I could help DK to hold the position when someone wants to breach in through the gate.(Played pretty bad, but we win as we defended the high ground)
So as in this one, the enemy fighter is low, which I help deal some damages, and immediately pull back to keep healing my team:
The rule is quite simple, stay safe, and help your team.
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