Feats Guide: Skeleton Zealot Plaguemancer of Eresh (C32)
Build Notables:
- Post patch, Eresh has become a great death themed god with many of it’s janky attributes removed/redone! Figured this prestige is a great opportunity to take it for a spin! Since now the passive scales with items in bag, picking up Skeleton feels like a no-brainer.
- Zealot because the only thing better than 1 Mouth of Eresh (MoE) is 4 of them! Also gives you 3 extra uses of prayer 1 which gives you plenty of summons to feed into your mouths!
- Necromancy is our bread and butter as far summoning goes, and we have lots of prayers to summon with. MoE are now undead so get buffed by the +5 speed on prayer!
- Plague Chant for more plague stacking.
- Cursed Flesh for doom + plague stacking. MoE will be fast and they have AOE attack, and you have 3-4 of them in short order so they hit a lot!
- Projection => figured it might help with Single Target Damage and it did, but hindsight 20/20 might have been a better idea to get Star Cult instead.
- Necrokinesis for more death damage + doom stacking.
- Master Doom for the armor + adjacent retaliatory damage.
- Grave Chant to kill your summons and trigger lots of stuff.
Prayer 3 x 3-4 times so summon your MoE for the encounter. Then do whatever really, but summon more stuff when you have enough ally slots open. Once your Grave Chant is range is 2-4 you will likely be killing most of your summons, which is a good thing.
Just try to keep your MoE alive since they actually do contribute quite a bit to your DPS + get stronger as your other summons die!
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