OK, took a few attempts, some broken limbs and a few ejections but I beat it. Here’s what I took away from this fight.
1.2 Bosses Tips
- The boss name appears to be randomized, check it’s class for identification; my case was a cruiser class.
- Stick to mid-range and prioritize the turrets, move to close range and pick off problematic weapons from there.
- The boss’s legs can and will stagger any mechs that get too close.
- Destroying a generator disables the main weapon and cripples the boss’s mobility, # of generators seems to match the # of main weapons.
- The turrets have two “modes”: one is an attack scan, the other has the turrets sweep at a given mech.
- The big aoe missile pod only attacks when a mech gets too far away.
- The two side missile pods only attack when a mech is on it’s matching flank, check the message log for the attack pattern.
- The main weapon cannot hit a mech if it is too close to the boss.
- The main weapon does not lock onto a unit, instead “attacking the ground”, so to speak. Check the message log for the attack pattern.
- If a mech gets too close/under the boss, it will fire an aoe from the core.
- The boss will reach a second phase when the core reaches half health, deploying several weapons that cannot be damaged and calling in air strikes on a given mech.
- If the boss is in phase 2, disregard #8. The main weapons and the deployed laser WILL hit you if you’re not careful.
- This got a lot more complex than I expected it too, but at least this info is out there for that one frustrating fight.
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