How to Upgrade Guide
By Kyun.
Once you unlock the second Era in progression you will start to be able to get Upgrade charges.

You can use 1 upgrade charge to upgrade a patch (2 slots). When you do this, several things will happen.

Firstly, the slots on that patch will become tier 2 slots, noted by the number on the slot. Also you will notice that the biotica on those slots have disappeared.

If you click one of these now empty slots, you can see that the biotica yields have now been stored on this slot, this is now a Legacy biotica.

The bunny on this slot was placed on a booster, and so its value is higher, but the slot it was on will no longer have a booster. Upgrading slots will remove both the biotica AND any boosters on those slots but sometimes new boosters might form on them as well.

Here, we have some bamboo. each bamboo gives an additional point of biodiversity if its adjacent to at least 2 plants, so the three bamboo are giving me 3 points plus im getting one for having one type of biotica resulting in my total of 4.

Biodiversity can also be stored through legacy IF its being granted by a bioticas raw yields or symbiosis just like other yields!

However, Legacied biotica will no longer contribute to the symbiosis of biotica unless otherwise specified. try to keep this in mind!

In addition, legacied biotica will no longer contribute to the biodiversity gained from having one of each different biotica. In this case If I switch the remaining bamboo to the tree I’m getting 1 Biodiversity from having a 1 star biotica, and two Biodiversity from the legacied bamboo.

If you place a new biotica on top of a legacied biotica it will add in the yield of the legacied biotica with the new ones yields. If you hover over the output you can see a breakdown of what is coming from the legacy biotica and what is coming from the new biotica.

Remember that boosters and other effects wont apply to the output from the legacied biotica, only the current one!
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