Useful Tips and Tricks
- If you don’t feel like waiting for resources to process or for your giants to walk, just press fast forward!
- If you’re on the fence about investing resources, pop a quick save, then try it. If you’re not satisfied with the result, just quick load!
- Settling nomads gives you extra Eons! Don’t advance the Age if you have a spare nomad!
- Get very familiar with the “locking-in” feature of the Second Age and of improving tiles. Once something is locked in, it is free forever.
- “Shallow Ocean” is within 2 tiles of a coast; deep ocean is further from the coast. It is worth having an 8-tile ocean biome on your planet purely for the Marlin.
- Not be afraid of messing up biotica placement – the way eon works, you essentially get 4 free mulligans per era (including prologue).
Bonus Tip
On that note – generally speaking, you want to have one large continuous biome of each type, rather than having them broken up. Your planets usually give you 24 tiles to work with, so that’s eight tiles for each biome when you’re starting out.
60 Minute Challenge Tips
Desert Challenge Ideal Ambassadors
- Desert: DDDD
- Forest: FFDF
- Swamp: DDD
- Ocean: SDD
- Desert: SDFF
- Forest: FFFF
- Swamp: SFF
- Ocean: SFF
- Desert: DSS
- Forest: FFSS
- Swamp: FSS
- Ocean: SSSS
Desert challenge is the hardest due to lack of Awe, high Danger, and Multinational boosting things to an extremely war mongering level.
What are the benefits of extra nomads?
Once you get to Era III it can be a lot easier to get more prosperity on a new city than an already established one: Going from 2 to 3 pop/tech/wealth takes 20 yields; going from 42 to 43 takes 60 yields.
How to get biodiversity points?
2 star biotica give 2 biodiversity as opposed to the 1 bio that 1 star biotica give for each different type you have, if you upgrade a patch bioD given by things that give it like squirrels becomes legacy and still stays in effect, when in doubt you can use smaller biomes broken up with other biomes, each instance of a biome tracks it’s biodiversity separately so sometimes two smaller biomes can each have more than one big one would, situationally dependant of course. Really depends on your particular situation.
How the “Barren” trait is supposed to work?
Barren just means that bioticum doesn’t count as occupying that space for any other biotica that doesn’t want to be next to anything. So for example, Ostrich gains 10 food and 5 gold for each empty space adjacent to it. If you place something that’s barren next to it it’s still counted as empty for the ostrich.
Sludge Corp Explained
With sludge Corp basically in the first phase you build up as much food as you can in that city, then in the second phase it pollutes and wipes out all base food type resources in the biomes that city touches preventing placing down new base food biotica.
In return you get a cenned sludge luxury that gives (iirc) half the food you lost and can be spread to other cities (also spreads the pollution) through trade. In addition the sludge Corp city gains gold for each pop in cities with the sludge. So the idea is that you wanna get the sludge as valuable as possible and trade it around OR prevent it’s spread (and the pollution spread) and focus on pumping up wealth through other means (less intended strat).
How trade routes work?
Trade routes will trade other cities for their inventions. Making use of both science and wealth.
Whats the point of mysteries and how do you get them?
Each leader converts mysteries in their borders into different yields: The Pirate Queen will give 5 valuables, 2 food, and 2 science per mystery; whereas the Inventor will just give 3 science per mystery. You can click on the second tab on a city’s overview to see what yields its leader gets per mystery.
Mystery can be obtained in the same way as other resources: From base yields, symbioses, projects, and so on. The ocean biome has by far the highest mystery output in the early game, but there are 2- or 3-star biotica in just about every biome that can provide mystery. The first available mystery sources are Clownfish and Anemone, both are starting biotica in the Ocean.
Legacy Biotica – how exactly do they work?
The current resource yield of the tile is saved and nothing else. you might lose progress because other tiles lose their synergies since the tags and types disappear.
Deluxe Features and Southern Hemisphere Mode settings explained
Southern hemisphere mode moves view point to bottom of the planet.
Deluxe features toggles the supporter pack giant glowing eyes.
Is there any way to see yields I’m getting from individual tiles?
I don’t know if it wil properly answer your question but when you have your mouse over a biotica, it shows you what and how much it produces.
Is there any way to see the number of type of biotica I have?
Not a complete answer, but on the biotica placing giant UI (on the bottom) the biotica with the green background are already present in the biome.
When I load into a planet it is auto rotating. How to stop it from doing that?
Disconnect your gamepad.
How is the distance for Taïga biotica requiring to be away from cities work?
The Distance for the taiga is counted in patches. So if it’s placed next to a city, it’s 1 patch away. If there is a patch in between, it’s 2 patches away etc. A “Lost” bioticum adds +1 to that count of that patch. So if a blackberry is 2 patches away, and you place a fir tree in between the blackberry and the city, the blackberry is now 3 patches away. The offering is just a tag like any other.
How does the save system work in the game?
- Autosave is on a timer, every 5 realtime minutes iirc.
- There are also autosaves after settling a city, and after starting a new era, completing a planet, and indeed leaving a planet.
- Re-entering a planet always picks the latest save made for that planet.
- Quick-load however, always refers to the last Quick-save made.
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