Items that have a limit, and you go over it, may cause crashes or lags if you try to drop them or give it to someone else!
Items you obtain by story or through keycards may not work!
Those IDs can be edited in:
- \AppData\LocalLow\Endnight\SonsOfTheForest\Saves\X\MultiplayerClient\X\PlayerInventorySaveData.json
You can edit & save that file in the game menu and instantly join into the map.
Name | ID |
3dPrintedArrow | 618 |
3dPrintedArrowHeads | 559 |
3dPrintedFlask | 426 |
3dPrintedFlowerPot | 561 |
3dPrintedGrapplingHook | 560 |
3dPrintedKnife | 427 |
3dPrintedSled | 428 |
3dPrintedUnderwaterMask | 429 |
3dPrinterResin | 390 |
9mmAmmo | 362 |
AirCanister | 469 |
Airgun | 357 |
AirgunScope | 470 |
AlbumCover | 467 |
AloeVera | 451 |
AloeVeraSeed | 596 |
ArrowleafBalsamroot | 454 |
ArrowleafSeed | 597 |
Backpack | 402 |
Batteries | 527 |
BatteryCharger | 458 |
BatteryPack | 460 |
Binoculars | 341 |
Blackberries | 595 |
BlackberrySeed | 598 |
Blueberries | 445 |
BlueberrySeed | 599 |
BlueprintBirdHouse | 581 |
BlueprintBoneChair | 579 |
BlueprintBoneChandelier | 588 |
BlueprintBook | 552 |
BlueprintDryingRack | 530 |
BlueprintFishTrap | 582 |
BlueprintHangingSkullLight | 625 |
BlueprintMannequin | 584 |
BlueprintPlanterFloor | 587 |
BlueprintPlanterWall | 586 |
BlueprintRockPath | 622 |
BlueprintScarecrow | 585 |
BlueprintShelf | 621 |
BlueprintSmallLogCabin | 591 |
BlueprintStickBed | 532 |
BlueprintStickChair | 531 |
BlueprintStickLadder | 580 |
BlueprintStorageBones | 608 |
BlueprintStorageBox | 583 |
BlueprintStorageLogs | 609 |
BlueprintStorageRocks | 607 |
BlueprintStorageSticks | 610 |
BlueprintTable | 620 |
BlueprintTrapBoneMaker | 549 |
BlueprintTrapFlySwatter | 550 |
BlueprintTrapSmallAnimalCatcher | 551 |
BlueprintWallShelf | 623 |
BlueprintWallTorch | 624 |
BlueprintWeaponRack | 533 |
BlueTShirt | 488 |
Bone | 405 |
BoneArmour | 494 |
BuckshotAmmo | 364 |
BunkerPamphlet | 509 |
C4Brick | 420 |
CannedFood | 434 |
CanOpener | 432 |
CatFood | 464 |
CerealBox | 425 |
Chicory | 465 |
ChicorySeed | 605 |
CircuitBoard | 416 |
ClimbingAxe | 478 |
Cloth | 415 |
Coins | 502 |
CombatKnife | 380 |
CompactPistol | 355 |
CompactPistolRail | 376 |
ContactSpringTrigger | 514 |
ContactTrigger | 511 |
CookingPot | 517 |
CraftedArrow | 507 |
CraftedBow | 443 |
CraftedClub | 477 |
CraftedSpear | 474 |
CreepyArmour | 593 |
CreepySkin | 592 |
Cross | 468 |
Crossbow | 365 |
CrossbowAmmoBolt | 368 |
CrossbowQuiverMod | 384 |
DeerHide | 472 |
DeerHideArmour | 519 |
DevilsClub | 449 |
DevilsClubSeed | 600 |
DuctTape | 419 |
EmailPrintoutAstrologyA | 539 |
EmailPrintoutAstrologyB | 540 |
EmailPrintoutAstrologyC | 541 |
EmailPrintoutBalletA | 545 |
EmailPrintoutCaveLighting | 521 |
EmailPrintoutGolfA | 534 |
EmailPrintoutGolfB | 535 |
EmailPrintoutGolfC | 536 |
EmailPrintoutGolfD | 537 |
EmailPrintoutGovernmentA | 614 |
EmailPrintoutGovernmentB | 615 |
EmailPrintoutGovernmentC | 616 |
EmailPrintoutMrPuffyFinancial | 528 |
EmailPrintoutMrPuffyWill | 526 |
EmailPrintoutPaintingA | 538 |
EmailPrintoutPoliticianA | 542 |
EmailPrintoutPoliticianB | 543 |
EmailPrintoutPoliticianC | 544 |
EmailPrintoutSqueakyShoesA | 546 |
EmailPrintoutSqueakyShoesB | 547 |
EmailPrintoutSqueakyShoesC | 548 |
EmergencyPack | 483 |
EnergyBar | 441 |
EnergyDrink | 439 |
EnergyMix | 461 |
EnergyMixPlus | 462 |
Feather | 479 |
FireAxe | 431 |
Fireweed | 453 |
FireweedSeed | 601 |
Fish | 436 |
Flare | 440 |
Flashlight | 471 |
FlashlightMod | 378 |
Flask | 475 |
Flippers | 463 |
FlyAmanitaMushroom | 400 |
FoodCubeBrain | 569 |
FoodCubeSteak | 570 |
FoodCubeSteakAndBacon | 571 |
FoodTray | 497 |
FoodTrayFilled | 512 |
GoldenArmour | 572 |
GoldMask | 435 |
GolfBall | 524 |
GolfPutter | 525 |
GPSLocator | 529 |
GPSTracker | 412 |
GrabBag | 351 |
GRABSLaserPointer | 498 |
Grenade | 381 |
GrenadeAmmo | 382 |
GuaranaBerries | 594 |
GuaranaSeed | 602 |
Guitar | 340 |
HalfLog | 408 |
HalfLogPlank | 577 |
HangGlider | 626 |
HealthMix | 455 |
HealthMixPlus | 456 |
HolovilleNoticeA | 562 |
HolovilleNoticeB | 563 |
HolovilleNoticeC | 564 |
HolovilleNoticeD | 565 |
Hoodie | 490 |
Horsetail | 450 |
HorsetailSeed | 603 |
HydnumRepandumMushroom | 399 |
Katana | 367 |
KeyCardGuest | 567 |
KeyCardMaintenance | 566 |
KeyCardVIP | 568 |
KingOysterMushroom | 398 |
LaserMeasureTool | 505 |
LaserSightMod | 375 |
Leaf | 484 |
LeafArmour | 473 |
LeatherJacket | 493 |
Log_Legacy | 78 |
LogPlank | 395 |
LootPouch | 508 |
Machete2 | 359 |
Meat | 433 |
ModernAxe | 356 |
Molotov | 388 |
MolotovAmmo | 389 |
Money | 496 |
MrePack | 438 |
MrPufftonTableCard | 627 |
MrsPufftonTableCard | 628 |
NewspaperCutout | 612 |
NewspaperCutoutOutbid | 613 |
NightVisionGoggles | 354 |
NovelA | 423 |
NovelB | 424 |
NovelC | 574 |
NovelD | 575 |
NumbersPrintout | 611 |
OldJacket | 491 |
Oyster | 466 |
PaperTarget | 518 |
Pills | 437 |
PistolAmmoBox | 370 |
PistolSuppressor | 374 |
PlasmaLighter | 413 |
PuffyJacket | 500 |
QuarterLog | 406 |
QuarterLogPlank | 576 |
Radio | 590 |
RamenNoodles | 421 |
Rebreather | 444 |
RedMask | 391 |
RepairTool | 422 |
Revolver | 386 |
Rifle | 361 |
RifleAmmo | 387 |
RifleRailMod | 383 |
Rock | 393 |
Rope | 403 |
RopeGun | 522 |
Salmonberries | 447 |
SalmonberrySeed | 604 |
ScopeMod | 377 |
SeveredArm | 480 |
SeveredHead | 482 |
SeveredLeg | 481 |
ShiitakeMushroom | 397 |
ShotgunAmmoBoxBuckshot | 371 |
ShotgunAmmoBoxSlug | 372 |
ShotgunPumpAction | 358 |
ShotgunRail | 346 |
Shovel | 485 |
SilkPyjamas | 487 |
Skull | 430 |
SleepingBag | 573 |
Slingshot | 459 |
SlugAmmo | 363 |
SmallRock | 476 |
Snowberries | 448 |
Spring | 513 |
Stick | 392 |
StockPricePrintout | 617 |
Structure Element | 520 |
StunGun | 353 |
StunGunAmmo | 369 |
StunGunAmmoBox | 457 |
TacticalAxe | 379 |
TacticalBoots | 501 |
TacticalBow | 360 |
TacticalBowAmmo | 373 |
TacticalChainsaw | 394 |
TacticalJacket | 495 |
TacticalPants | 489 |
Tarp | 504 |
TaserStick | 396 |
TechArmour | 554 |
TechMesh | 553 |
ThreeQuarterLog | 409 |
ThreeQuarterLogPlank | 578 |
TimeBomb | 417 |
Torch | 503 |
TrackerDart | 366 |
TurtleEgg | 401 |
TurtleShell | 506 |
TutorialBook | 589 |
TutorialPageBasicBuilding | 515 |
TutorialPageTarpTent | 516 |
Tuxedo | 492 |
Twinberries | 446 |
VirginiaCamoSuit | 558 |
VirginiaDress | 556 |
VirginiaLeatherSuit | 557 |
VirginiaSwimSuit | 619 |
VirginiaTrackSuit | 555 |
VodkaBottle | 414 |
WalkieTalkie | 486 |
Wetsuit | 499 |
Wire | 418 |
Wristwatch | 410 |
Yarro | 452 |
YarroSeed | 606 |
ZiplineRope | 523 |
anyone know the item ID for pistol rail?
485 = Shovel
431 = Firefighter Axe
MRE: 438
Thanks a lot!
não tem da pá
CompoundBow = 360
419 – tape
415 – cloth
Crossbow Bolt: 368
Stone Arrow: 507
3D Printed Arrow: 618
Carbon Fibre Arrow: 373
Thank you!
The ItemID for molotovs is 388.
Thanks mate!