Infinite Glider Glitch
So what shall i say – It’s back: the infinite glider “glitch”. For me this was basic gameplay mechanic in The Forest. It’s a bit to easy to achive in SOTF for my taste. Nevertheless here you go.
Thank you Endnight – i love you for putting this into the game.
How to Do It
Simply dive straight down with the glider to gain some speed for about 2 seconds.

Then pull your nose up to ascend for about 5 seconds until you notice you are not gaining height anymore.

Repeat as long as you wish to gain heigt.
This was just a recent discovery by me and for shure it is by far not an optimized process. I’m just starting to experiment with turns and angles. Feel free to do so yourself and share it.
I noticed this too, and when you climb you can just listen to the wind, when it stops tap W and do so gradually until you take the next dive. I got to almost 3800m altitude and could see the entire island beneath me, then the game crashed.