Soulmask – Complete Traits List

A quick guide with a full list of traits in Soulmask’s game.

Soulmask Traits


Archery MasterUsing a bow grants 20% chance to designate any hit part as a weak spot, and reduces the target’s Movement Speed by 50% for 5s.
Axe KillerHitting a target with a throwing axe increases target’s damage taken by 8% for 10 seconds
Born Labourer50% increase to proficiency growth rate for logging and mining.
Butcher in WoodsDamage Dealt to non-human creatures +5%
Chest BreakerThe speed of opening boxes increased by +80%
Death BringerGets a rush from attacking a near-death enemy, gaining a 25% chance to increase ATK and Movement Speed by 20% and Attack Speed by 10% for 6s (CD: 30s)
Farming ExpertProficiency growth rate for farming and harvesting +50%
Fly Cutter AssassinHitting a target with a fly cutter (throwing knives) causes additional bleeding effects that last for 10s.
Heartcapator+10% damage when attacking the Torso of a target.
Lung PeircerHitting the target with the lance, reduces its stamina recovery by 50% for 10 seconds
Mad WorkerMax Morale +100%
NightwalkerWhen moving at night, Movespeed +5%, Crit Rate +5%
The ChosenProbability of getting rare items +50%
Weapon MasterDMG dealt by all weapons +10%, Attack Speed +10%


Power of CritClawDamage to flint, fang, outcast, and plunderer enemies +2/5/8%
Power of ErosionClawCrit Damage +6/8/10%
Wild PowerClawCrit Rate +2/5/8%
Power of Crit ResistFlintCrit Resist +3/6/9%
Power of DefenseFlintDEF +3/6/9%
Power of TenacityFlintMax Resilence +15/20/25
Poison ResistFlintPoison Resist +20/25/30
Poison ImmunityFlint-15/20/25% Poison DMG taken


Accelerate AlchemyThe time required to complete alchemy quests is reduced by -10/20/30%
Accelerate Armor CraftingThe time required to complete armor crafting quests is reduced by -10/20/30%
Accelerate CookingThe time required to complete cooking quests is reduced by -10/20/30%
Accelerate Weapon CraftingThe time required to complete weapon crafting quests is reduced by -10/20/30%
Accelerate WeavingThe time required to complete weaving quests is reduced by -10/20/30%
Accelerate Wood & StoneThe time required to complete wood and stone quests is reduced by -10/20/30%
Acceleration at StressWhen attacked, has 20% chance to increase own movement speed by 30% for 6 seconds. (CD:30s)
Anti-HungerMax Satiety +10/20/40%
Anti-ThirstMax Hydration +10/20/40%
Arm Stress ResponseWhen the arms are attacked, DMG taken – 50% for 5s (CD: 15s)
Avoid VitalsWhen hit by a ranged attack from 15 meters away, DMG taken -20/50/80% (CD:7s)
Backpack ExpansionHas 10/20/30 more inventory slots
Bite the BulletWhen under attack, 30% chance to increase self Max Load by 10/25/50% for 10 seconds (CD:30s)
Blood AbsorptionTargets within 5 meters spill blood when taking damage, giving a 25% chance to steal 30 HP.
Blood ActivatingHP Recovery Speed +50/100/200%
Bloodbath RecoveryUpon hit, has a 20% chance of recovering HP for 30% of ATK per second at the cost of increasing DMG taken by 30%. This effect last 15 seconds. (CD:25s)
Camel CowMax load +20/40/60%
Clever EscapeStores up stamina to make a quick escape at any time. Also recovers 5/15/25 stamina from Hitstun. (CD: 5s)
Crafting Speed upTime required for completing crafting quests is reduced by -10/20/30%
Crave for BloodWhen attacking targets within 5 meters, has a 25% chance to convert 30% of damage to HP restoration to self.
Defense to OffenseReturns 50% of damage to the attacker after successfully reflecting the enemie’s melee attack.
DeterminedStaying still for 12 seconds to gain a stack of ATK +2%, ATK SPD +2%, CRIT +3%, CRIT DMG +4% at the cost of taking slightly higher DMG, stacking up to 5 times. Removes all effects after moving.
Dodge and StrikeSuccessfully dodging an enemy attack increases Movement speed by 30%, Attack Speed by 30% and ATK by 10% for 5 seconds (CD: 10s)
EnduranceAfter fending off an enemy attack DEF +80% for 6 second and gains Resilience +30 (CD: 20s)
Endurance BurstAfter successfully defending against enemy attacks, if Stamina is above 60%, recovers Resilience by 30 and gains a stack of 10% increase in DEF. When reaching more than 5 stacks, enters the burst status that deals 100% more damage for 6s.
Enemy Down FervencyWhen an enemy is killed within 10 meters, gains a stack of Crit +4%, Crit Resist +4%, Crit DMG +4%, Movement Speed +4% for 30 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.
Enhance DEFDEF +3% / +6% / +9%
Extraordinary TalentTriggering chance of all probabilistic talents +10% / +15% / +20%
Extreme DodgeInstantly recovers 35 Stamina after dodging enemy attacks
Fatal RythmGains 1 Stack of 2/3/4% ATK and ATK SPD when stamina exceeds 60% and attacking enemies with an interval longer than 2s, lasting 10 seconds and stacking up to 5 times. (Removes all effects if the DMG interval is too short)
Fierce AttackAttack Speed +3/6/9%
Fight BackWhen a body part (except the head) other than the weak spots is hit by a melee attack within a 5m range, 20% of the damage is returned back to the attacker
Fight to DeathWhen attacked, has 20% chance to increase own ATK by 50% at the cost of reducing DEF by 50% for 15s (CD: 25s)
Firm WillHas a 10/20/25% chance to become immune to hitstuns (CD: 5s)
Full StaminaImproves stamina recovery, receiving an addition 50% from each stamina recovery.
Full VitalityMax HP +3% / +6% / +9%
Getting BraverAttacking enemies 5m from self for a 15% chance to gain +2/3/4% CRIT RATE, CRIT RESIT, CRIT DMG, and MOVE SPD for 30 seconds stacking up to 5 times.
Go For the JugularWhen attacking an enemy 15 meters away, the damage to weak spots +20% / +25%
Good at Melee CombatDMG to enemies within 5 meters +3% / +6% / +9%
Good HearingAble to hear sounds 5/10/15 decibels lower
Hardened BodyDuring Hitstun, there is a 20% chance of gaining Superarmor for 1s / 2s / 3s. (CD:5s)
Hardened Skin – Anti-Blunt StrikeDMG taken from blunt strike-type attacks -10 / -15% / – 20%
Hardened Skin – Anti-PierceDMG taken from pierce-type attacks -10 / -15% / – 20%
Hardened Skin – Anti-SlashDMG taken from slash-type attacks -10 / -15% / – 20%
Head DestructionAttacking the enemy’s head has a 20% chance of gaining 15%/25% bonus damage.
Injury RelieveBorn to be tough and resilient, DMG taken – 3% / – 6% / – 9%
Insight DEFIgnores the enemy’s DEF within 7s after reflecting the enemy’s attack. (CD: 30s)
Last RadiancePossesses tenacious vitality, able to recover 20% of HP in 5 seconds when HP is below 30% (CD: 40s)
Light FootstepsTakes soft steps, reducing the volume footfall noise by 30% / 50%
Limb DestructionAttacking the enemy’s limbs has a 20% chance of gaining 5% / 15% / 25% bonus damage
Loaded RaidWhen load is above 90%, movement speed is +20% / +40%
Loadless Fast MarchingMovement Speed +15% when the load is less than 50%
Lose-LoseWhen own weakspot is attacked, has a 25% chance to increase the damage dealt to the enemies weakspot by 60% in the next 15 seconds. However, the DMG taken on own weakspot is also increased by 60%. This effect lasts for 15 seconds. (CD: 25s)
LongsightVeiw Distance increased by +2/5/10 meters
Marksman FootstepMovement speed +55 / +75 / +95% when aiming with bows.
Merciless MeansWhen enemy dies, other enemies within 10 meters, reduced -ATK SPD 5/10/15%, -Crit Resist 5/10/20%, and -DEF 5/10/20% for 20 seconds.
Moralle DampenerWhen hitting the target, has a 15% chance to reduce ATK by 3%, DEF by 2%, and MOVE SPD by 5% for 15 seconds, stacking upto 5 times.
Mind-Heart UnisonWhen hitting the target, has 20% chance to enter heart flow state triggering all talents of self that require triggering within 10s (CD: 25s)
Multiple ShootingMastered the exclusive multi-shooting skill of bows. Shoots more arrows at the same time every time using this kind of skill.
Overwhelming ForceWhen dealing damage to enemies, consumes an additional 15 stamina to increase damage by 5/10/15%
PEN DEFWhen hitting a target, 5/10/15% chance to ignore target’s DEF (Cooldown: 2s)
Powerful AttackATK +3/6/9%
Rapid FireFull-charge time of bows – 55%
Rapid GrowthGood at reflecting on the past. Character EXP gained +20% / +50% / +80%
Refined ArmorSkilled in crafting. Probability of forging high-quality armor +10%
Remote StrikeDMG to enemies 15 meters away +3% / +6% / +9%
ResourcefulWhen self-awareness dominates the body, the likelihood of the body reacting to danger +20% / +35%
RiposteWhen blocking with a weapon (not sheild), 10/20/30% chance to retaliate the attacker, dealing damage equal to 10/25/50% of your attack.
Shield BashThe mastery of shield technique allows you to consume additional stamina to fend off a melee attack while returning 100% of the received damage to the attacker.
Skill RecoveryRecovers HP equal to 35% of the damage dealt after successfully reflecting the enemy’s attack.
Slaughter FervencyWhen enemy is killed, gains 1 stack of +2/3/4%Crit Rate, Crit Resist, Crit Damage, and Movespeed for 30 seconds, stacking upto 5 times
Slow Absorption (Food)The food is digested slower, Satiety Consumption – 30%
Slow Absorption (Water)Slow water absorption. Water Consumption – 50%
Static RecoveryWhen remaining stationary for 15s without any movement, slowly recovers HP equal to 25% of DEF per second.
Stimulate MoraleWhen attacked, has a 20% chance to enter the heart flow, triggering all talents of self that requires triggering within 10s (CD: 25s)
Suppress ViolenceWhen hitting a target, 5/10/15% chance to reduce their crit rate by 2/3/7% for 15 seconds stacking up to 5 times
Surprise Attack20% chance for taking any part hit as a weak spot.
Swift Pace+3/6/9% movement speed
Tail DestructionWhen attacking the tail of the target, has a 20% chance to increase DMG by 25%.
Thigh Stress ResponseWhen the thigh is attacked, DMG taken -10/25/50% for 5 seconds (CD: 15s)
Torso DestructionWhen attacking the torso of the target, has a 20% chance to increase DMG by 25%.
Torso Stress ResponseThe stress response kicks in when the Torso is attacked, DMG taken – 50% for 5s. (CD:15s)
Trick ForceStamina Cost -10/20/30%
UnnoticeableWhen spotted by enemies, Vigilance – 60%
Weak Spot EnhanceIntentionally strengthens own weak spots. Damage taken when hit – 20% / – 40% / – 60%
Weakness ThumpAttacking the enemies weak spot has a 25% chance of increasing damage by 10/20/25%
Weapon EnhancementProbability of producing high-quality weapons +7.5%
Wild Nature AwakenedWhen HP is below 30%, ATK +20%, Stamina +20 per second, DEF – 20%, lasting for 15s (CD: 30s)
Wrath of RevengeTransforms anger into power. Completely gets enraged when an ally within 10 meters dies, ATK +15% / 20% DEF +20% / +25%, Attack Speed +7.5% / +10%, Movement Speed 10% / 15%, and recover 15 / 20 stamina per second for 20s (CD: 50s)


Add insult to injuryWhen HP falls below 30%, lose an additonal 15/20% HP over 10 seconds (CD:50s)
Attack WeakeningATK – 3% / – 6% / – 9%
Born RevoltThe speed at which Recognition declines increases by 200%; when Recognition drops too low, defects the tribe with some assets. When Recognition falls below 400, reveals True Self, DMG dealt when attacking from the back of the enemy increases by 15%.
Born with Bad LuckReduces trigger chance of all talents by 10/20/30%
Clumsy+10/20/30% increase in Stamina cost in actions that require stamina.
Clumsy FootstepsMovement Speed -30/50/80% when aiming with bows
Devious HeartWhen betraying the tribe, they may take 1 tribesman with low recognition
Famous TrashMax Moral – 50%
Heavy FootstepsIncreases the volume footfall noise by 40% / 70% / 100%
Injury WorseningDMG taken +3/6/9%
No Load WantedMax Load -20/40/60%
Poor HealthMax HP – 3% /- 6% /- 9%
Poor HearingCan only hear sounds 5/10/15 decibels louder than the normal person
Poor in Melee CombatDMG dealt to all enemies within 5 meters -5/10/15%
Poor in Remote AttackDMG dealt to all enemies 20 meters away -5/10/15%
Prone to HungerMax Satiety – 20% / – 30% / – 40%
Prone to ThirstMax Hydration – 20% / – 30% / – 40%
Rapid Absorption (Food)Satiety Consumption +10% / +30% / +50%
Rapid Absorption (Water)Water consumption +10% / +30% / +50%
Short SightView distance – 3 / -10 meters
Slow GrowthGrowth EXP gained – 20% / – 60%
Slow ShootingCharge time of bows +30% / +80%
Slow-wittedWhen self-awareness dominates the body, the likelihood of the body taking self-protective reactions to danger are reduced by 10% / 15% / 20%
Soft Leather – Weak Blunt StrikeDMG taken from blunt attack +15/20/25%
Soft Leather – Weak Peirce StrikeDMG taken from peircing attack +15/20/25%
Soft Leather – Weak SlashDMG taken from slash-type attacks increases by 15% / 20% / 25%
Stamima DepletedStamina Recovery – 20% /- 50%
Suspicious BehaviourVigilance +20/40/60% when spotted by enemies.
Thick BloodNatural HP recovery -30/50/70%
Weak AttackAttack Speed – 5% / -10% / -15%
Weakened DEFDEF -3/6/9%
World ShakingVolume of Sounds created by this charchter is increased by +50/70/100%


Bow DMG IncreaseImprovementBow DMG +3/6/9%
Dual-Blade DMG IncreaseImprovementDual-blade damage +3/6/9%
Gauntlet DMG IncreaseImprovementGauntlet DMG +3/6/9%
Greatsword DMG IncreaseImprovement Greatsword DMG +3/6/9%
Hammer DMG IncreaseImprovementHammer DMG +3/6/9%
Single Blade DMG IncreaseImprovementSingle-blade DMG +3/6/9%
Spear DMG IncreaseImprovementSpear DMG +3/6/9%
Bow DMG ReductionWeaknessBow DMG -10/15/20%
Dual-Blade DMG ReductionWeaknessDual-blade damage -10/15/20%
Gauntlet DMG ReductionWeaknessGauntlet DMG -10/15/20%
Greatsword DMG ReductionWeaknessGreatsword DMG -10/15/20%
Hammer DMG ReductionWeaknessHammer DMG -10/15/20%
Single Blade DMG ReductionWeaknessSingle-blade DMG -10/15/20%
Spear DMG ReductionWeaknessSpear DMG -10/15/20%


FightingPostiveProficiency Growth Rate for blade, dual-blade, hammer, greatsword, and gauntlets +50/60/75%
GuardPostiveProficiency Growth Rate for greatsword, blade, spear, sheild, bow +50/60/75%
HuntingPostiveProficiency Growth Rate for bow, spear, blade, dual-blade, and gauntlets +50/60/75%
LabourerPostiveProficiency Growth Rate for logging, mining, planting and harvesting, +50/60/75%
PorterPostiveProficiency Growth Rate for learning weaving, potting, wood & stone, leatherworking, and kilning +50/60/75%
CraftsmanPostiveProficiency Growth Rate for craftmanship, alchemy, weapon crafting, armor crafting, and cooking +50/60/75%
Obsessed with GuardingNegativeProficiency Growth Rate for dual-blade, gauntlets, and hammer -25/35/50%
Obsessed with HuntingNegativeProficiency Growth Rate for greatsword, sheild, and hammer -25/35/50%
Obssessed with FightingNegativeProficiency Growth Rate for spear, bow, and sheild -25/35/50%
Chore Warm-upNegativeProficiency Growth Rate for weaving, wood planning, stonecutting, leatherworking, potting and kilning -25/35/50%
Work Warm-upNegativeProficiency Growth Rate for logging, mining, planting and harvesting -25/35/50%
Manual Warm-upNegativeProficiency Growth Rate for craftmanship, alchemy, weapon crafting, armor crafting, and cooking -25/35/50%


Likes/Loves BathsPostiveGains 20/40/60 mood when taking a bath. For 15 minutes, rate of mood decline -30/50/70%, and mood improvement effects +75/100/125% (t3 during this time can lead to elation)
Likes/Loves Bone WeaponsPostiveGains 20/40/60 mood when equipped with bone weapons. For 15 minutes, rate of mood decline -30/50/70%, and mood improvement effects +75/100/125%
Likes/Loves Braised MeatPostiveGains 20/40/60 mood when consuming braised meat. For 15 minutes, rate of mood decline -30/50/70%, and mood improvement effects +75/100/125%
Likes/Loves Bronze ArmorPostiveGains 20/40/60 mood when equipped with bronze weapons. For 15 minutes, rate of mood decline -30/50/70%, and mood improvement effects +75/100/125%
Likes/Loves Bronze WeaponsPostiveGains 20/40/60 mood when equipped with bronze weapons. For 15 minutes, rate of mood decline -30/50/70%, and mood improvement effects +75/100/125% (during this time can lead to elation)
Likes/Loves the ColdPostiveGains 20/40/60 mood when feeling the cold. For 15 minutes, rate of mood decline -30/50/70%, and mood improvement effects +75/100/125%
Likes/Loves Cloth GearPostiveGains 20/40/60 mood when equipped with cloth gear. For 15 minutes, rate of mood decline -30/50/70%, and mood improvement effects +75/100/125% (during this time can lead to elation)
Likes/Love DefactionPostiveGains 20/40/60 mood when defecating. For 15 minutes, rate of mood decline -30/50/70%, and mood improvement effects +75/100/125%
Likes/Loves DrinkingPostiveGains 20/40/60 mood when consuming alcohol. For 15 minutes, rate of mood decline -30/50/70%, and mood improvement effects +75/100/125%
Likes/Loves Legendary LeaderPostiveGains 20/40/60 mood when the leader is of red quality or higher. For 15 minutes, rate of mood decline -30/50/70% and mood improvement effects +75/100/125% (during time can lead to elation)
Likes/Loves to Lie DownPostiveGains 20/40/60 mood when resting. For 15 minutes, rate of mood decline -30/50/70%, and mood improvement effects +75/100/125%
Likes/Loves Living in HerdsPostiveGains 20/40/60 mood when living in tribe with more than 10 people. For 15 minutes, rate of mood decline -30/50/70%, and mood improvement effects +75/100/125%
Likes/Loves Mild HeatPostiveGains 20/40/60 mood when in mild heat. For 15 minutes, rate of mood decline -30/50/70%, and mood improvement effects +75/100/125%
Likes/Loves MeatPostiveGains 20/40/60 mood when consuming meat. For 15 minutes, rate of mood decline -30/50/70%, and mood improvement effects +75/100/125%
Likes/Loves Mild TempaturesPostiveGains 20/40/60 mood when in mild Tempatures. For 15 minutes, rate of mood decline -30/50/70% and mood improvement effects +75/100/125%
Likes/Loves Outstanding LeadersPostiveGains 20/40/60 mood when the leader is of purple quality or higher. For 15 minutes, rate of mood decline -30/50/70% and mood improvement effects +75/100/125% (during time can lead to elation)
Likes/Passionate about OstrichPostiveGains 20/40/60 mood at a fixed interval when Ostrich nearby. For 15 minutes, rate of mood decline -30/50/70%, and mood improvement effects +75/100/125%
Likes/Passionate about PantherPostiveGains 20/40/60 mood at fixed interval when panther nearby. For 15 minutes, rate of mood decline -30/50/70%, and mood improvement effects +75/100/125%
Likes/Passionate about ParrotPostiveGains 20/40/60 mood when parrot nearby. For 15 minutes, rate of mood decline -30/50/70%, and mood improvement effects +75/100/125%
Likes/Loves RainPostiveGains 20/40/60 mood when it rains. For 15 minutes, rate of mood decline -30/50/70%, and mood improvement effects +75/100/125%
Likes/Loves Staple FoodPostiveGains 20/40/60 mood when consuming staple food. For 15 minutes, rate of mood decline -30/50/70%, and mood improvement effects +75/100/125%
Likes/Loves SnowPostiveGains 20/40/60 mood when it snows. For 15 minutes, rate of mood decline -30/50/70%, and mood improvement effects +75/100/125%
Likes/Loves Stone WeaponsPostiveGains 20/40/60 mood when equipped with bronze weapons. For 15 minutes, rate of mood decline -30/50/70%, and mood improvement effects +75/100/125% (during this time can lead to elation)
Likes/Loves TobbacoPostiveGains 20/40/60 mood when smoking. For 15 minutes, rate of mood decline -30/50/70%, and mood improvement effects +75/100/125%
Likes/Loves TomatoesPostiveGains 20/40/60 mood when eating tomatoes. For 15 minutes, rate of mood decline -30/50/70% and mood improvement effects +75/100/125%
Likes/Loves Sunny DaysPostiveGains 20/40/60 mood on sunny days. For 15 minutes, rate of mood decline -30/50/70% and mood improvement effects +75/100/125%
Aversion to AlpacaNegativeLoses 2/4/6 mood when nearby Alpaca. For 5 minutes, rate of mood decline +50/75/100% and mood improvement effects -20/40/60%
Aversion to/Dislikes AlchololNegativeLoses 2/4/6 mood when consuming braised meat . For 5 minutes, rate of mood decline +50/75/100%, and mood improvement effects -20/40/60%
Aversion to BathsNegativeLoses 2/4/6 mood when taking a Bath. For 5 minutes, rate of mood decline +50/75/100% and mood improvement effects -20/40/60%
Aversion to Braised MeatNegativeLoses 2/4/6 mood when eating braised meat . For 5 minutes, rate of mood decline +50/75/100%, and mood improvement effects -20/40/60%
Aversion to/Dislikes Cloth GearNegativeLoses 2/4/6 mood when equipped with cloth gear. For 5 minutes, rate of mood decline +50/75/100%, and mood improvement effects -20/40/60%
Aversion/Dislikes Comfortable TempaturesNegativeLoses 2/4/6 mood when in pleasant enviroment. For 5 minutes, rate of mood decline +50/75/100% and mood improvement effects -20/40/60%
Dislikes Communial LivingNegativeLoses 2/4/6 mood when in tribe of more than 10 members. For 5 minutes, rate of mood decline +50/75/100% and mood improvement effects -20/40/60%
Aversion to DancingNegativeLoses 2/4/6 mood when dancing. For 5 minutes, rate of mood decline +50/75/100%, and mood improvement effects -20/40/60%
Aversion to DefecationNegativeLoses 2/4/6 mood when defecating. For 5 minutes, rate of mood decline +50/75/100% and mood improvement effects -20/40/60%
Aversion to Leather GearNegativeLoses 2/4/6 mood when equipped with leather gear. For 5 minutes, rate of mood decline +50/75/100%, and mood improvement effects -20/40/60%
Dislikes/Aversion to Mediocre LeadersNegativeLoses 2/4/6 mood when led by a leader of red or lower quality. For 5 minutes, rate of mood decline +50/75/100%, and mood improvement effects -20/40/60%
Dislikes MeatNegativeLoses 2/4/6 mood when consuming meat. For 5 minutes, rate of mood decline +50/75/100%, and mood improvement effects -20/40/60%
Dislikes/Aversion to Mild ColdNegativeLoses 2/4/6 mood when in mild cold. For 5 minutes, rate of mood decline +50/75/100%, and mood improvement effects -20/40/60%
Dislikes Mild HeatNegativeLoses 2/4/6 mood when in mild heat. For 5 minutes, rate of mood decline +50/75/100%, and mood improvement effects -20/40/60% (tier 3 can lead to melonacy)
Aversion to OstrichNegativeLoses 2/4/6 mood when nearby Ostrich. For 5 minutes, rate of mood decline +50/75/100% and mood improvement effects -20/40/60%
Aversion to/Dislikes PantherNegativeLoses 2/4/6 mood when panther nearby. For 5 minutes, rate of mood decline +50/75/100%, and mood improvement effects -20/40/60% (tier 3 can lead to melancholy)
Aversion to/Dislikes ParrotsNegativeLoses 2/4/6 mood when parrot nearby. For 5 minutes, rate of mood decline +50/75/100%, and mood improvement effects -20/40/60% (tier 3 can lead to melancholy)
Aversion to/Dislikes RainNegativeLoses 2/4/6 mood when it’s raining. For 5 minutes, rate of mood decline +50/75/100%, and mood improvement effects -20/40/60%
Aversion to Scorching HeatNegativeLoses 2/4/6 mood when in scorching heat. For 5 minutes, rate of mood decline +50/75/100%, and mood improvement effects -20/40/60%
Aversion to SnowNegativeLoses 2/4/6 mood when it snows. For 5 minutes, rate of mood decline +50/75/100%, and mood improvement effects -20/40/60%
Dislikes/Aversion to Sunny DaysNegativeLoses 2/4/6 in sunny days. For 5 minutes, rate of mood decline +50/75/100% and mood improvement effects -20/40/60%
Dislikes/Aversion to TobaccoNegativeLoses 2/4/6 mood when smoking. For 5 minutes, rate of mood decline +50/75/100% and mood improvement effects -20/40/60%
Aversion to waking upNegativeLoses 2/4/6 mood when waking up. For 5 minutes, rate of mood decline +50/75/100%, and mood improvement effects -20/40/60%

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3753 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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