Soulmask – How to Trap Tips

Tips to Trap

  • For turkeys I have used Locus and corn flour.
  • Capybara I have only used pumpkin.
  • If you hit E on the pens it gives you a list of foods they will eat.
  • You can try different items from the list to put into the trap (thats how i found locus works for turkey trap).
  • For Capybara/Turkey I sneak and get as near as I can to the baby I am are trying to trap.
  • Then place the trap and bait then back away. The baby will eventually go to trap.
  • I normally chase the turkey away from big ones or kill the big turkeys with bow.
  • So the big ones do not trigger the trap.

For Capybara I chase the baby away from big ones before I attempt to trap. After the trap has been triggered find the baby in trap and hit E you will pick it up.

Note: All traps after being tripped take damage and need repaired to reuse.

How to Actually Use the Monkeys?

Trap them, then pick them up, put them back down (Hold R) have them follow you (look at them and long press E). They will take off and eventually they will come back and sit in front of you, long press E and view inventory, withdraw all and off they go again to collect more. They get into trouble easily and will die but once you find one of their nests just leave a trap there, bring repair items since it will decay, bait it with nuts back off and wait, it will not take long before you have another one. I have several running around for me but it’s a little wonky, sometimes they take off and do not come back, several times I found them back where I captured them. Part I’m guessing is due to logging off figuring they lose their follow command but I do not know why they disappear while I am online but they do. No big deal since they are easy to catch.

Taming and Breeding Capibaras

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Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2273 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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