Starfield – Game Too Bright / Foggy [HDR Toning] Fix

Fix the god-awful over bloom and brightness with Nvidia Filter without mods since Todd Daddy forget about these settings.

Make Your Space Adventure Look So Good

If you have been playing this on a non-HDR screen or windows HDR enabled screenyou may notice the game is a bit washed out, and Todd Daddy forget to add a gamma slider.

This will fix that for you boy boys so you can see the game without it looking like a blurry, over-bloomed mess.

Film grain disabled in settings*

With Filter

Without Filter

Activate NVidia Game Filter

  • Press Alt+F3 by default and select a new tab
  • Select the Details Filter from the drop-down

Modify Filter to These Settings

When on details:

  • Sharpen: 50%
  • Clarity: 100%
  • HDR Toning: -100%
  • Bloom: 0%

Press Done And Get On Out There You Dustiboi

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3640 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. It looks fantastic…. thanks Can’t believe i never used Nvidida presets before it completely changes the look and feel of the game and I can even add letterbox to make it look more cinematic without the use of ENB or Reshade thanks

    • EDIT: is there anyway to apply these affects to screenshots? I found that nviida fitler doesnt apply to steam screenshots, can i replicate these affects using shade somehow but idk how? it looks too good

  2. Good advice.
    I just applied reshade, no special presets. I am using HDR, Curves, and Clarity, all on their default settings. Looks beautiful rn and didnt affect my fps at all!!!!

  3. @Mekrul, I can confirm I have an OLED as well and this GREATLY improves visuals. As others pointed out changing some of these settings may affect texture clarity and depth of field, so have fun with the filters and find your perfect tone as you set out in the Universe~

  4. I would also recommend adding the Colour filter to regain some of the lost colour vibrancy from these settings.
    Tint Colour: 0%
    Tint Intensity: 0%
    Temperature: 0
    Vibrance: 25-50 (depending on your liking)

  5. Thank you, very helpful. I found the settings a bit too aggressive and would recommend to just knock them back a little.
    Sharpen: 25%
    Clarity> 90%
    HDR Toning -80% (or until a bit of detail is recovered)
    Bloom: 5-10%

  6. for people that this doesnt work, once you have all settings same set up and game installed and all reboot your PC, fixed for me now i can add filters

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