Starfield – How to Increase Ship Speed to Fly Between Celestial Bodies + Combat Tips

How to Cheat

Starfield’s space is not as closed off as it may appear, you can fly between planets, but the speed is realistic so it will take a very long time.

However, with cheat codes (console commands), you can remove this limitation!

First off, use the command “forceav spaceshipboostspeed X” X – being a value between 0-999999

This will make you go way faster than intended (or slower if u enjoy CBT).

Then, to go even faster, set the game speed using the command “sgtm X” I would advise avoiding values above 90 as it could cause motion sickness, and really any value above 120 is basically unplayable.

Planet and other celestial bodies also have realistic orbits and rotation, so if you need to slow em down you use the command “SetOrbitSpeedScale X” the default value is 1, so setting it to 0 will stop the movement altogether.

Bethesda needs to add some sort of ingame hyperdrive or something to allow this to be done naturally, as it is quite fun.

Copy and Paste Commands:

  • forceav spaceshipboostspeed 999999
  • sgtm 20
  • SetOrbitSpeedScale 0

Ship Combat Tips

  • Stop use asap the start ship which is rather weak.
  • Steal ships on planets generated areas to find a better start ship.
  • Use ship builder to enhance you first ship selected.
  • Longer range weapons are easier to exploit.
  • Ship has healing kits named repair parts. Bind them to same key than for shooting healing kits.
  • Boost allows break an enemy missile lock, no need of any skill.
  • Learn boost and stop boost to both break a missile lock and keep boost power in reserve.
  • A classic error when starting play ship combats is to tend use faster speed, but it’s often not good because it will make maneuvering slower and less efficient. If you think of it, when you cross a ship it’s clear that slow down and turn makes sense. So a start tips is consider have speed at middle, but in fact it’s more, see next trick.
  • Learn use speed variation a lot, slower to turn, faster to cross an enemy, faster to keep chasing a target, slower to keep a slower enemy in target, and more. It’s very influential but requires some practicing.
  • Use target selection even without any Targeting skill, it’s easier and required to have your missiles with some locking to target, even without any skill.
  • Open galaxy map and space jump to a different star system can allow flee a combat. During jump time you can still use boost pack, control movements and speed of the ship.
  • Without serious ship or skill building, max difficulty is very hard for ship combats, so eventually use difficulty changes to keep a high difficulty for shooting and lower for space combats. For now the game hasn’t play difficulty options for that.
  • In general when traveling, have shield power to max, and enough power in reserve for the grav engine, so you are ready to space jump in case it seems too hot, or you are surprised and don’t want do a combat. Identify the right context to space jump, that’s the hard point.

Have power in reserve and at combat start allocate most to engine is fine, you have the time, at least with keyboard as arrow keys are keys with fixed binding when piloting. Otherwise forget about changing powers during combats, or use a slow time mod perhaps.

Once you have a class B ship, if you want lower difficulty, use turrets instead of manual ship weapon, one or even two weapon types as turret tend lower difficulty when learning or even later.

And if you need your turrets don’t destroy a ship remind at a point to lower turrets power to 0.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3757 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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