Stellaris – The Best Build to Become a Machine Uprising

How to Get the Achievement of the Machine Uprising

I did some digging a while ago for this achievement specifically, I call this the Thingamabob Upheaval or Contrivance Insurgency build.

  • Origin: Mechanist.
  • Species Traits: Lithoid, Noxious, Solitary, Sedentary, Quarrelsome (make the organics extremely inefficient).
  • Robo Traits: Mass Produced, Bulky (increase housing to reduce growth of organic pops).
  • Optional: Domestic Protocols to increase chances of becoming a Determined Exterminator.
  • Government: Any.
  • Ethics: Fanatic Materialist, preferably not egalitarian (unless you want progressive faction to be unhappy and produce less unity).
  • Civics: Technocracy.

Traditions: Expansion, Discovery, Adaptability, Prosperity, Domination, Harmony (pick all the worst ones or the ones that are good early but worse late, and if you go that far, pick the seventh tradition before uprising so that they do not get an ascension path).

Ascension: Technological Ascendancy, Mastery of Nature, Hydrocentric, Detox, World Shaper, etc. (same as traditions, pick worst ones or ones that are good early but bad late, do NOT take The Flesh is Weak as that would disable the uprising event from occuring).

  • Policies: Robotic Workers: Allowed, Artificial Intelligence: Servitude.
  • Optional: Population Controls: Allowed (to enable Decision to reduce growth to 0 instead of -75%).

According to the wiki, once the uprising occurs, the machines will obtain all the techs from their previous masters, so tech rush is ideal, but we get a clean slate for traditions and ascensions and receive unity only based on time lapsed (500 per year), which means we could end up way behind our organic masters in terms of traditions and ascension perks, hence why I try to reduce unity production or at least not overdo it (I am not sure if that is an efficient strategy).

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Try to memorize this tech tree:

You can delay the Uprising as long as you wish by simply not researching any of the two AI red techs (you only need one of the two for the Uprising to occur).

Alternatively, you can set Artificial Intelligence to Citizen Rights first, and then switch it for Servitude when you want the Uprising to happen.

Thus you could either wait as long as possible to only have one empire to defeat (your own), or you could rush it to do it the earliest possible to avoid being too much behind on traditions and ascensions.

Also, for example, you could terraform your relic worlds into ecus or take the Arcology Project and create one yourself before the uprising occurs, because gestalts cannot create ecus (this can be a risky move depending on which side the ecu ends up when the uprising occurs).

Finally, you can delete fleets and starbases once the requirements are met so that your masters are completely defenseless when the uprising happens (but this could make your neighbours want to fight you).

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7932 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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