Guide to Play Celestia
General Tips
You need to know that Celestia is a support character, prioritize to take cover and look for your teammates.
Her weapon can switch mode between automatic and burst mode, if you are having hard control in automatic try burst mode and vice versa. For example you are always facing enemy in long distance, using burst mode will help you to slightly control your recoil. But again depends on your playstyle/situation.
In buying phase on skill section, I highly to recommend to buy 10s cooldown reduction. It’s because to make sure skill is ready when team needed. Faster cooldown > +1 count wise
It’s important that her skill is not permanent but reduced time by time. So that’s why faster cooldown will have higher advantage in long run.
Thus, don’t use her skill in early (like we just leaving the base, yet you throw galaxy armor thing to your team) that’s wasting your skill count. Rather, use it when team going to break in on site, so your teammates have (yours) uptime armor while fighting.
As for awakening skill, A2 (awakening 2, yellowed circle) is highly recommend since you can flashbang enemy everytime you or your team amor’s breaking. For instance, if enemy breaking your armor they got flashbanged, and then breaking team armor in slight interval then they got flashabanged again which give advantage for your team. The other one (awakening 3), is suit best when go fully supportive where it gives faster armor regen after throwing ball on your teammates and increase your max armor limit (applied to both of you). But again, it depends on you.
Additional Thoughts
As Celestia user you are support agent which means you going to be near your carry/main dps/care players such as dualists role.
Celestia kit is one of kind and what does that mean well it means she regen her armour near teammates which is excellent since as I said you will spend time near your team 99% of time.
You should always go for heavy armour due passive but you also can for light to regen armour even faster with her passive and ability once you buy from shop.
Burst or auto which is better?
I personally like burst mode since combined with spread it can make sure you aint missing shoots even at very far range (Side note auto mode have too much recoil for new players that’s why no and buy recoil control).
Besides far range you are near teammates and missing shoots during auto can lead to you or both getting down/eliminated.
Secret about burst is Celestia can 2 burst can eliminate enemy at certain range (mixed with one burst at head) even with should fire its extremely accurate rifle.
You should aim at upper body and then shoot fastest as you can to lead headshot for faster ttk (Ranges have different spots with burst take that in mind).
- Always go for headshot damage, cool down reduce for skill by 10s, magazine and moment speed during paper mode.
- Celestia gives your Ally shield and it can in briefly time regen with her ability once you get awakening 1 (It also boost your shield briefly).
- Speaking of ability, Celestia can blind enemy unit at limited range if they broke armour with Celestia gave for Ally or yourself even.
- That’s her awakening 2 (Awakening 3 is not so good as her 2. Awakening 3 only give more shield boost during ultimate).
- Celestia ultimate teleport you near teammate who you have chosen and pressing it again will cancel ultimate or if you get shoot it will do same.
- Also her ultimate gives your teammate shield even if you don’t appear neat them they still will get shield.
- Her side weapon is always katana or micro uzi and even flame if you really want to help you secure enemy eliminations.
- Always bring smoke, heal grenade as Scissors teammate (heal grenade you can switch or smoke for any which team is missing same for PUS)
- As PUS always bring hand grenade or flash with heal grenade.
Agent Celestia is easy to play but hard to master that’s why don’t be afraid if you fail since I was very bad Celestia user at start too.
Base tips
The healing isn’t an instant savior at any level, you have to heal as soon as possible and predict the enemy for the best effect. Characters like Audrey and Fuschia are often aggroed and are usually a good person the heal.
Your healing also heals yourself. If you’re hurting, it’s fine to use it on a full teamate to heal yourself. You can’t use your healing ability without a teammate though, so always stick with one.
Your a support, and a good one at that, so the enemies that know what you can do will be trying to kill you. Let somebody else go around the corner first, but don’t not fight.
Upgrade tips
3-shot burst vs sprint. Sprint is better in roaming games like 3v3v3v3 since you won’t be doing much long range combat. 3-shot is good for longer ranges, but once you get recoil handling down its unnecessary.
Capacity, Accuracy, Armor, Survivor, and Critical Hit are all up to the individual and the gamemode.
Guardian Star
If you’re playing a mode with short rounds like defusing the bomb, take the extra capacity. Most rounds you won’t recover a use and combat is typically done almost all at once, requiring better burst healing. Longer form modes with combat more dragged on, the recharge can be more useful since you can output a better sustained healing to keep your team alive.
Starlight vs Astral Armor
Starlight helps your healing target once your healing is removed by a sort of flashbang equivilant. Astral Armor increases the armor and healing. Both are good, but in my opinion Astral Armor is a better choice since it further increases your healing ability, and it seems most players don’t start looking for cover until they’re down to no armor, well past the Starlight activation point.
Your ultimate is useful for both mobility and healing. I can’t remember if it revives downed players or not but you can still teleport to downed players. Usually this isn’t a good idea since people tend to chase them down for the kill, but if you can remain undetected and revive your ally, you’re in prime position to flank and ambush the enemy team.
The healing is potent in this move as well, and you can cancel your own teleport if you want to while retaining the healing. With your ultimate available your playstyle can change a fair amount, as the skill acts as a one way ticket out of trouble, letting you scout out the enemy while still being able to quickly return to your team. Doing this risks potentially wasting your ultimate on somebody already fully healed, so you should always be careful and try to keep as many options open as possible.
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