The First Descendant – Guide to Basics (Characters, Weapons, Mods)


By Claysthetics.

Characters will be labeled as easy, medium and hard to play based on combos and mod needs for early.


  • Easy to play, Every 4th ability used is empowered, Great for Survivability, Good with team play if you plan.

Your passive is every 4th ability used is empowered with Singularity, this passive also decreases all your cooldowns.

Ajax’s skills get bonuses from HP and DEF, so when equipping him aim for those stats, with a follow up to have mp regen.

When it comes to mods; HP and Def are always needed, Reductions in costs and skill power are your best friends, third up is Range as a nice to have.    


Your first ability is the “Orbit Barrier”, this is a wall that reflects damage back at the enemy who shot something towards you, it’s cheap to cast so always cast it. The damage it reflects is quite good and can kill things.

Your second ability is a Jump + Slam called “Void Walk”, use this to get in close to use either shotguns or your 3rd ability.

Your third ability is “Expulsion”, this is a small AOE around you that knocks back and does damage.

Your fourth ability is “Hyper Cube”, which is a large bubble shield, while inside this bubble, when it’s enhanced, it will increase your Ranged attack and Explosive attack damage. 

Skill Tips:

Use your “Void Walk” to get into and out of combat, while in close use your “Expulsion”, while further away use your “Orbit Barrier”, when the team is in trouble use your “Hyper Cube.”


Ability #1:

Ability #2:

Ability #3:

Ability #4:

Character Specific Mods:


  • Easy to play, Medium to maximize.

Blair’s 1st (2 charges) and 4th ability create flame zones on the ground greatly increasing the damage of both the abilities cast after and their burn DoT’s.  This can be further manipulated with his 2nd ability to cycle MP regeneration to restart the combo over again; refreshing his passive.

Most of Blair’s abilities have some cast win up time or projectile travel time.  It is imperative to think about where enemies will be to ensure maximum burn damage. 

Benefits greatly from Skill range, Skill power, Fire/Dimension Skill power, and Max MP. 

With range you are able to have larger flame zones via 1st and 4th ability.  You are also able to maximize the range with his 3rd ability, which is a channeled flamethrower and puts you in a slow walk.  Only his 2nd ability would not fully benefit from Fire/Dimension mods; as it utilizes Singular.

Blair has no defensive or utility ability.  You need to make sure you always have a place to go if it gets too hairy.  His 2nd ability has the potential to restore MP but requires using MP.  Later gameplay will require HP, Defense, and Shield mods respectively for survival.


Ability #1:

Ability #2:

Ability #3:

Ability #4:

Character Specific Mods:


  • This will be the majority of people’s mains. She has extremely high damage output but is a glass cannon at least early game so use your speed to dodge.

Annoying laugh play this character in korean it’s way better the va is goated. HAHA (once you know you know)

Just keep moving, you’ll have separate mana and energy bars and you want to just keep the energy bar juicing so you can make each skill get it’s respective bonus. The character is very straightforward for spamming, moving and dealing high aoe damage. HOWEVER the biggest issue and problem people run into is W keying in and dieing instantly. She is very squishy and needs to think about approach angles.

While leveling just get the aoe pulsin and run around most early game mobs won’t be able to kill you before they get 1 shotted.


Ability #1:

Ability #2:

Ability #3:

Ability #4:

Character Specific Mods:


  • Poison Caster, Easy to understand.

Your passive increases your Toxic Skill power for every stack of toxin out on the field.

Freyna is a Caster, so if you find MP regen get it, for her skills usually the best to have is Range and Duration, as her passive will give you Skill Power the more toxin is out there.

When it comes to mods; Reductions in costs and Range will give you the most benefits, with Duration up next and if you’d like Skill Power to kill faster with your abilities.    


Your first ability is “Venom Trauma”, this is a quick cast of a projectile that will create a small pool of Toxin on the ground where it hits, this pool gives the enemies a DOT called “Room 0 Trauma” this is a Toxin dot.

*The Great thing about this “Room 0 Trauma” is that it can spread to nearby enemies, and with high range and duration you can fire this once and hit an entire room.

Your second ability is “Defense Mechanism”, this is a buff you apply to yourself to increase your DEF and also have a chance to apply “Room 0 Trauma” to anyone who attacks you.

Your third ability is “Putrid Venom”, this is a projectile that will leave a larger pool of Toxin on the ground, this ability does not apply “Room 0 Trauma” but instead will apply “Venom-Soaked” as a debuff, this debuff will have the enemies leave a trail of poison behind them which will apply Toxin to any enemy that steps in the tracks.

Your fourth ability is “Venom Baptism”, this will replace your current weapon with a Full-auto Rifle that shoots rounds that apply “Room 0 Trauma” and does quite amazing damage when you have a good amount of stacks of your passive. 

Skill Tips:

Freyna is a bit of a glass cannon so, always try to keep away from the enemies or have “Defense Mechanism” up, then use your “Venom Trauma” or “Putrid Venom” at the largest group of enemies.

When your passive stacks are high, use your “Venom Baptism.”

If there are enemies with shields blocking you use “Venom Trauma” or “Putrid Venom” and you will not have to care about their shields.


Ability #1:

Ability #2:

Ability #3:

Ability #4:

Character Specific Mods:


Difficulty to play – Hard.

This is the “Berserker” class. She gains damage with lower hp and all of her skills are affected by the frenzy and non frenzy states that you can toggle with Q or the first ability.

This character is something I spent quite a bit of time trying to learn how to play as she seemed to have the highest skillcap of every descendant. In general you are rewarded for managing thirst correctly but anyone who doesn’t will either think she is bad and in general if you are bad at resource management do not play this character.

In general the more you kill the tankier you are because of how thirst works in game reference the video to see what you can deal with. BUT without shield you can still be instakilled by a few mechanics so you do still have to be careful.

You also get damage based on hp level so the lower you are the stronger you get BUT you do not need to play in a perpetual state of low hp and it’s not recommended to play like that until you master the class. HP management in raid environments will be key to success and is something not to worry about unless your group gets stuck on a boss and needs to burn a phase fast which is what she will excel at lategame.

This will be my main while I am playing and I don’t feel like I can give a proper early game writeup as this is an extreme late game character with the highest potential damage output in the game and I will be making my first class guides around this and Lepic.


Ability #1:

Ability #2:

Ability #3:

Ability #4:

Character Specific Mods:


  • Jaybers turrets are great for area control and the healing turret should be placed line of sight so that way enemies can’t kill it from far away.

Requires good positioning turrets are squishy early mid game and can just die to basic enemies 

Using ultimate sacrifices turrets and makes them aoe nuke everything around them you can do this as th ey are about to expire or if your getting overwhelmed to just reset the fight or clutch a situation thats getting out of control

Really needs skill power, cooldown and duration from first impression AND you need to be using MPG on your own turrets constantly to make the most out of his kit.


Ability #1:

Ability #2:

Ability #3:

Ability #4:

Character Specific Mods:


  • Easy to play and Understand, Abilities 1 & 2 gain mag force, 3 (End early to give allies shield) & 4 use Mag force.

Your passive is all dependent on your max shields, higher your shields the more you can stack your passive.

Kyle is a Shield Tank, so when equipping him look for max shields and DEF.

When it comes to mods; Max Shields and Skill Power are very good choices, with Range and DEF as a follow up.    


Your first ability is “Repulsion Dash” this is a dash forward that shoulder-checks the enemies near the end, this ability will charge your Passive bar.

Your second ability is “Magnetic Bulwark”, you will project a shield in front of you, any enemy that shoots that shield will charge your Passive bar.

Your third ability is “Magnetism Spurt”, This is a defensive buff, when you take damage you will instead deplete your Passive Bar, you can end the duration early and that will do an AOE dmg effect and Replenish nearby Allied Shields.

Your fourth ability is “Superconductivity Thrusters”, you become Iron Man and fly in the direction you are looking, your damage is based on how large you filled your Passive Bar. 

Skill Tips:

Use “Magnetic Bulwark” alot, this is going to be the largest source for your Passive Bar.

When you want to get into and out of combat, use your “Repulsion Dash”, this is also a source for your Passive Bar.

When in close combat use your “Magnetism Spurt” and double tap it, this will damage nearby enemies or use it near allies and replenish their shields.

When dealing with a large group of enemies use your “Superconductivity Thrusters”, be Iron Man. 


Ability #1:

Ability #2:

Ability #3:

Ability #4:

Character Specific Mods:


  • This is the megaman of first descendant and is one of the starting characters (not the ultimate version).

With the free death passive you can W key your way through almost everything.

Using overclock will enhance all of your other abilities and you should always use it before you cast anything including your ultimate overkill.

When leveling you will just use Traction Grenade > Overclock > Grenade  and this will screen clear pretty much everything as long as you keep ranking your power mod up. This is one of the most W key focused characters in the game and is EXTREMELY EASY to play.

Spamming Traction grenade whenever there is a big spawn of enemies or shooters behind walls you will just suck them all into the open and most of the time your team will kill it all without you having to think but just doing the combo will be good enough for 99% of situations

You also want to overclock before you use the ultimate (overkill) this  just lets you start Megaman blastin. The big aoe has some pretty insane damage even early on and I personally preferred it without the exclusive mod.


Skill #1:

Skill #2:

Skill #3:


Character Specific Mods:


  • Medium to play. Mix of close-long range burst damage.

Swords track where the initial target was locked, will not follow well if the target has moved from a fire locked position. Current state 5/26/2024 sometimes bugs out with the lock on ui. The swords will still fire but the targets will remain static meaning you won’t know where they are going.


Early leveling will consist of utilizing stealth to break contact and deal high DPS to priority targets, mixing in Cutoff Beam and flash shortsword when applicable.  Cutoff beam is useful for dishing damage during reloads or following up with the sub-attack (melee) for an extra burst of close range DPS.  

Flash Shortsword is great to set up during spawn-in’s as the setup animation does leave you vulnerable during. You can also stealth into flash shortsword to allow freely casting without taking aggro, but you will not benefit from the damage output buff as Flash Shortsword is a lock-on ability.

Early leveling will also heavily rely on weapons rather than the skills themselves and Sharon is able to utilize most weapons effectively.  


Skill #1:

Skill #2:

Does NOT break aggro or tracking of Colossus.

Skill #3:

Skill #4:

Character Specific Mods:


  • Caster/DPS/Utility (Easy to play) – Close-mid range.


Character heavily relies on applying Ice shackle in order to apply her passive procs for additional DPS. 

*Tooltip advises this does not affect bosses/colossus though visually they are affected, not enough tested to know if they are actually slowed.

Adept at crowd control scenarios or slowing the advance of melee enemies during specific missions. (Defense).

Initially has very short-mid range effectiveness.  This can be mitigated later with mods.  Once you obtain range and skill damage mods Viessa could be considered to deal high damage.  MP mods also greatly increase Viessa’s ability to crowd control due to her initial cooldowns being relatively low.


Skill #1:

Skill #2:

Skill #3:


Character Specific Mods:


  • DPS/Mobility/Caster.

Extremely high early game damage, main skills leave behind puddles on the ground these do VERY HIGH ticking damage and are great for pretty much everything. The ultimate scales the puddles

Most of the time… you need to cleanup into… plop plop this will deal with most situations in game and IRL so make sure to at least try not to get distracted. The more knockdowns you get with plop plop lowers its cooldown allowing you to… plop plop more and more. :3

Laundry bomb SUCCS everything in so sucking enemies on top of where you have the passive dot on the ground is in your best interest and after you succ if you bubble bullet or plop plop… you will have a great time.

I could go more in depth but this is the strongest early game character by a literal landslide you spam your buttons and everything evaporates. How mid late game will be im not sure if the damage falls off eventually but on the beta it was brain rot W key plop lop just the way I like it.


Ability #1:

Ability #2:

Ability #3:

Ability #4:

Character Specific Mods:

Weapons List

The weapon list is categorized into 4 “Ammo Types” general, special and impact rounds are abundant on the ground. High powered rounds are for things like sniper rifles, launchers and shotguns which are very limited pickups but also the most powerful but get outperformed by the other types because of frequency and are more character specific with certain mods and abilities to combo them properly.

In general you’ll want 1 general and 1 special round weapon and then choose between an impact or high powered as your third.

Some weapons have legendary effects that are either amazing or terrible but it is worth holding on to almost every legendary because you can easily upgrade it to max level no matter when you pick it up.

Legendary weapons have ranks and you need duplicates to upgrade them for instance the battle pass weapon is called “Sigvore’s Proof”.

General Rounds

Special Rounds

Impact Rounds

High-Power Rounds

You can also upgrade a weapon to the current tier of your content if you have something you liked that you picked up early you can bank it and make it relevant later yes this works for legendaries so if you get something cool early game it’s not wasted.

Weapon readjustment lets you reroll your weapon and costs fine tuning axis based on how many things you want to lock/keep.

Special Operations

This is the best source of XP and money in the game but does not drop normal resources like weapons and reactors.

Infiltration Terminal

These are just standard dungeons and this is the quickplay dungeon finder so you don’t have to go to the in game location.

The kingston operation is good for leveling weapon proficency. Unknown labratory is good for leveling characters.


RThere are a total of 540 mods and there will be more in the future. The class specific mods are already listed above but some of the main mods that you should focus on getting for descendants and weapons will be here and will be universally good for thier category and will be a great starting point for early to mid game.

Late game you will branch out into your own niche build but alot of this stuff is the same as warrfame for example serration = damage there so here its the same thing but theres so many options and small tweaks you can do I feel like everyone will have a unique build. I will post updated builds in the future for my main characters but I’m not going to rp like I played everything to level 60000. That being said alot of this is very basic and carries over from other games.

Descendant Basic Recommended Mods

You will probably have shock punch instead of shortsword leveling the sub module slot up gives you more total mod capacity. On the other hand skill module rank ups just decrease its total cost.

Skill Mod:

There are different slots like warframe polarities and these let you reduce the cost of specific mods for those slots or increase the cost of one that shouldn’t be there.

You will want increased hp, def and shield these 3 mods will hard carry you through the early mid game story (msq) and just let you W key mindlessly so you can get to late game without hating yourself. Like alot of games just stacking hp which youll get alot of just gives you the tankyness you need to ignore pretty much everything. The difference here will be Increased DEF as it will just reduce the flat damage you take and is extremely powerful

Same level 27 character with and without the defensive mods.

After that going for Technition will just give you flat attack power for mods which is a no bainer and mentality reduces skill cost. Other things depending on character will be better think something like skill range or duration if your playing something dot focused.

For weapons whether they were general, special, impact or High powered we found that just increasing the raw damage and the magazine size and then adding an element that matches your character for bonuses was just the flatout best option.

There are different types of the mods in the  prio order for EACH AMMO type but they are all named the same thing ex:

Basics Max Order Priority:

  1. Rifling Reinforcement.
  2. Expand Weapon Charge.
  3. Better Insight.
  4. Weak Point Sight.

These are all tied to mastery level so just level them up as time goes on and every time you tier up you can rank them up these will be the bread and butter BASIC mods to use and when you get something new you can just click equip recommended mods and most of the time it just chooses the highest tier stuff but that is subject to change

All of these are super fast to equip even by sort so don’t worry about it to much and just blast

  • As a side note dismantling weapons does not delete your mods so feel free to W key.

Mod Cost

Click to enlarge…


Reactors match abilities and characters take the highest skill power that matches your skills.

Different color reactors do different things so think green matches poison which is good for Freyna or the light blue is frost which is good for Viessa.

External Components

External components are just part of your characters defensive stats in the beginning but will be a main part of your loadout and are universal for all of the descendants. The set effect I have came from the stunning beauty void intercept battle.

If you get lucky and get a set bonus awesome if not just stack hp, defense and damage like usual.

Cash Shop

Do not buy 5000 cost ultimate descendant bundles 3000 gives you everything you really need. The extra energy activator and 2 conversion catalysts are NOT worth it for 2000.

The packages I recommend if you do buy either to get enough for just the battlepass or the 20 dollar bundle so you can get 3 of them with the returned currency you get from the first two.

Next is the 50 dollar pack if you want to buy some skins.

And the 100 dollar pack if you just wanna big juice.

As a disclaimer I am not telling you to spend money just what i think is the best value depending on what level you want to whale at.


If inventory management is a nightmare just dump stuff in storage until it’s full and then deal with the problem later like how you leave all your clothes on the floor and “cleaning” is stuffing it in the closet.

Important Tips and Tricks

  • You can fast travel anywhere at any time.
  • The filter all as junk button is actually the loot filter toggle through it to rare tier and lower for fast dismantles.

The unregister attached items (U) button is the heart that prevents things from getting dismantled all together with or without filter from the autoselect.

  • Inventory management will be annoying and you shouldnt keep a lot of the early game blues anyways.

Fastest Exp

  • Special operations (x).
  • Backpack random missions and help people finish when you see them in progress.
  • Help new players learn it’s better for everyone.
  • Most efficient resource farm.

That’s all! I really appreciate it if you’ve made it this far. See you in the game!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7932 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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