If you want to unlock the Kamasutra Pages (KP’s) for each of their matching booty calls (BC’s), you can figure out the locations of each chest key and chest (if accessible) in this guide.
Note: The number next to the page name (X) corresponds to the order in which they are available in the game.
All Melissa (5) Pages Locations
Page 1: Sixty Nine (23) v.51112
Key Location: Follow the roach inside the warehouse to this spot to get the key.

Chest Location:

Page 2: Pussy Sex (28) v.61021
Key Location: Search row 1 book 88 in the Cathedral library to get the key.

Chest Location:

Page 3: Anal Sex (36) v.77061
Key Location: Combine the 13th and 14th chest key halves to make the key.

Chest Location:

Page 4: The Cowgirl (48) v.92121
Key Location: Follow the footsteps into the wall, to the top then to the top right.

Chest Location:

Page 5: Bad Girl’s Punishment (57/58) v.97022
Key Location: Talk to this man when using Ariana to avoid paying $20k for a key.

Chest Location: Against the wall to the left of the second floor of the Police Station.

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