Walkthrough – V.95012
(1 Scene, 2 KS Page, 1 Extra)
At the start of this update, you want to head over to the Police Station and up to the second floor, you will see a cat, approach the cat.

The cat will run into a meeting room, then into the air vent. Leave the meeting room your currently in and into the next door to the right.

In this meeting room you will find a Office Key, and Carol’s 5th Chest Key located under the chair that at the head of the table.

Leave the meeting and head to the left and into the office that is on the far side of the room.

In this office you will first find and open Carol’s 5th Chest and Receive Carol’s 5th Kamasutra Milking (53rd). Next, you will want to click on the green icon. You will hear the cat in the air vent but need to find something that will get the car to come out of the vent.

Leave the Police Station and head to the Forest.
You will want to head to the area from a couple of updates ago where you had to find the lake view area for the Judge. In this area, you will find Mint Leaves.

Once you have them head back to the Police Station but on your way back to the Police Station, swing by The Shop and buy an Empty Box ($100).
Back at the Police Station click the green icon again and this time place a Mint leaf down, and the cat will come out of the air vent.
When the cat is out of the vent, click on the cat and you capture it. You now have a Cat in a Box. Leave the office and head to the right, you will be stopped by the cop from before.
After talking to the cop, you will bring the cat back to your place. The cat will start to make a mess of your place. Soon, Chloe will stop by.
You and Chloe take the cat over to Heather’s Home. Fluffy runs away once he is in the backyard. Leave Heather’s Home and head over to the Warehouse. You see Fluffy up on the roof of the Warehouse.
To get him down safely you have to place a mint leaf down in the right spot, the wrong spot, and Fluffy will die. Place the Mint Leaf on top of the pallet to get him down safely. Cat in the Box.

Head back to Heather’s Home and return Fluffy to Chloe, she is in the backyard.
You, Chloe and Fluffy all head inside and to Chloe’s Room where Fluffy runs away again, this time to Heather’s bathroom. You and Chloe are locked in the bathroom, but you call Carol for help.
Bonus Scene 11
After the scene, you will be outside Heather’s home, head back inside, and to Chloe’s bathroom on the second floor. In the bathroom, in the wall, you find Heather’s 5th Chest Key.

Now head to Heather’s bathroom in her room where you will find and open Heather’s 5th Chest and Receive Heather’s 5th Kamasutra Hanging in There (54th).

Don’t forget to swing by The XXX Shop where you can buy the next Clip ($13,000).
There are also four new puzzles for you to play in Limbo. (There are no rewards for them currently.)
Walkthrough – V.96021
(1 Scene, 2 KS Page, 1 Extra)
- At the start of this update, you want to start by going to the Strip Center and into The XXX Shop.
- You can buy the Clip ($14,000).
- After you buy the Clip, talk to Lillian, she wants your help in finding something.
- Lillian will give you the Hell Shovel, it will help you in your search.
- Now use the Oracle to transport yourself to Hell.
- Once in Hell, you want to head to the main alter room.

One here you will meet an old friend. After talking to Evie, dig up and find the Hell Key.

Once you have The Hell Key, head back to Earth using the portal.

Once back on Earth, head to The XXX Shop and talk to Lillian and give her The Hell Key.
Lillian will leave, you will need to follow her. Head to Eve Cathedral and enter the cave by using the tunnel entrance in Judy’s room. Once down in the cave blow up the TNT barrel and head East.

You will find a Locker Room Key.

Once you pick the locker room key, take a short detour to the Gym and into the locker room. You can use the locker room key to find Nellie’s 5th Chest Key.

Once you have the Chest Key, head back down into the caves, you can now find and open Nellie’s 5th Chest and Receive Nellie’s 5th Kamasutra Good Doggy (55th).
Now put out the fires and head North.

You will find Lillian.
Bonus Scene 12
Lillian will transport you and her out of the room. After Lillian leaves you can head North and back into the room you were just in. You can push the rock out of the way, and you will find Judy’s 5th Chest Key, and you can find and open Judy’s 5th Chest and Receive Judy’s 5th Kamasutra Giant Penetration (56th).

There are also four new puzzles for you to play in Limbo.
Walkthrough – V.97022
(1 Scene, 2 KS Page, 1 Extra)
At the start of this update, you can start by going to The XXX Shop and buying the new clip ($14,000).
Now you can head over to the Police Station, head up to the second floor. You will see a guy in a gray T-shirt on the right side. If you talk to him, he will sell you Melissa’s 5th Chest Key for $20,000. Or you can wait till later in the update when you playing as Arianna and get the Key for free.
After that, if you walk into the wall in the lower left corner you can find and open Melissa’s 5th Chest and Receive Melissa’s 5th Kamasutra Bad’s Girl Punishment (57th).

Once you have done that, head to the right, you hear someone scream. Talk to the new commissioner, he lost his wallet.

Now head to the gym in the Police Station, you will see Diana and the missing wallet. Diana will give you the Wallet, a Key Card, and a Burner Phone.
Head back to the second floor and give the commissioner his wallet back. Talk to Diana again in the gym. You and Diana will head to your house and talk to Arianna.
Once you are back at the Police Station head inside and up to the commissioner’s office. Talk to officers outside his office. You will give the Oracle to be placed in his office. Now head back to the parking lot and talk to Diana.
You will wait a little while without hearing from Arianna, head back inside the Police Station, and up to the commissioner’s office to see what is taking Arianna so long. Arianna has the laptop and has teleported away with it.
You will be outside the commissioner’s office now. Before heading to your house to see if Arianna is there, head back into the commissioner’s office.
Inside the right wall, you can find Andrea’s 5th Chest Key. Once you have the chest key, you can find and open Andrea’s 5th Chest and Receive Andrea’s 5th Kamasutra 2 Hole One Pole (58th).

Head outside of the Police Station to meet up with Dianna, you both will head back to your house to see if Arianna is there with the laptop. You are now playing as Arianna and need to sneak back into the commissioner’s office to put the laptop back. You start in the parking lot of the Police Station.
- Step one – Simply walk into the Police Station.
- Step two – Step just to the left of the front desk, you should teleport to the right stairs case.

- Step three – Walk up the stairs case and walk to right, without being seen by the office that is walking around.

- Step four – Step into the lower left corner, you should teleport over by the table in the upper right corner.
- Step five – Walk straight to the left and into the office.

You will place the laptop on the desk and then teleport back to the MC’s house.
Bonus Scene 13
There are also new puzzles for you to play in Limbo.
Walkthrough – V.98031
(1 Scene, 2 KS Page, 1 Extra)
At the start of this update head to your home and talk to Arianna. Arianna will head off to Hell, use the oracle to follow her.
Once you’re in Hell, you can dig up and find Lillian’s 5th Chest Key.

From here head South, you will see a arrow made from crumble holes that you dig up a bunch a treasure. Where the arrow is pointing you can find and open Lillian’s 5th Chest and Receive Lillian’s 5th Kamasutra 2 The Turn Tables (59th).

From here head to the West, you will see Arianna head to the North. Before you follow her you can find Kimberly’s 5th Chest Key.

Continue heading to the North to find Arianna. A familiar face will show up to help Arianna learn more about being a demon.
Time to play a sexy minigame to help Arianna learn more about being a demon and pleasing others.
- First talk to Evie. Bonus scene 14.1
- Next talk to the Demon with horns. Bonus Scene 14.2
- Now talk to the Blue Demon. Bonus Scene 14.3
- Lastly talk to the Demon with Wings. Bonus Scene 14.4
After you have helped Arianna learn more about being a demon and pleasing others, you and Arianna will return to your home.
Now return to Hell real quick where you can find and open Kimberly’s 5th Chest and Receive Kimberly’s 5th Kamasutra 2 Upside Down (60th).

You can head over to The XXX Shop and buy another clip ($14,000).
There are also new puzzles for you to play in Limbo.
Walkthrough – V.99034
(1 Scene, 1 KS Page, 1 Extra)
The first thing you should take note of for this update is:
- You will notice you will have cash as a refund for XXX clips you have bought so far, as NLT has reduced the price for all of them for the completed game. Any remaining videos in the final update will be purchasable at the new reduced cost.
- This refund of money should get you over if not close to the required $125,000 needed to buy Andrea’s Home.
- Once you have $125,000 head over to Andrea’s Home and click on the For Sale Sign in the yard.

- Once you click on the For Sale Sign in the yard Heather will show as she is the in charge of selling the house.
- You and Heather will head over to see the judge and make the sale of the house official.
- Time Jump of four months will occur.
- You will enter the mansion where Erica and Judy will join you.
- You will only be able to help Judy (Erica will be the in the next update).
- So, head to the kitchen where you will find Judy.
- You will need to find cornbread and a dessert.
- Head over to Rays’ Farm and talk to Carol, she will have the Cornbread for you.
- Next, head over to the Apartments. Enter the first apartment on the left. You will see that Chloe and Hannah moved in together.
- Talk to Hannah, she will have the Dessert for you.
- Once you have both items, head back to the kitchen in your mansion and give the items to Judy.
- Next, you will need to find a recipe for Judy. The Recipe can be found near the hidden that you opened early in the game in the mansion.

Once you have it, return to the kitchen once again and talk to Judy.
Bonus Scene 15 (Judy may or may be pregnant in this scene. Depending on the choice you made with her in a pervious scene.)
At The XXX Shop, you can buy the next Clip ($4,000) Next, use the Oracle and travel to Hell.
In Hell, you can find Two Demon Fossils, located:

And Here

Once you have the Demon Fossils. Enter AngelCraft, you will need to compete more puzzles to earn Angel Feathers.
Three Angel Feathers and one Demon Fossil are needed to craft Arianna 1st Kamasutra Page On Top (61st). Once you have crafted her Kamasutra page you will gain the ability to call Arianna from your phone to use the page.
Walkthrough – V.1.00 (The Final)
(1 Scene, 1 KS Page, 1 Extra)
At the start of this update, you can start by heading over to the Strip Center and to The XXX Shop where you can buy another Clip ($4,200).
You can also use Angelcraft to craft Arianna 2nd Kamasutra Page On Bottom (62nd). Three Angel Feathers and one Demon Fossil are needed.
Now head over to Andrea’s Home and into the bedroom where Erica is. After talking to Erica, you will need to find some items in order to craft a lotion for her. The Basic Container ($100) can be brought from The Shop. The Aloe Plant can be found in the forest behind the Rays’ Farm.

The Casula Flower can be found in the forest behind the Rays’ Farm as well by the river where you placed the three stones a while back.

The Casula Moss can be found in the caves beneath Eve Cathedral.

Once you have the items you can Angelcraft the Massage Lotion. Once you have the Massage Lotion head back to Andrea’s Home and back to Erica in the bedroom.
Bonus Scene 16 (Erica may or may be pregnant in this scene. Depending on the choice you made with her in a pervious scene.)
After the scene, you can head to the foyer of the house, Brain should appear.
(If he doesn’t your percentage is probably not high enough, in that look back in this walkthrough to find any missing Kamasutra pages, Photos, Clip, or any other thing you are missing that affects the overall percentage of the game.)
Others will start showing up for the dinner party as well. People will continue to show up, and you will go around chatting with everyone. Once everyone has arrived you and everyone will have dinner in the dining room. After dinner people will remain in the mansion so you can talk to them.
how do i get the oracle back at the police station? im at 85% complete does that affect anything?
I’m at 99% game completion, I am currently missing chest key back half so that I can get the last Kama Sutra for Carol to make it 60/60.
Also, the game wouldn’t let me complete to give the “package” to Tasha.
To catch the rat you need to maneuver the suitcase to block one of the walls where the rat enters them. I blocked to left side but either should work.