Gameplay Tips for Fast Leveling
Note: You need to unlock waypoints first, to get the codex exploration quests for that area.
Level 01 to 19
Craft pieces with Mana Regen. Spend the initial contract coins you get for upgrade materials. You will get more later.
First 2 Accessories, craft Crude Wind Necklace and Crude Energy Belt for MANA REGEN. You will NEED it. Thank me later. It doesn’t matter what weapon you choose, you will need it.
Always have a steady supply of World Tree Leaf from the Sundries NPC. Buy a little over 2k+ at the start, it helps a lot with sustain.
This guide skips unnecessary quests early on because on a Day 1 setting, you want to get ahead of the pack. That way, you’re not contesting a mini-boss vs a thousand people(this is not an exaggeration). Best example of this will be the Giant Goblin Butcher and the Giant Crystal Scorpion.
Take advantage of your Q block. Whether its to mitigate damage while waiting on cooldowns or blocking a charged attack (Purple swirl). I no longer call these things Fury Attacks because they dont trigger effects that fury attacks would trigger like Sword and Shield’s Epic rank Q effect. I will call them Charged Attacks going forward.
Putting your first 20 points into Perception is a good idea, especially if you’re following this guide. Hit rate stats are also welcome. Due to the nature of pushing the main quest whenever possible, you will inevitably face higher level mobs, and since level difference is a huge deal in this game, try to get Hit rate wherever you can without going out of your way to get it.(aka dont spend Lucent etc. on it. There are higher prio stats to spend lucent on.)
Plan out your item build carefully ahead of time. When choosing Blue Lithographs/Blueprints from quest rewards, don’t fall into the trap of choosing one that is hard to trait up.
- 1) Fully focusing on Purples alone will give you a hard stop at level 10. You will need level 11 for the next chapter of the story. The EXP needed to proceed can be made up for by doing 1 or 2 exploration quests in the beginning.
To make up for this, make sure you do Farmer Owner’s Worries exploration in the beginning or harvesting extra resource nodes.
- 2) Second hard stop with just doing Purple quests – is level 17. Next part of the story is at level 19.
- A) Taedal’s Tower second floor, will give you around 19k EXP total.
- B) Do any Mystic Globes you come across(gives 2k+ exp and activity points). You get 5 free keys from the previous quest.
- C) Do the “Little Friend from the Plain” quest chain in Urstella Fields exploration. In the 3rd part of the quest chain, you can redo a Boss you already did. Don’t do the part where it requires you to go back to Kastleton.
- D) Do events when they come for extra exp and upgrade materials. Blackhowl Plains’ Wolf Event is the only option you have on day 1.
What are events? They happen at set times and you can view the schedule on the top right of the mini map.
In the beginning, it’s only going to be the Wolf Hunting Contest. If you’re playing when more events are open, press J and complete the codex exploration quests for those events. They give a lot of EXP. This is the game’s way of helping new players level to 50 faster.

- E) Gather as much as possible, if you are in need of more EXP and the places are too crowded, you can gather in the area past Vienta Village. I cannot stress Gathering enough. Not only is it needed for EXP, but it’s needed for guild donations so your guild can cast certain skills like world boss damage for more damage credit. Also, for crafting since later on in the game, especially if you’re F2P, you will probably include crafting and RNG-ing for traits to use or sell.
This should get you to level 19.
Here are the Exploration codexes I did (you can tell which ones I did by looking at which ones have a check mark):

For the Return of the Age of Wolves, this is going to be the FIRST and ONLY event that becomes available day 1. You dont have to do the whole 20+ minutes of the event, you can just do the last 5 minutes, and you should be able to complete the quest goals. I do recommend doing the whole event because it also helps your guild + higher contribution = higher exp. My 3rd 1-50 run, I didn’t do any events at all, and was still able to hit 50.

Urstella Fields:

Nesting Grounds:

Level 19 to 29
- 1) You will hit a bottleneck around level 21-22.
- A) Do Monolith Wasteland Codex, it far surpasses Carmine. Dont waste time doing Carmine.
- B) You will get a quest called “Night at the Clinic” that will require you to wait till nighttime. Do Monolith Wasteland and Abandoned Stonemason exploration codex while waiting.
Do Monolith Wasteland first. When you get to the third part of “Treasure of Daybreak,” it will require you to go to a spot on a treasure map that you will need to go to at night and wait until day time.
You also have the option to do Specter’s Abyss(Secret Dungeon) if you have the team for it while waiting for nighttime, or even while waiting for daytime to finish Treasure of Daybreak.
Bottleneck again at level 28
Can kill mini-bosses in open world(Giant Crystal Scorpion at this point in time, you can wait for them to spawn if you’d like.), but not as reliable because everyone is going to kill them on sight.
- 1) Continue Stonemason Exploration “Powerless Little Friends.” You can choose to stop after the Mandrake part of the quest.
- 2) Complete Beyond Sandstorm (06:58:00 12/31/2023)
- 3) Complete Sands that Make Money
- 4) Complete Secret in the Sand Dust
This should get you to level 29 and then some.
Exploration Codexes I Did:
I did everything for Monolith Wastelands:

Abandoned Stonemason:
I did everything except the last 4 at the bottom, because you will not be able to do those on day 1. That content is locked behind Milestones.

Same thing for Moonlight Desert. The bottom 3 are locked behind milestones, you will not be able to do them on day 1.

Level 29 to 34
Once you hit 29, the next chapter for your story quest will open up. Do those until you reach the next bottleneck.
After watching Henderson’s majestic performance, you’ll have the option of doing the second dungeon in the game. If you haven’t done the level 20 dungeon yet, you can choose to do both at this time, they both give good exp.
You can finish the dungeon clear just for the EXP, and you can choose to save some of your Contract Tokens Dimension for level 50 dungeons:

You can opt to save these for the level 50 dungeons instead which offer vastly better loot. You do NOT need to spend these in order to complete the quests inside the dungeon or get EXP from the mobs/mini-boss/boss. So choose if you want to have a chance at some upgrades which is nice, or save them for level 50 dungeons, assuming your static can keep up.
At this time, you can also do the rest of your Taedal’s Tower:

It should be easy EXP for you at this time. Do whichever one you can finish for some quick EXP and don’t waste time trying to push further if you are failing.
If you have a static party, doing the secret dungeon ASAP for Exp is a good idea. If not, do Taedal while you wait/look for a party.
Level 33 is the bottleneck
- Note: Temple of Roar is currently bugged, the quest is currently only available at level 40 which is the level before the level requirement was lowered to 30. You can still get EXP and gear from it. You just wont be able to complete the quests that give skillbooks and Sollant. –
Regardless, do Sandworm lair exploration.
Do this one first:

Just talking to the NPC will give you EXP, Blood Mushroom is not available day 1, so you won’t be able to proceed with this quest, but it’s free 10k EXP.
Next step is:

Gives you EXP and access to another Guardian.
Eventually, he will lead you to a platform/puzzle, just use this as a reference:

Starting from your right: 2 – 3 – 2 – 2 – 1 – 3 – 1 – 2
Afterwards, he will make you dodge tornados and fight a scorpion that summons 2 Scarabs.
Killing the scarabs will make them explode but not damage you, instead, it will destroy the Scorpion’s shield so you can damage him.
If you have a party, doing the “Stronger Sandworm” quest will be easier. You can solo, but it will take longer(Tapping other people’s mobs count too *wink*) you’ll eventually need to do this anyway, so it’s your choice if you want to do it now or when you’re stronger:

Next stop is Daybreak Shore, make sure to get the Waypoint first to get access to the Exploration Codex. Do any of these till level 34 then start doing the Story Quest again.
If you want, you can get them all done because you’ll need to come back here later anyway. But again, it’s your choice if you want to come back when you’re stronger. If you have a static party, then this area will be quick and easy.

Level 34 to 40
Bottleneck at level 37 to 40. This is one of the two hardest bottlenecks to get over. If you skipped out on events/gathering, you might have a tougher time getting over this part.
Unlock The Raging Wilds, Manawaste, And Daybreak Shore. Waypoint to unlock Exploration Codex.
Do Raging Wilds, Manawaste and Daybreak Shore Exploration Codex.

Hero of the Catapult is easy EXP and can be done solo. The part where you have to operate the Catapult, having another person activate it for you will make it easier, but it is doable solo, you just have to get on the catapult quickly.
2 – 5 – 6 – 4 – 3 – 1 – 3 – 2

4 – 5 – 2 – 3 – 3 – 5

Manawastes Codex

Right by Manawastes Waypoint.
Level 40 to 45
Level 43 is the bottleneck. Finish doing Akidu valley Exploration Codex.
After reaching level 44, 300k EXP, we are 180k short of level 45 with no more Exploration Codex quests worth doing to bridge the gap. Taedal is an option but will still not be enough. In order to bridge the gap, you will need to do Contracts in Sanctuary Oasis, Grind Sileus/Sylaveth with a group, Dungeons, or go on a resource harvesting grind.
Note: It is preferable to not do Contracts if you can help it, because you want to do them all as soon as you hit 49 and get the most gains out of them from the level 50 areas(Watcher’s Post or Purelight Tower). But if you’re rushing to 50, definitely do them. There is no right or wrong choice here.
If you’re doing contracts, you will be doing Sanctuary Oasis contracts. Doing the kill quests is a lot easier if you’re doing it with a static party.
I’ll post the quest location for the easy ones you can look for, especially if you’re solo.

Shore Watcher (Parrot Quest):

Mushroom gathering at Sandworm Lair

You can collect them at the surface:

Mana Recording Device – Raging Wilds

Manawastes Mana Recording Device

Chopping Trees at Raging Wilds
Note: you can chop trees outside the suggested area.

Sandworm Lair Mana Device:

Mining Ore at Daybreak Shore:

I mine on the left/west side of Daybreak Shore because there are less mobs to potentially aggro to you.

Treasure Chest:

You can do any of the kill ones, especially if you have a static or if there is too much competition for the Ore / Tree gathering contracts.
If you want to progress faster and sacrifice less contracts for the 44-45 bottleneck, you can choose to spend your tokens to open the chest for more EXP.
Early Dungeon EXP
Level 20 Dungeon gives 10k+ EXP on last boss.

Level 40 Dungeon gave 14.2k EXP at level 44 on last boss.

If you open the Chest:

Dungeons are worth doing for some EXP and initial rewards if you want to spend less contracts this early. This method is viable if you have a party/static party on day 1 or you can find a reliable group via party finder for a quick boost in EXP + completing the codex quests for skillbooks. However, this is not the fastest way to level, that crown still belongs to contracts.
Level 45 to 49
As soon as you reach 45, continue Purple/Story Quest. It should get you to around level 48 70%+. Do Grayclaw Forest and Fonos Basin Exploration Codex until level 49, and then do level 50 Contracts until level 50 at Watcher’s Post or Purelight Tower.
Congratulations, You’re Now Level 50! What Now?
Dungeons, do your daily dungeons and get gear ASAP. I made dungeon guides for you guys on here, trying to avoid any of the cheese strats as those seem to be getting patched out on a weekly basis.
Butcher’s Canyon:
Tyrant’s Isle:
How to get geared with non-epic gear? Traits are the difference between being a noob or being a GOD.
Gathering EXP Chart
EXP Per Node:
Golden Rye Pasture:
- Wild Herb – 102 EXP
Windhill Shores:
- Gigantic Moonstone – 171 EXP
- Pure White Moonstone – 143 EXP
Blackhowl Plains:
- Bloomed Wild Herb – 143 EXP
- Fruit Star Tree – 100 EXP
Urstella Fields:
- Star Tree – 92 EXP
- Moonstone – 131 EXP
Pure White Moonstone:
- Wild Herb – 92 EXP
Carmine Forest:
- Star Tree – 92 EXP
- Medicinal Mushroom – 102 EXP
Nesting Grounds:
- Wild Herb – 92 EXP
- Moonstone – 131 EXP
- Gigantic Moonstone – 156 EXP
Monolith Wastelands:
Tested at level 18, already gatherable. Not sure what minimum level is or if there is any.
- Moonstone – 528 EXP
- Gigantic Moonstone – 634 EXP
- Windflower – 528 EXP
- Star Tree – 517 EXP
- Wild Herb – 517 EXP
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