Tiny Camping Guide
By Visco.
Tent – Tip & Tricks
- The build is on raised ground.
- I used the watertool to lower the platform, so only the roof is above ground. The small ground gap is covered with bushes.
- There are multiple roofs inside the tent. Some to add the tent poles, some to add the front ‘opening’.

Campfire & Dining Area – Tips & Tricks
- The dining area is purely build with fences over paths.
- There are some stone walls involved with making the props. This is because you can make walls more thin than fences.
- For tips and tricks about the campfire (with fire at night).
- The campfire in this case is totally build ‘undergroud’, using the water tool on the raised ground.

Wooden Logs and Axe – Tips & Tricks
- The logs are made of A LOT of fences on a path.
- Only the axe blade is made of a small piece of wall.

Clothing Line – Tips & Tricks
- I placed two of the smallest towers left and right.
- Then I raised them both, so that they were standing on pillars.
- I added a window on each tower, making sure both had clothing hanging outside.
- I placed the towers as far as possible, but close enough to let it form a clothing line.
- Lastly I covered the towers up with placing multiple trees next to each other.

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