Tiny Glade – Basic Construction / Decoration Function Guide

A guide compiling some basic functions that you can do in the game, that people pretty frequently ask for how to do.

Guide to Basic Construction Function

By Captain Willow

Back to Basics

First option on the UI is to make buildings, both round and square, as well as free-hand walls and fences. Click and draw to build them.

Change the Outline Size of a Building

By holding down left-click and dragging your mouse, you can change the horizontal size and proportions of a building before placing it down. If you left click and wiggle a bit while doing this, it will snap reset the size to its minimum.

Path Tool and Its Interactions

Paths can interact with all the basic building blocks of a glade. On buildings they’ll create doors (single or double depending on width) and if stretched further, arches.

On platforms (up to a certain height) and raised terrain they’ll make stairs. With freestanding walls and fences they’ll make arches to pass through. In water paths make stepping stones.

Objects Tool

With the object tool (the window) you can make:

  • Square windows
  • Gothic windows
  • Arrow slits
  • Lanterns
  • Flags
  • Chimneys

Windows and slits can be combined to make bigger ones and chimneys will swap between standard and small if there is something blocking them.

Colour Tool

Most objects can be re-coloured. Flowers are one of the few that can’t yet. You can use it to remove storey/floor indicators and add half timbering to buildings.

Changing Sizes

For paths, erasers, flowers and water you can adjust the size slider based to your needs.

Time Controls

You can lock/unlock the passage of time. Or you can change the time manually, as well as the angle the sun/moon is coming from.

Camera Tool

Options available here from left to right:

  • Folder button -> Opens your screenshot folder
  • Camera on a stick -> Change camera mode (diorama, free-flying, walking, map-view)
  • Eye button -> Change zoom in
  • Aperture button -> Add a vignette or sharpen the focus
  • Focus square button – > Change the focus size
  • Camera button -> Take a photo
  • Sun button -> Change colour, brightness, saturation
  • Filters -> Get a bunch of different colour filters
  • Paint and brush -> Add a paint filter or marble filter or see through trees
  • Sun/moon -> Change time of day

Pet the Ducks and Sheep

If you click on the animals you can pet them. The sheep will follow your curson a bit after petting.

Specific Path Interaction

If you have a building in water and you draw a path through it, it will make metal bars, like a grate.

Removing Merlons and Handrails

By interlaying two platforms into one another you can remove merlons and handrails. You might need to fiddle around and adjust the sides of one of them until its perfect.

Platform Doors and Trapdoors

If you put windows at floor level with a platform it will make a door. It can be made bigger by combining multiple windows. If put on the floor, trapdoors will spawn.

Creating Bridges

Bridges can be created by lowering a building’s roof to the minimum, creating a platform. Then you can squish the building to minimum wall height and hoist it from the ground to the desired height.

Roof Adjustments

You can make a roof rounder or thinner by just hovering over it, then click and dragging it left and right. Up and down can adjust the roof height. When right-clicking, you can stretch out roofs from having a spiked middle point to having sidings (or an overhang if half-timbered) on both sides. The rotate button spins the roof without rotating the whole building.

Clutter Cycling

You can shuffle both ground and window accessories by repeatedly clicking on a window.

Laundry Lines and Buntings

If two windows with laundry are close enough they will form a connecting laundry line. Same with flags and creating buntings.

Terrain Adjustments

Using the same method as for roofs, you can adjust how steep a cliff/hill is by click dragging it left and right. Up and down again for height.

Wall Cutting and Adjusting

Right clicking walls will let you change their height, as well as let you cut them in spots and the dots will let you move that point anywhere.

Object and Wall Snapping

Sometimes when placing objects or free hand drawing walls they might snap onto something in a way that’s not wanted. You can stop snapping of both walls and objects by holding down the ctrl key.

Flowers and Path

Flowers can be overwritten by paths without actually removing the flowers underneath, allowing for easier adjustment.

Tower Turrets

You can get turrets for towers by hoisting a round building up and inserting in your base tower, but wheter or not it becomes a turret is dependant on the width of the turret. Height doesn’t impact anything here.

Wall Sides

Depending on if a wall is drawn left to right or right to left, windows and doors will be facing different directions, no matter which side of the wall you put it on from.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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