Titan Quest – TQVault on Linux Guide

How to Get TQVault AE to Work on Linux


  • Titan Quest Anniversary Edition installed
  • Wine (of course)
  • Mono-runtime

Mono provides the necessary .net library for the standard function of TQVaultAE (that is, the Vault) to work. You just need the runtime libraries, not the complete package. That’s for developers.

The Forge function is an enigma and I can’t get it to work but such is life on Penguinland.

First, locate your Titan Quest Install Folder. Go to your Steam Library, right click on it, go to Manage > Browse local files. This is where we’ll take the necessary data for TQVaultAE to function. We’ll call this TQ Install Folder.

Second, locate your Titan Quest documents folder. This should be in your Titan Quest Install:

Library/steamapps/compatdata/475150/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/My Games/ 

We’ll call this Steam Documents Folder

Finally, you need to locate your My Games in your default wine prefix. This is generally in:

~/.wine/drive_c/users/[username]/Documents/My Games

Be mindful that it’s NOT My Documents, which is usually a symbolic link to your actual ~/Documents. We’ll call this Wine Documents Folder.

Now, in this folder, create “Titan Quest” and “Titan Quest – Immortal Throne” folders. This is the path TQVaultAE expects to find game save data.

Now, copy over /Titan Quest – Immortal Throne/SaveData from your Steam Documents Folder to Wine Documents Folder. This is, as the name suggests, your save data. You’ll need to copy stuff back and forth in the future, so remember these paths well, or even create shortcuts to find them quickly.

Once you’re done, go to your Steam Library, right click on TQAE, Manage > Browse local files. This will open your TQAE’s install folder. We need a couple things from this place. TQVaultAE doesn’t actually need the game to be installed to run. What it needs are the game files, specifically, the item database.

To that end, you should copy the Database, Resources, and Text folders, to somewhere in your wine prefix.

  • Database/database.arz
  • Resources/Items.arc
  • Resources/xpack/Items.arc
  • Resources/Xpack2/Items.arc
  • Resources/Xpack3/Items.arc
  • Resources/Xpack4/Item.arc
  • Text/ -> just copy the whole text folder

We call the folder containing these data “TQ Data Folder”.

Once you’re done, cd to your TQVaultAE install folder, delete UserConfig.xml and run wine ./TQVaultAE.exe. This will cause TQVaultAE to ask you to locate the game path, because it can’t find it. Not a problem. Locate the TQ Data Folder and use it. If you picked the wrong folder and TQVaultAE whines, close it, delete UserConfig.xml, and try again.

With this, TQVaultAE should launch and create the necessary vault data in Documents/My Games/Titan Quest/TQVaultData. If you’ve used TQvaultAE somewhere else before, you can copy over your vault data folder and overwrite it to restore your vaults.

If you’re here because you wanna use item cheat maps such as ItemUS, here’s what you need to do:

  • Locate the ItemUS map data. This is usually in Titan Quest Install Library/steamapps/workshop/content/475150/764410942/
  • Copy the itemus folder into Wine Documents Folder/Titan Quest – Immortal Throne/CustomMaps/
  • The map should now be available under CustomMaps in TQVaultAE

TQVaultAE should now work. The item affix editing feature may or may not be available, I’m not sure why, it worked before and now it doesn’t for me. What matters is the Vault feature and it works.

Once you’re done editing your vault, copy over the Wine Documents Folder/Titan Quest – Immortal Throne/SaveData back to Steam Documents Folder/Titan Quest – Immortal Throne/SaveData/ and overwrite. Do the reverse to edit your vaults again.

The tooltip disappears the second time I hover on something

Yes, this is an old bug. Right click on your item and select Properties to see what it does. It’s not pretty but works well enough. Small addendum of mine: There’s this post on the Github detailing it and how it can possibly be fixed:


A few options are missing in Configure screen

Those are item editing functions. Not sure why they disappear like that, but the Vault function works despite that.

Do I need 32bit Wine Prefix for this?

No, mine is 64bit and it works just fine.

Do I need winetricks/protontricks for this?

No, but if you use Protontricks it can recognize TQVaultAE and should ask you which wine prefix to use to run it with. You’ll still need to copy over game database files into your TQ proton prefix to use TQVaultAE, but should allow you to skip the whole save data copying/overwriting step. This is how I used to run TQVaultAE, until it breaks for some reason.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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