Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft – Modern Controls Useful Tips and Commands

Remember that directions are camera relative in Modern Controls.

Tips and Commands

  • Vault to grab ledges (same as tank controls):

Hold grab button (secondary) + forward.

  • Back and side flipping:

Hold the draw weapons button, wait for animation, press and hold jump then immediately after press back, left or right

  • Back stepping:

Hold the draw weapons button, wait for animation, tap backwards.

  • Hold ledges when falling:

Run towards the ledge while holding the grab button (secondary).

  • Swan Dive (same as tank controls):

From Idle: Press and hold the jump button, immediately after press forward + walk button.

From Running: Keep holding forward, press jump + walk button.

  • Fancy climb up (same as tank controls):

While holding to a ledge, hold walk button then press forward.

  • Swimming:

Lara swims freely in all directions relative to the direction you are facing (also includes how far up or down you are looking), no need to hold the jump button. To swim to surface, look up as much you can and move forward until Lara breaths again. You can swim forward, backwards and sideways freely on the surface. To dive, hold the jump button. To grab a ledge low enough, hold forward + grab button.

  • Moving backwards while crawling/crouching:

Hold the walk button while crouched and tap backwards.

  • Grabbing a ledge from crawling position:

Use the backwards movement describe above until you are positioned backwards towards a ledge, hold the walk + grab button, then hold backwards.

  • Diving roll from sprinting:

While sprinting, keep holding forwards and press the roll button.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 4311 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. How do you make the speedboat go faster (turbo boost) – nothing I have tried is working and you can’t get up the ramp in Venice without it!

  2. Spin around during jump. (while running forward jump and immediately hit dodge roll button) you can do this with weapons draw and while shooting

    • To hop off the ATV, hold the roll button and press left, to get out to the left, or right to get out to the right

  3. I managed to do them all except for sidestepping. I press the middle mouse button to enter look mode, then I press Shift (I use shift for walking) + A or Shift + D and it doesn’t work. Even if I return to the default value of Alt for walking, look mode + alt + A or look mode + alt + D doesn’t work for me.

    • I also use Shift to walk. i just tested in all 3 games, and I managed to do it just as described. Make sure you wait a second before toggling look mode off. And it is working for me even after rebinding walk to shift.

      • Yes, it works, thanks. My mistake was that I didn’t do this: “Keep holding them and press look key to toggle it off.” It seems like a really strange combination – I didn’t understand that she’ll start walking only after I leave look mode.

  4. But how do I jump backwards and then immediately hold on a ledge? That is needed a couple of times to avoid falling damage.

    • I’m not sure what you mean, but:
      – Hold ledges when falling:
      Run towards the ledge while holding the grab button (secondary/alternate).

      The backstep method using the look button also works, just hold the grab button immediatly after.

      If you jump and press back Lara will turn, you can grab a ledge on another plataform that way. You can also try doing the 180 roll while in the air. She just requires a bit more time to start the grab animation mid air.

      • what I mean is that (in turret mode) you turn around when you’re closest to the edge, then press back to do a small jump backwards, then press the hold button and thus grab that ledge. I’m actually using this all the time to safely drop down.
        – Only reliable method to do that in modern controls is the look key method.
        – Another one is to draw the guns, step backwards, let go of the guns button and press the hold button.
        – The next one is to do a roll near the ledge and press the hold button.
        Problem is with the latter two methods, you can’t stand directly at the ledge, otherwise you’ll just drop down. So for those methods you need to stand somewhere in the middle of the tile.
        The look key method works but is awefully inconvenient. Imo, this needs fixing.

  5. Light flare and throw flare is F on keyboard or Select (hold) + right bumper on controller.

    There is also a quick weapon select 1…8 on keyboard or Select + A are the pistols, Select + B is shotgun, Select + X Desert eagle/Automatic Pistols, Select +Y Uzis, I don’t know the left bumper or the triggers. Harpoon gun is automatically equipped in underwater.

    This is also the same in tank controls.

  6. There are times that Lara doesnt have her guns and players will not be able to access those moves. So going to her home, you wont know that.

    • The lack of tutorials for the modern controls does not help at all. That is true, So you cant learn this on the mansion. But there are still workaround this. And 90% of the time, you will have a gun anyway

      • I think I saw this on a reddit thread: press look, hold back, press look again = jump back; press look, hold walk and hold left / right, press look = side steps (camera turns to the side while you do this)

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