It really irritated me that no one had created a guide that included the ideal size, items needed for each potential space, and decorating ideas! I decided to create this in case it may be useful to anyone.
Guide to Castle Rooms
All Room Types
All the rooms Currently. possible to build are:
- Workshop
- Forge
- Alchemist
- Crypt
- Prison
- Library
- Tailor
- Jewelry
Important Starting Notes
I dont wish to spoil myself by speedrunning certain bosses without my friend, so FOR NOW, there are some benches i will not have pictures for, sorry.
With that note out of the way, ill describe what i can for you all!
Ive heard there will be new stations and benches added in the fall, ill add those when they appear
Floor Types
- Most rooms will benefit from having a specific flooring tile.
- The bonuses are always the same but are majorly helpful.
- So the sooner you get them, the better in the long run!
- Every room listed in this guide has a floor type of that room unless stated in the section.
- You will unlock them from either the Research Bench or the Study with Paper or Scrolls.
How stairs work
- They MUST be placed on pre existing ramps, they act as a skin for them.
- Place borders up to the ramp, and THEN place the stairs from the border flooring.
- They act as a border space so youll need room for it to place them.
Tombs – Medium
- Cant be placed on flooring but CAN be placed on Garden tiles.
Sleeping Coffins – Large
- These set a spawn point and can be put anywhere, but probably somewhere safe.
- They also dont need a dedicated room.
Storage Room – Optional
- Not needed, you can just put items inside the output of machines as a storage box, or just boxes/bookshelfs inside the room for where they are needed but a central storage is easier for doing the quick “compulsively count” option.
Throne “Room”
Room Size – At least a 2 x 2 tile placement size, for the throne itself.
- This is a room that doesnt have any type of bonuses applied to it (so far).
- and can be anything you want to have inside it, like storage!
- Its a purely decorative area but must have the Throne in it.
Workshop Room
- Room Size – Medium / Large
- Grinders – How ever many you need to have speedy brick making.
- Start with one then go to 2-4 if you want – Smallish.
- Sawmills – Again, how ever many, then 2-4 or higher – Large.
- Wood Workbench – No reason IMO so far, than needing more than 1 in a room – Medium

Forge Room
- Room Size – Medium / Large!
- Furnace – Start with 1, more if needed, i do 2 and its still slow. – Medium Sized, if many.
- Simple Workbench – Just 1, no need for extra unless you mass produce gear – Smallish.
- Smithy – Creates Iron gear! Only one needed. – 2×2, but i leave it open!
- Anvil – Not currently in picture – Makes stuff, unsure, sorry! – 2×2 or a L shape.

Alchemist Room
- Room Size – Small / Large
- Alchemy Station – Probably just one, unless you make a lot of potions. – Fits in a L shape or a 2×2
- Blood Press – If you have a lot of rats or need quick high end blood, 2-4, otherwise just 1 – 1×1
- Vermin Nests – Depending on server settings, as many as you want! – 2×2
- But again! Open floor plans are good!

Crypt Room
- Room Size – Tiny / Huge!
- Only thing in here needed are Servant Coffins – Smallish sleeping spots for your thralls.
- How ever many servants you want, youll need that many coffins, so entirely up to you on size here.
- You can fit two coffins in a 1×1.

Garden “Room”
- “Room” Size – Huge!
- If you want lots and lots of plants at your base, and you probably should have lots.
- A nice central courtyard or many small around the castle would be great.
- Separate area for Trees perhaps, or use them as decoration with your benches around the garden – Huge.
- Make sure to have a Well for easy water if you arent near a lake/ river – Medium.
This is a condensed garden, no trees with a well.

And this is a garden for primarily trees, and tombs.

Plant Sizes
I will eventually list every plant in the game here and the tiles they fit in.
Small Plants – Fit in a 1×1 easily
- Cotton, Sunflower, Blood Rose
Medium Plants – Only some fit in a 1×1
- Blood Carrion
Large Plants – Things like trees
- Tree.
Prison Room
- Room Size – Small / Medium
- Depending on how many prisoners you want, all up to you for size.
- Each blood type on hand would be ideal. So about 6-8.
Study Room
- Room Size – Large!
- Research bench – Until you have every paper research keep it in there, then as just decor – Tiny
- Study – Fully unlock all scroll research then its just decor Huge!
- I keep the Devourer in here too, but he can go anywhere you like! His size is 1×1
- Athenaeum – Still just unlocks stuff – 2×2
- Note : Not current accurate flooring.

Tailor Room
- Room Size – Large / Huge
- Tannery – However fast you want your animal hide to be converted – Small
- Looms – Probably a few, 1-4 maybe based on how fast you want it. – Medium
- Tailor Station – Used to make cloth apparel only one needed Huge!
- Note: Not current accurate flooring.

Jewelry Room
- Jewelcrafting Table – 2×2
- Makes Jewels! I assume, not sure how many are needed typically but probably just one?
- Gem Cutting Table – 2×2 – Unsure on that.
- Cuts low quality gems into better ones, might need 2 of em.
The library is actually the smallest room of all, certainly not “Large!”
a 2×2 room is more than enough for a library. You can have a study, a research station and bookshelf and still some space to spare.
The biggest room is probably the workshop, a lot of the machines are needed in large quantities, and they take up the most space.
good idea but i think the guide would be better if you do pictures of the crafting stations and stuff or examples of layouts