V Rising – How to Delete Characters on a Private Server

Deleting Characters on a Privately-Hosted Server

  • Find the target user’s 17-digit SteamID, e.g. 76561198515939315. It can be found in the server’s VRisingServer.log, or even from ingame.
  • Shut down the server, preferably gracefully.
  • Copy the server’s latest save file to local, and ungzip it.
  • Open this AutoSave_XX.save file in your favorite hex editor. In the screenshots below, HxD is the editor being used.
  • Search for the user’s SteamID as an integer number in little endian mode. See Figure 2. It should find 8 bytes, with the user’s character’s name showing up 18 bytes after the SteamID.
  • Modify the found SteamID to something unique (e.g. change the last byte to FF), and save.
  • Upload the edited save to the server’s save folder as-is, or gzip it first, doesn’t matter. Remember to overwrite or increment the save number, and to update the file’s read/write permissions if the server is running under a different user account.
  • Restart the server, and the user should encounter the character creation menu upon login.

Note: Obviously, this method doesn’t actually delete the character, just un-assigns the character from the player.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3757 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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