Vampire Survivors – Weapons Upgrade Guide

Item combinations to upgrade your weapons.

How to Combinate Items to Upgrade Weapons


To upgrade a weapon you must have both the weapon and have picked up a level of corresponding item. When the weapon is level 8 and you have the item it will be upgraded when you open a chest that drops when you kill a high level evemy.

  • Axe + Candelabra
  • Cross + Clover
  • Fire Wand + Spinach
  • King Bible + Spellbinder
  • Knife + Gloves
  • Magic Wand + Empty Tome
  • Whip + Hollow Heart

As of version 0.2.6g these are the only weapons that can be evolved.

Some items will only appear when you unlock the related achievement:

  • Candelabra – Get Santa water to Level 4.
  • Spellbinder – Get Runetracer to Level 7.
  • Empty Tome – Hold 6 different weapons at once.
  • Fire wand – Destroy 20 light sources.
  • Clover – Find a clover.
  • Cross – Find a rosary.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 7040 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. you can get stone mask in the stage Inlaid Library but sometimes it doesn’t spawn, you can always quit and try the stage again

  2. Was able to get a “evolved” Bible, Whip, and Axe in one run with Imelda on Mad Forest. The bible is by far the most OP and it did 3.2M damage over 15min. The whip only did 431K damage over 13min but it heals you for 8 HP every 1-2 seconds. The axe fly through all enemies but has gaps in its coverage so I feel like the bible is better.

  3. I am not sure if this is know yet so….
    There is an optimized order in which you should pick your power ups.
    Always upgrade the most expensive power up. The power up’s increase by a percent of their base values
    Randomly when I upgraded the power ups, I wasn’t able to complete them all, but after going the optimized path I had 3K left over after upgrading everything.
    You can always reset the power ups, if you don’t like something….

    • you can get stone mask in the stage Inlaid Library but sometimes it doesn’t spawn, you can always quit and try the stage again

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