Guide to Infantry
Infantry units don’t cost a lot and can do a bunch of different things. They can take on vehicles, tanks, air units, and enemy infantry too.
The downside is they get hurt easily and move slow when they’re not in a vehicle. They need to use the terrain smartly if they want to survive on the battlefield.
Squad Strength
Every Infantry Squad contains a number of soldiers. This is their so-called Strength. This value represents both the squad’s resistance capacity (its “health”) and its combat power.
When a squad loses soldiers, its Strength is reduced, and as a result, it also loses combat power.
The Unit Information panel (“I” key while in-game) displays the 3 main weapons of an Infantry Squad.
- A squad can feature fewer main weapons, as well as the same weapon multiple times. The specific amount a weapon type carried is displayed next to the weapon’s name (x4 or x7, for instance). The number and type of weapons determine the weapon damage and overall combat power of a squad.
- Infantry Squads can be equipped with various types of weapons.
- Infantry weapons can feature different characteristics, ammo, functions, and ranges at which they are effective.
Assault Rifle
The standard firearm of the modern soldier, the assault rifle is effective up to intermediate ranges. Assault Rifles most often shoot lighter 5.56mm rounds. These weapons can be fired on the move (Motion), as well as used in close combat situations (Close Range Weapon), for instance, when assaulting a building.
Submachine Gun
Submachine guns are close-quarters battle sacrificing range and firepower for the rate of fire and ease of handling. Submachine Guns most often shoot lighter 5.56mm rounds. These weapons can be fired on the move (Motion), as well as used in close combat situations (Close Range Weapon), for instance, when assaulting a building.
Light Support Weapon
A Light Support Weapon is frequently a light machine gun or squad automatic weapon, providing additional firepower to an Infantry unit.
This type of weapon most often shoots lighter S.S6mm rounds. A Light Support Weapon is effective at suppressing enemy troops at intermediate ranges. The weapon can be used on the move (Motion) but not in close combat situations.
Medium Machine Gun
A Medium Machine Gun is a heavier cousin of the Light Support Weapon, with greater firepower and suppression. A Medium Machine Gun most often fires the heavier 7.62mm rounds across intermediate ranges. A single soldier can use this type of weapon, but they need to stop (Stationary) to deploy, aim and fire.
An Explosive can be anything from a grenade to a demolition charge. These types of weapons are great damaging and suppressing enemy units at very close ranges. They can be used on the move (Motion) and in close combat situations (Close Range Weapon), for instance when assaulting a building. They can be used against unprotected or lightly armored units (High Explosives).
Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher
An Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher is a shoulder-fired weapon able to engage armor. These are short-range weapons, operated by a single soldier, and can be fired on the move (Motion). This type of rocket launcher can penetrate Armor. They can be used against unprotected or lightly armored units (High Explosives). Some fire HEAT (High Explosive Anti-Tank) rounds, more effective against enemy armored vehicles thanks to their shaped charge.
Incendiary Rocket Launcher
The Incendiary Rocket Launcher is a specialized shoulder-fired weapon capable of firing thermal warheads. These short-range weapons, operated by a single soldier, can be fired on the move (Motion). Most often resembling a ranged flamethrower (Napalm), an Incendiary Rocket Launcher is best used against enemy infantry squads or unarmored targets.
Ground-to-Ground Missile
The Ground-to-Ground Missile is a crew-served weapon designed to take out armor and other targets at long ranges. These weapons are better known as ATGM (Anti-Tank Guided Missiles). This type of weapon can penetrate Armor. Ground-to-Ground Missiles need to be aimed and fired (Static) while stationary. They also need to be actively controlled by the operator while in flight (Manual Guidance). Some fire HEAT (High Explosive Anti-Tank) rounds, more effective against enemy armored vehicles thanks to their shaped charge.
Infantry is vulnerable to High Explosive (HE) damage. High Explosive can be found in anything from demolition charges to bombs and artillery rounds.
In short: deployed soldiers are unprotected and 1 HE damage will kill 1 soldier in an Infantry Squad.
However, infantry can make use of cover for additional protection:
- Forest Cover: when an Infantry Squad is located in a Forest it benefits from a 50% cover bonus. In other words, the unit benefits from a 50% reduction in damage.

- Building Cover: when an Infantry Squad is located inside a Building, they receive a 90% reduction in damage.

General Infantry Tips
- If you are in inv vs inf combat then try to fight only with full cohesion(3rd chapter of game manual) and at least 2nd veterancy. Attack only units with low cohesion.
- Controling inf at all time is very important, more makro less casualties leads to more effectiveness.
- Avoid inf vs inf fights at all costs. Use helis, cannons and autocannons everything what suppress evemy units to reduces their cohesion. Then engage in close combat with inf against them.
WARNO is a game about occupying zones. You cannot occupy any territory without Infantry.
The whole point of combined warfare is to facilitate the actions of Infantry.
I would like to argue that the same is true for WARNO.
The point of:
- Tanks is to support Infantry by fire.
- Aircraft is to kill high priority targets which destroy Infantry.
- Arty is to support Infantry pushes by smoke or fire.
Think about this:
Many very good players are saying the game is broken, because German-MGs are op and Infantry combat is not balanced. And NOT because, DDR has dirty cheap bombers on mass, SPAAG are arguably to strong, Arty doesn’t do enough damage or German Tanks are very strong.
If you do not know which aspect of the game you should improve first: Learn how to use Infantry and how to use the other arms to support it.
Note: Learn to use Infantry efficiently and how to support it with all other of your units.
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