Wartales – Path Quest: Fellowship of Knowledge

Guide for new quest for Mysteries & Wisdom Path.

End Game Content Spoilers!

Also known as Chronicler Erius’ Journal.

Mysteries & Wisdom – Chronicler Erius’ Journal


  • Level 8 in Mysteries & Wisdom is needed to start the quest.
  • Having all runes unlocked by completing all the tombs in each region (Tiltren, Arthes, Vertruse, Ludern, Grinmeer & Drombach) is needed to be able to complete the quest.


Upon reaching level 8 in Wisdom & Mysteries, an invitation to the Fellowship of Knowledge will be received.

  1. Go to the Fellowship of Knowledge & speak to Professor Hermann
  2. Unlock the clue by completing the minigame, then head to the location to find the item.
  3. Return to Professor Hermann to complete.
  4. Repeat 1 – 3 for part II, III, IV & V


  1. Its not necessary to restore the artifacts to complete the quest.
  2. Its not possible to leapfrog the quest as the locations dont spawn until the part is started. So expect to travel to & from Fellowship of Knowledge in Vertruse many times.


  • Part 1: Crystal Skull – camp item that companions next to it after rest on start of next fight gains Offensive Elation (Damage of next attack increased by 25%)
  • Part 2: Cradle of Souls – camp item that companions next to it after rest gain Satiated (This unit consume 0 food next rest)
  • Part 3: Astral Instrument – camp item that companions next to it after rest on start of next fight gains Inspiration (Movement doubled)
  • Part 4: Musical Automaton – camp item that companions next to it after rest on start of next fight gains Defensive Elation (Damage taken of next attack reduced by 35%)
  • Part 5: Solar System – camp item that companions next to it after rest gain Inspired (Willpower +5)

1 Mysteries & Wisdom Level Point.

Codex Minigame

Part 1 & 4 Locations

Part 2 & 3 Locations

Part 5 Location

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3757 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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