Wizard101 – Bosses and Their Cheats

Cheating Bosses

Raihan Sandweaver

  • Rank 24


  • A little late are we? – Whenever a Wizard joins after round 2, Raihan will cheat cast a special Steal Pip that steals all pips from the late Wizard.
  • A little Mirage Magic – At the start of every second round, Raihan will cheat cast Dragonlance.
  • Balance is everything, Wizard! – If a Wizard casts a Shield, Charm, Negative Charm, Negative Ward, DoT or HoT, Raihan will echo the effect.
  • Get them my pet! – Raihans Sand Wurm Larva pet will randomly cast Sand Wurm

Lance Frostbrand

  • Rank 24


  • You are no Knight, You’re a Coward! – When a Wizard joins late, Lance will cheat cast Frostbite that deals 2000 + 10000 over 10 rounds and stuns the late wizard for 2 turns
  • I take what’s yours, Wizard! – If a Wizard casts either Shield, Lance will cast Double Steal ward on the wizard who received the shield.
  • My Frost Armor protects me! – At the end of every 3rd round, Lance will cast a Frozen Armor that absorbs 1500 damage.
  • Ice freezes Storm – If a Storm spell is casted, Lance will cheat cast Double Dissipate, -100% Storm Shield and a -75% Weakness on the wizard who casted the spell.
  • Ice outdoes Death – If a Death Spell is casted, Lance will cheat cast Double Strangle, -100% Death Shield and a -75% Weakness on the wizard who casted the spell.
  • I Disarm you Wizard! – If a Positive charm is casted, Lance will cast Disarm(Ice) on the wizard who received the Charm.
  • You can’t weaken me wizard! – If a negative charm is casted on Lance, He will cheat cast Cleanse Charm(Ice) on himself.

Damon Fablechill

  • Rank 24


  • Late to a fight is lame! – If a wizard joins after the 2nd round, Damon will cheat cast a protected +75% Myth and Ice Trap, a 1000 Protected Myth Deferred DoT that hits after 3 rounds, a 7500 Frozen Armor and stuns the wizard for 3 rounds.
  • A little Wallaru pride won’t hurt. At the Start of the fight, Damon will cheat cast a special Time of Legends that increases Myth and Ice Damage by 35%.
  • Ha! A little weakness isn’t going to work mate! – If a Negative Charm is casted on Damon, He will cheat cast Delusion on himself twice.
  • You can’t hide behind a shield! – If a Positive ward in casted, Damon will cheat cast Betrayal twice.
  • Now what does a Wizard need a blade for? – If a wizard casts a positive charm, Damon will cheat cast Wall of Blades on all wizards.
  • Mind the Ice mate. If Damon has more than 4 shields, He will cast Kelvin’s Icy Gaze on the highest threat Wizard.
  • Mind the Eye mate – If a Wizard has more than 4 traps, Damon will cast Ivan’s Storytime on the Wizard with the traps.
  • Behind you… – If a wizard is below 25% of their max health, Damon will cheat cast a special Natural attack that deals 1550 x2 Myth and Ice Damage

Spell Notes:

  • Traps are sometimes Potent.
  • Casts a mass version of Moon Trap.

Juria Storm

  • Rank 24


  • No! I disarm you – If a Blade is casted, Juria will cast Disarm on the wizard that received the Blade.
  • You can’t do that – If a negative charm is casted, Juria will cast Cleanse Charm.
  • That heal would be beneficial…: – If a Wizard casts a HoT, Juria will cheat cast Jinns Restoration.
  • How annoying – If a wizard casts a DoT, Juria will cheat cast Reap the Whirlwind.

Arthur Deathwraith

  • Rank 24


  • I have seen many things to see where that is going – Whenever a Wizard casts blade, Arthur will cheat cast Jinn’s Larceny on the receiver of the blade.
  • You will reap from your heal, Wizard! – Whenever a HoT is casted, Arthur will cheat cast Contagion on the wizard who received the HoT.

Interrupt Cycle:

  • Death empowers me! – At the end of every 2nd turn in this cycle, Arthur will cast Dark Pact, Deathblade and Dragonblade.
  • My Skull hungers! – At the beginning of every 4th round of this Cycle, Arthur will cast a special Gravestorm that deals 1050 drain damage that heals him for 100% of the damage dealt

Antonio Fuoco

  • Rank 24


  • No! Your shields mean nothing! – If a shield is casted, Antonio will cast Meltdown on the receiver of the shield.
  • You can’t back me into a trap! – If a trap is placed on Antonio, He will cheat cast Jinn’s Reversal.

Interrupt Cycle:

  • Ignite wizard – At the start of the 2nd turn, Antonio will cheat cast a special Fireblade that only activates for the final spell of this cycle.
  • Backing you into a trap – At the end of the 3rd round, Antonio will cheat cast a special Fire Mass Trap (+35%) that only activates for the final spell of this cycle.
  • Now burn wizard – At the start of the 4 th Round, Antonio will cast Scald (770) then cast Incindiate.

Salvador Fire-Leaf

  • Rank 24


  • I call forth the power of Summer! – At the start of the Fight,Autloc will cheat cast a Circle of Thorns that increases Life and Fire Damage by 25%.
  • The forge burns your Shields, Wizard – If a Positive Ward is casted, Autloc will interrupt cast Oni’s Forge on all wizards.
  • Traps do nothing here! – If a Negative Ward is casted, Autloc will interrupt cast Tranquility.
  • Using my own strategy on me? – If a DoT is placed on Autloc, He will Interrupt cast Jinn’s Reversal.
  • Burn, Wizard. If a DoT is placed on a Wizard, Autloc will interrupt cast Detonate on all wizards.

Spell Notes:

  • Casts a mass version of Sun Trap.
  • Blades and Traps are sometimes Potent or Sharpened.

Lemmy La Corbeau

  • Rank 25


  • Tsk Tsk, You’re late – If a Wizard joins after round 2, Lemmy interrupt casts an Moon Availing Hands that heals him for 100% of his health and an -100% Prismatic Shield on himself.
  • I’m the Scion of Polaris! – At the start of the fight, Lemmy will cast a Moon Spell to Summon Eternal Guardian and Wild Guardian. These minions will help Lemmy activate his other cheats.
  • Sacre Bleu, your Strategy is so lame! – If a AoE is casted, Lemmy will Interrupt cast a +100% mass Life, Ice and Moon trap on all wizards and will also cast a Moon Minor blessing healing him for 100% of his health, even if he is defeated.
  • Your traps bring me Tranquility, Wizard! – If a Trap is placed on Lemmy or allies, He will interrupt cast Tranquility on all of his allies.
  • Meditation will let us shrug this off – If a DoT is placed on Lemmy or his Allies, He will Interrupt Cast Meditation on all of his allies.
  • Your Blades Bolster me! – If a Positive Charm is casted, Lemmy will Interrupt cast Wall of Blades on all Wizards twice.
  • The walls of the Bastille won’t break! – If a Negative Charm is casted on Lemmy or any of his allies, He will cheat cast Glacial Fortress on him and his allies.
  • You can’t fool a Veteran! – If Feint or Mass feint is casted, Lemmy will interrupt cast Freeze that stuns the caster for 3 turns.
  • Feel the burn of Life! – If a Wizard(s) has 4 or more Dots, Lemmy will gambit them and cast Verdurous Jinn on the wizard(s)
  • Life will cut you down! – If Lemmy has 5 or more Blades on himself, He will gambit them to cast Primal Oni on the wizard with the lowest health.
  • I have never felt so alive! – If Lemmy has 4 or more HoTs on himself, He will gambit them off to cast 1140 Blossom’s Thorns on the Wizard with the least amount of Health.
  • Feel the cold embrace of Ice! – If a Wizard(s) have more than 5 Negative Charms, Lemmy will gambit them to interrupt cast Iceburn Jinn on the Wizard(s) who have the Negative Charms.
  • Trapped in Ice are you! – If a Wizard(s) have 5 or more Negative Wards, Lemmy will gambit and interrupt cast Everwinter Oni on the Wizard(s) who have the Negative Wards.
  • The power of Ice Pulses in me! – If Lemmy has 5 or more Positive Shields on himself, He will Gambit and interrupt cast Kelvin’s Icy Gaze on the Wizard who has the Lowest Health.

Spell Notes:

  • Non-Cheat Spells are enchanted with Epic (315).
  • Blades are sometimes Sharpened.
  • Traps are sometimes Potent.
  • Wings of Fates deals 650 +650 Life damage over 3 turns and burst heals 1000 instead.

I appreciate your time and hope this little tutorial was helpful.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7932 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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