A quick, screenshot-based guide for the cockpit of the AW189-SW:
- Number in brackets for each display is the button no. (from the left) on the MFD menu (bottom of edge of screen) for that display.
- ‘2nd tap’ function occurs when the button for that display is tapped while that display is already active (a ‘2nd tap’).
AW189-SW Cockpit Screenshot Guide
(1) Primary Flight Display (PFD), Seat & Remote Hotkeys & Remote Control
2nd tap function: Enable Waypoint heading & distance readouts.
Hover mode & Horizontal velocity indicator engage when below 20kts.
Seat Hotkeys
- 1. P: cntrl / H: AP
- 2. P: spdH / H:altH
- 3. Radio PTT
- 4. Take/Release SARcam Cntrl
- 5. Winch Up
- 6. Winch down
- P: Press/tap. Press the key briefly for this function
- H: Hold Press and hold until the function occurs
(2) Engine Display
2nd tap function: Swap fuel % reads to time.
- NG, IT & TH metres: Metres bars will rise up each side of the scale in them middle.
- NR metre: Metre bar will rise up right side.
(3) Electrical Display
- GREEN: Powered on
- DARK GREEN: Has power but disconnected (batteries only)
- WHITE: Powered off
(5) Body Camera Views
2nd tap function: Cycle cameras.
- 1. Tail camer
- 2. Belly Camera
- 3. FLIR
(6) SkyBlaze Search System
(7) Empty Module
An empty module for the installation of additional systems.
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