Cookie Clicker – Install the FortuneHelper Mod

This utility mod can enhance your experience with the game, and is fully configurable to be as big or as small of a help as you want. I’ll explain the mod then walk you through installing it on your game. This mod does NOT disable achievements!


FortuneHelper is a mod I made for the Steam version of Cookie Clicker. It’s fully configurable and contains several useful features:


Here you can turn on sound alerts for Golden Cookies and Fortune Tickers, and you can also mute the big cookie click sound.

  • Note that in the game you can unlock the Golden Cookie alert sound through ascension, but depending on your playstyle it might take too long to get there due to its price. If you enable this option the game will play the sound even without that upgrade.
  • Fortune Tickers are unlocked near the end of the game’s ascension tree, and they can be hard to catch as they don’t make any sound. That’s why I made this mod!


  • You can configure it to 0 to turn it off, or go up to 30 clicks per second (the game’s practical limit).
  • The clicks will work even while your mouse is outside of the big cookie area, and even with the game minimized.
  • Some people consider auto-clickers cheating, but it helps prevent hand injury such as carpal tunnel. You can use it as much or as little as you want!
  • There are 2 modes: You can have it run constantly, or only during big buffs (for example, a Click Frenzy, or a Frenzy + Building Bonus combo)

Other Clickers

For people who feel like the game demands a little too much attention, or they want to simplify their experience after a few ascensions, there are several options.

  • Click Golden Cookies: While enabled, the mod will click golden cookies for you instantly, even while the game is minimized. The button on the side will change whether you also want to click Wrath Cookies or not.
  • Click Fortune Tickers: A late-game feature. When enabled, you can choose to click all types of fortune cookie ticker texts, or only those that will unlock one of the 23 fortune upgrades (the other fortunes give effects similar to golden cookies).
  • Research and Pledge: Unlocked starting at 1 quadrillion cookies. These are recurring upgrades, making these options most useful after your first ascension. Both of them will also buy the pledge upgrade if available (sacrificial rolling pins)
  • Wrinklers and Reindeers are unlocked as you progress in the game, and you can make the mod click those too. Note that there are situations where you’d rather not click them immediately!

Does It Disable Achievements?

No! Don’t worry, your achievements are safe.


  • First, download CCSE by clicking here. This is another mod, made by klattmose, that helps other mods work including my own. YOU NEED BOTH MODS FOR IT TO WORK!
  • Now download FortuneHelper by clicking here.
  • Inside the game, go to Options, click Manage Mods, and click Open mods folder. Now enter the “local” folder, here you will see the sample mods as well as any other mods you install.
  • Open the CCSE zip file and drag the folder contained inside into your local mods folder. Open the FortuneHelper zip file and again move the folder into your local mods folder.
  • Restart the game, go to Manage Mods again and enable both mods. Make sure that CCSE has priority above FortuneHelper; you can adjust this with the buttons on the side. Now at the bottom press “Restart with new changes”.
  • You can verify that the mods are loaded by going into Options and scrolling down until you see the modded section. Here you can configure FortuneHelper however you want!
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3757 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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