ARK: Survival Evolved – Ice Wyvern Egg Locations (Ragnarok)

Where to find Ice Wyvern eggs on the Ragnarok map (co-ordinates and map).


So first off, things you need to know before you go hunting for Frost Wyvern eggs on Ragnarok:

  • There are 5 nest sites (that I know of) currently on the map.
  • They are all in really cold snow areas, with zone names like such as “murder snow” and “murdermurder snow” (hold down the H key in game to see the zone name and temperature). You will quickly freeze to death without adequate protection.
  • Get yourself a set of FUR armour – the better the quality the better. You can also greatly boost your resistance to cold by wearing an otter pet. Level up its melee damage stat to increase its hypothermic effects.
  • Where there are Wyvern eggs, there are Wyverns. Your best bet for out-running them is a high stamina Pteranodon or a Griffin. If you do get aggro, lead the Wyvern to some mammoths and it will likely fight them instead.
  • Taking an egg from a nest will aggro any nearby Wyverns (same as stealing eggs from any dino).

Ice Wyvern Egg Locations

The nests are found at the following GPS co-ordinates:

  • A – 37.7 / 65.0 – In a circle of trees
  • B – 44.4 / 58.9 – Open ground
  • C – 47.0 / 51.7 – Edge of a cliff
  • D – 33.5 / 68.8 – Hidden ledge
  • E – 42.8 / 55.2 – Rocky ledge

ARK: Survival Evolved - Ice Wyvern Egg Locations (Ragnarok)

If you don’t find any nests at these locations, it’s because there are no Ice Wyverns there. Nests (and eggs) only spawn when an Ice Wyvern is in the vicinity.

If you find a decent level Ice Wyvern flying around, killing things, aggro it and pull it back to a nest site – a nest & egg will spawn after a while.

Your other option is to kill it – I use this, especially if the Ice Wyvern and eggs are too low level. Often, if you have killed all of the Ice Wyverns, a new one will spawn immediately.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3755 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. i can confirm that c and d still work, i just found eggs at those spots. didnt see a nest at a, b and e though

  2. This guide is useful and fine, it is not his fault that an ice wyvern or ice wyvern egg didn’t spawn in your maps/servers if what

  3. Thanx So Much All Spots Have Eggs, Some Of Them Are Hard To See But Al Are At Theese Cords!

  4. Confirmed Egg spawn + nest at location D. However, when I grabbed the egg it vanished. Didn’t show up in my inventory.

  5. the ice eggs may despawn if they have been there for awhile so if you see one it may say 0 spoil time. also they may not spawn because of other entites

  6. thanx its littelary free wyvern eggs i have already 2 eggs and met only one wywern and easily escaped

  7. i’ve got to say I have seen and have killed Wyverns in this area but no nests. Also the map is misleading and the location descriptions don’t seem to match the coordinates and the coordinates don’t match the map. So very difficult to see or find any nests.

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