This tutorial shows how to get Italia DLC achievements.
True Sicilian
To get this achievement, you must buy garages in:
- Palermo
- Catania
- Messina
On Sicily island.
To get this achievement, you need to explore every city in Italia.
There are 23 cities:
- Catania
- Villa San Giovanni
- Messina
- Palermo
- Catanzaro
- Roma
- Napoli
- Cassino
- Taranto
- Pescara
- Terni
- Bari
- Ancona
- Firenze
- Livorno
- Bologna
- Suzzara
- Parma
- Genova
- Milano
- Torino
- Venezia
- Verona
To get this achievement, you need to take a mission from Carrara’s quarry and complete it. Easy? I dont’t think so. The problem is, Carrara isn’t shown on the map. Here’s where the quarry is (Near Genova, Bologna and Parma):
Many Roads Lead to Rome
To get this achievement, you must enter to Rome (Roma) by every road leading to it. I think it means that small road in Rome, i don’t know you must try it yourself.
Mind the Lava
To get this achievement, you need to visit Etna located on the Sicily north to Catania and Vesuvius volcano located near (south of) the Napoli.
Etna (simply drive by this road):
To get this achivement you need to deliver one cargo to every shipyard in Italia. Shipyards are called Cantiere Navale, and they are in Ancona and Messina.
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