Quick Guide on where and how to haunt Roe Deer on Kingdom Come Deliverance.
Other KC:D Guides:
- Ancient / Treasure Map Guide.
- Console Commands (Cheat Codes).
- All Item Commands.
- Belladonna Farm Location (Herb Guide).
Hunting Roe Deer
So after spending way too many hours on searching and haunting Roe Deer for different quests, I decided to make a Guide to hopefully help some fellow gamers in need.
Here are some quick tips that I learned by myself and read in forum comments:
- Don’t search for roe deer in the middle of a forest they don’t seem to spawn there.
- Look for open fields with flowers near a forest like this one.
- Roe Deer are grey and smaller then Red Deer.
- Roe Deer seem to be more scared and way more fast then any other animal, so try to approach them on foot and not on horse.
Map Locations
Here are some of the locations where I found Roe Deer, the locations are indicated by a marker.
Location #1 (North od Skalitz):
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