You may learn how to solve the Undertale piano problem in waterfall by following this method.
Undertale does not offer achievements. This guide is here to assist if you’re figuring things out on your own but need a nudge.
Before returning to the Umbrella room, continue right to find a statue. Past it, obtain the Umbrella and return it to the statue. Interact with the statue to trigger a tune. Match this tune on the piano nearby by pressing Z to play the keys. Eventually, you’ll replicate the tune from the music box in the statue.

Easy Way Out
So you just want to complete the puzzle fast? Well I cant blame you I did the same. When you get to the piano play this (remember to press Z):
- Neutral [•], Up [↑], Right [→], Neutral [•], Down [↓], (Neutral [•],) Down [↓], and Right [→]
There you go have fun unlocking that secret door.

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